2010-10-22 00:17:13 UTC
It's like the phrase "us and them" except its "me and them" meaning you people and me, on different sides and I was born into you peoples world for some reason and I have to live in your society. Yes I am human, and no I don't think I'm something great, I just see it as me vs you people.
You all think the same way, do the same things and are all on the same side. And here I am, totally different, thinking a totally different way and living my life a different way than all of you people. When I walk into a grocery store or any other public place and I think of someone I know, a family member or friend, I think to myself "This is their store, this is their peoples store/building" like it belongs to that person and all of you, and I don't belong there.
This probably doesn't make a whole lot of sense, but basically I feel like its all of you VS me. Where do I go from here? is my feeling correct?