-can we use light or Fragrance/odor or flavor or sensation to create a language...a recognizable but abstract organization of various frequencies/ranges...something that WE have given meaning to...like spoken language or music ..patterns that can also create the same range of emotions one experiences from music....how would we make a pattern of taste ...maybe for sensation/touch we can create patterns...even like brail for the blind...... or like tapping out morse code or something......how about a pattern of Fragrances...how about staccato or legato pulses of different degrees of a fragrance...and different fragrances as different timbres....and entire orchestrations...an olfactory extravaganza ..
what if we had languages for our various senses?? i dont mean just to see things or taste things...i mean we have a documented bunch of patterns that recognize...like the fifth symphony of odors...and we can record and replay these patterns...and say...oh..that piece was made by mr..whatever...can u smell it?? oh...yes...turn up the intensity...
if we created languages for our various senses then do u think people would take the trouble to learn these languages or appreciate them as forms of art??