What does it mean to move forward?
If it means to advance humanity instead of destroying humanity and replacing it with something far inferior to it but at the same time better then it?
Todays technology is doing both things.
Advancing humanity with inventions like social networks,cell phones,airplanes and cars that bring us closer together.
The same technology is at the same time pushing us farther and farther from each other while we obess over using it to connect with others.You see it every day.Guys and girls using cellphones to talk instead of talking face to face.Women who favor cellphones over sex.etc.
Reality is a complicated thing.
The bottom line is that humanity is generally MOVING FORWARD.
The main goal of technology is to make man a REAL man and a REAL human being and not just a sad shadow of itself what it is today.
Mankind doesnt want to work on themselves and by themselves because working on yourself means you have to face your fear,your anger,the risk of being hurt and humiliated.This is a very difficult thing to do.
Technology seeks to enable man to avoid these feelings so he can move forward and become one day a real human being and it enables us just that.
Its just like a heart bypass that enables the blood to flow without obstruction.
In many ways a machine whether it be imaginary or real is a better man then man is because it always delivers and always works and never complains and you can always depend on it unlike "people" today which fail you most of the time.
Technology will enable the average weak man to become a real man and a real human being because it will eliminate the ego from the equation which prevents and slows down the progress of man.