2010-08-18 20:25:50 UTC
-loud thunderstorms and being inside all cozy and warm(:
- waking up really early and taking a morning walk when you feel like the only person alive at that moment ( even though i hate getting up early its nice when i do).
- the smell of campfires in the fall
- lying down on the grass with a friend in silence
- walking in the rain soaking wet
-thinking about a guy you like all night after talking to them or seeing them
- rolling around in the mud haha.
- long deep talks about life
- when you genuinely connect with a complete stranger, or when a complete stranger does something really nice for you.
- the first time you jump into a pool or lake at the start of a summer
- tight hugs(:
- going to sleep at the sound of crickets
- getting all dressed up and feeling like a million bucks while blasting music and singing at the top of your lungs(:
- when you and your best friend look at each other and know exactly what is going through eachothers mind.
- when your reallly thirsty and you chug a glass of ice cold water(: