I used to have a very normal and boring life in junior high. Everyday it was just the same things over and over again. Nothing exciting ever happened in my life. I was used to it at the time, and I didn't mind about my boring life. but then when high school hit, I got exposed to these really great things. For example, I met a whole bunch of new friends and this guy I liked happened to like me too and he asked me to a banquet. Near the end of my freshman year, things started to get worse. My best friend moved to a new school and my sister and this other friend of mine got into an argument and stopped talking to each other. At that time, I just felt like my life crashed on me, but things started to get better again, a lot better, like I felt like I was in a very good dream that was too good to be true, and when school ended I actually thought I had a pretty good year overall. Then comes along sophomore year, and it's nothing compared to my great freshman year. I feel like my sophomore year this year is way too normal. Back in ninth grade, I was always excited for some reason, maybe it was because I had a class with the guy I liked. This year, I don't have a class with him and there's nothing to look forward to anymore. Everyday it's just the same things like my junior high school years. Nothing exciting anymore. In junior high school, I didn't mind and I didn't think too much about my boring life because I was never really exposed to anything good before junior high school year. This year, in sophomore year, I feel like everything is back to normal again, and I don't really like it. Maybe it's because I had such a great year in freshman year that I'm not used to this normal life. I might get used to this boring life again, but right now I feel like all the great things I had before are being taken away from me. After being exposed to all these dreamlike things that I never thought could really happen to me, I feel like going back to a normal life is just like going back to emptiness.