Insofar as your question asks re "interconnected" consciousness per human and "spirits" or "jinns," this may be qualified by the Biblical injunction to "not believe every spirit, but try the spirits [or jinns)]...if same do confess that Christ Jesus [paraphrasing here] demonstrated Living Truth in the human body temple," then the intercommunication may be true. The jinns have a principally-separate evolution from the human, and, as you employ the Quranic term, are certainly created of "smokeless fire," aka God's sacred fire.
The Islamic notion that jinns may be good or not for mankind is explained per man's dominion over the jinns, who are indeed made a little lower than "man." If a human develops awareness of jinns, this "interconnected consciousness" may be exercised by the human as "commanding" jinns to do one and another tasks. It is thus important to note that misuse of the ability to command jinns is also completely understood and evaluated by God, the One Mind Soul, Allah. Thus, if a human misuses authority re jinns (many of which are quite learned in their own way), there is a two-fold, and sometimes three-fold, final summation: God's justness, man's energy-veiling, and even jinns' return-of-said-negativity upon the human "malefactor."
Another of your questions is with regard to dream and waking awareness. The two are inter-related (i.e., in Islam-speak, "nafs;" a general point is that the outer waking consciousness and the outer waking subconscious tend to shape the dreaming consciousness, which latter is primarily the outer waking subconscious somewhat less-conditioned by the o.w.c. In Islam, it may be said that Rooh is an inspiration of God, Allah, and that as such Rooh varies from individual to individual, even developing by God's grace to the level of a Godman such as Meher Baba (pbuh), who clearly (or evidently) had an "inner Prophet," in part a function of the Archangel Gabriel (Jibreel). The degree of lucidity in mankind is correlated with the integration of Nafs, and especially with Rooh: the more integration, the more lucidity, whether in e.g. waking consciousness, or in dreams, or in lucid dreaming, or in Night Flight a la Mohammad (owbp). Kindly note that there were encountered levels or stations, served by holy beings, and that the true path in Islam necessarily finds Mohammad and Jesus (pbu both), and many others, harmoniously at One in the One. It may be noted in this respect that whosoever genuinely desires to serve God's purposes for mankind is given more joyful labor, hence, if one Prophet is serving more than another, both are harmonious and seek to assist each other. At that level, it is less important which religion is the vehicle serving the soul of the supplicant, than that the work is accomplished. In Jesus-speak, the Sabbath is created for (to assist) man.
Also worthwhile noting is the hadith by Mohammad (pbuh) that (imo) analogizes the errors of the "latter days"--i.e., imo it is a parable given (as "72" sects in Islam, about 71 in Christianity, and about 70 in Judaism does not comport with the number of "self-proclaimed" sects in e.g. Christianity, etc.) which indicates that most Islamic, Christian, and Jewish believers will tend to be misinformed/misguided or otherwise lacking sufficient soul-field energy and Light to move toward true path Oneness with God.
With that in perspective, one's own religious tradition typically is able to afford much individual awareness within that particular formulization of Oneness (i.e., a matter of wisely selecting a tradition within that faith).
Alongside such, here are some more not-so-sectarian sources by which some have learned, re the questions you raise:
"The Master of Lucid Dreams;"
"Beams from Meher Baba;"
"The Chela and the Path" by El Morya;
"Light Is a Living Spirit;"
"Watch Your Dreams;"
"Dream Yoga and the Practice of Natural Light;"
"The Ending of Time: Where Philosophy and Physics Meet;"
"Yoga Nidra: The Art of Transformational Sleep;"
"The Mindful Universe;"
"The Self-Aware Universe"
"The Station of No Station;"
"Autobiography of a Yogi;"
"Runaway Realization" by A. H. Almaas;
"The Intelligence of the Cosmos;"
"The Path of the Higher Self."