2011-02-03 20:02:55 UTC
Intelligence is the speed of how someone processes their information, like a more intelliegent person can do things faster, but they can be wrong when they lack knowledge.... but have a faster mental process, a faster speed in their mind....
Knowledge is simply how much you know is true in your head, even if it's fiction ,you know it's true relative to something such as " Superman is fiction but is true relative to so and so...."
Memory is how much someone can store in their head before it get's lost.
Creativity is arguably the most difficult aspect. In-fact some people imagine things that are insignificant and inconsequential to the majority.... i mean how the **** can someone be imagining random ****.
so in a sense we say there's this large heap of stuff called knowledge, and that intelligence is a machine that moves things from the heep into another basket called memory........ and say that the intelligent machine get's knowledge from another side of the heep that sais false things like "elephants are pink" and another machine less intelligent gets a heep that sais something that is true such as " 1+1 = 2 "
That means that, an intelligent thing would be wrong if not provided the right knowledge. Such as if you teach an intelligent thing wrong things, the intelligent thing will keep on doing wrong things. Cause intelligence is simply how much things you can hold in your mind or concieve of at once, it is different from one who knows alot.
knowing is a fluid term, and there are some people who know things that are insignificant to themselves, that won't benefit them, such as facebook creepers or people wanting to know unrelated things from Charles Darwin to like textiles. They back it up by establishing relativity, trying to find something to relate to the object they know , just to justify why they know it, or make up a Scheme to state that this will benefit them , and they start to fantasize.