2010-02-06 09:53:14 UTC
Additionally, there are many physical constants of nature. These are parameters within the laws of physics which set the strengths of the fundamental forces (such as gravity), and the masses of fundamental particles (such as electrons). As with the laws of physics, some constants depend on others, whereas some constants are likely fundamental—God alone has set their value. These constants are essential for life. In many cases, if the fundamental constants had a slightly different value, life would not be possible. For example, if the strength of the electromagnetic coupling constant were slightly altered, molecules could not exist. But back to the question, how can you account for these things? If you don't, wouldn't you be arbitrarily asserting them? Without uniformity in nature, science would not exist--if you don't account for uniformity in nature (if you don't have a basis) then that is arbitrary, and thus irrational. W/out uniformity in nature, each time an experiment was performed, the result would vary, thus destroying the possibility of knowledge.
Evolution cannot account for uniformity in nature.
Possible rebuttal: "The earth is in a solar system--of course there is going to be uniformity."
Atheists have no reason to believe that the laws of nature will not change; things change. Why should the laws of nature be an exception?
Possible Rebuttal: "The earth has had uniformity in nature, so I expect it will."
I have never died before, so I expect I never will. That is actually circular reasoning. This answer already assumes that the future reflects the past; it is vicious circular reasoning,. Any time you usepast experience as a basis for what will probably happen in the future,you are assuming that the future reflects the past. You can't therefore merely use this assumption to prove that the future will be like the past.
You might argue that the nature of matter is such that it behaves in aregular fashion; in other words, uniformity is just a property of theuniverse. This answer fails for several reasons. First, it doesn'treally answer the question. Perhaps uniformity is one aspect of theuniverse, but the question is why? What would be the basis for such aproperty in an evolutionary worldview? I ask how you (an evolutionist)could possible know that uniformity is a property of he universe. At best, you can only say that the universe -- in the past -- seems to have had some uniformity. But how do we know that will continue into the future unless we already knew about uniformity some other way? Many things in this universe change; how do we know that the laws of nature will not?
Another last resort response: "Well, I can't really explain why. But uniformity seems to work, so we use it."
This answers also fails for two reasons. First, we can only argue thatuniformity seems o have worked in the past; there's no guarantee itwill continue to work in the future unless we already have a reason to assume uniformity (which only the Christian does). Yet evolutionists do assume that uniformity will be true in the future. They couldn't even get out of bed without making this assumption.
Second, anyone using this answer has admitted that uniformity is without justification in the evolutionary worldview -- which is exactly the point. No one is denying that there is uniformity in nature; the point is that only a biblical creation worldview can make sense of it. Evolutionists can only do science if they are inconsistent -- that is, if they assume biblical creationist concepts while denying biblical creation.