Perception can it really change things?
YES....Perception DOES as perception IS....
BUT, CORRECT perception, coupled with the CORRECT application is what makes ALL THE DIFFERENCE !
The "key" to realize about thoughts, feelings, and beliefs is that a false perception (a lie) believed can never be the Truth. It is still a lie….
A lie (false perception) believed CAN NEVER be the Truth, NOR will acting upon a lie result in Truth !!
Consider the "memory store (MS)" and "memory recall (MR)" functions of a calculator. You use these to perform multiple, repetitive calculations when you want to apply an unchanging constant to variables. However, continuing to apply the stored constant (memory) to a calculation that does NOT require it is like holding down the "7" key on a calculator while trying to get it to correctly sum the answer to 2+2.
Sometimes, the feelings, beliefs, and thoughts (memory) that you've stored (i.e. calculated) act in a manner similar to a "stuck-down 7". A "stereotype" is like inappropriately applying the constant "memory recall" function in a situation that does not require its use in the PRESENT. It's not that you've inappropriately accessed the memory (stereotype"), it's that you would be inappropriately APPLYING the memory to the present "calculation". Of course, you will ALWAYS get the WRONG answer to the calculation, whether you are depressing the "7" key deliberately OR inadvertently.
Believing, OR acting AS IF the resultant "answer" is a TRUE calculation or assessment of your PRESENT circumstance, is..... "self-sabotage". Why ??
Whether we choose to acknowledge the role of false perceptions ("lies or stuck-down 7's") in our "calculations", we will ALWAYS KNOW by the unavoidable CONSEQUENCES (the answers) OF those choices, won't we ??
We are each free to believe (i.e. PERCEIVE ! ) that 2+2=5 for eternity until we encounter the immutable principle that correctly sums the answer.
Don't believe me? Try MAKING 2+2=5. Better yet, try MAKING 2+2=4. Doesn't work does it?
2+2, invariably, truthfully, and perfectly equals 4, WHETHER you sum the equation correctly or not, doesn't it ?
That's because Truth CANNOT change, or BE changed.
......ONLY our perception and APPLICATION of it changed.
THAT'S why it does not matter what we believe. Beliefs change because WE change them when we encounter That which does NOT change regardless of our beliefs.
It only matters that we KNOW and ACT UPON THAT WHICH IS TRUE and NEVER CHANGES.
Discovering (PERCEIVING ! ) that whether summed by believer, infidel, heretic, or boor, the demonstration that 2+2=4, perfectly, unchangeably demonstrates TRUTH for itself, doesn't it?
When you understand that all the principles of Life are ALWAYS consistent with Truth, without variation, deviation, or attenuation for anybody, at any time, or any place, then you'll begin to see that the real test in Life, is to live KNOWING the difference....and that the consequences of your actions WILL occur just as certainly as 2+2=4, truthfully, invariably, perfectly......and unavoidably.
As author Baird Spalding says in the reference, ”Becoming aware of yourself as a spiritual being, offspring of an infinite spiritual system and one with all the powers and capacities within that system, is the very essence of attainment. To grow from the present state of awareness of himself as a material being and into the consciousness that he is a spiritual being contains the full secret of man's attainment.' Man's nature cannot be reversed for he always remains a spiritual being. He can only reverse his notion of himself. Instead of doing this, he should reverse his mistaken idea that he is a material being and retain the truth that he is a spiritual being created in the image and likeness of God."
WE HAVE CHOSEN TO PERCEIVE AND ACT as if the immutable Principles with which we were created could be utilized inconsistently with their original purpose. THAT is the problem.
The problem about "PERCEPTION" and "APPLICATION" is G I G O...
Garbage in, garbage out....perfectly !!
Perfect input, perfect output....perfectly !!
NOT BECAUSE there is inherent EVIL in US!
NOT BECAUSE there is inherent EVIL in God's Creation.
NOT BECAUSE we are flawed or "born in sin and full of sin".
It is because this infinite SYSTEM was created by the same Source Who created perfect principles of Life, such as mathematics which operate undeviatingly to create ONLY 4 as the answer to 2+2.
It is because the infinite SYSTEM of which we are an inseparable part operates flawlessly and impartially....
ALL the principles of Life operate that way, perfectly, without variation, deviation, attenuation, OR exception for anyone, at anytime, anywhere !!
2+2=4, whether you sum the equation correctly OR not !!
Please understand that I am only using this mathematical example as a metaphor for THAT which is not only real, but is also true, and which ALSO cannot change.
The principle that governs the operation of a mathematical equation works perfectly of its own accord and cannot BE altered. ONLY our erroneous perception and application of immutable Principle changed.
So what does this have to do with perception and application ?? It is all about OUR OWN awareness and ignorance .
As indicated in the reference, "Perfection does not come from projecting our own ideas but from awakening to the knowledge that it is already the established order of things."
Perfection, ITSELF.....created US perfectly !! Do you see ??
OUR OWN ignorance (erroneous PERCEPTION ! ) of the unchangeable, eternal Truth of ourselves (that we are perfectly created) ACTS PRECISELY like ignorance of the perfect operation of a mathematical equation ALWAYS and INVARIABLY produces incorrect results. There is an inescapable consequence to ANY erroneous perception, which is, simply, that you remain in error (in ignorance) of the truth, until you realize it AND act accordingly.....TO CORRECT the perception !!
As soon as we correct the error (in PERCEPTION !), that act ERASES the effect of the ignorance immediately so that we SEE and EXPERIENCE for ourselves the FACT which has been perfectly and ALWAYS true even BEFORE we were aware of our error.
We see (PERCEIVE) that the correct answer NEVER CHANGED AT ALL......
.....nor, in all Reality, have we!
Do you see that whether you KNOW or DO NOT KNOW that you are in error, and continue to proceed erroneously, anyway, the correct answer (Truth) is not in the slightest bit affected.....
BUT.....the solution can only be experienced when we recognize AND apply the Truth to ourselves or to the equation.....
Again....G I G O.....perfectly !!
4 is the ONLY PERFECT answer.....and precisely like that equation, you can NEVER be ANYONE but the perfect creation you are.
.....there is no other "answer" created as you…..perfectly.
RE-awakening to the Truth that OUR OWN PERFECTION is already the established order of things IS THE PERCEPTION that really changes things !!
WE ARE the change !!
I'd say that's a pretty good way to learn about the wonder of our Selves and especially about the Giver of such a gift as the capability to make mistakes. Through such a gift, you realize how serious our Creator is to have us freely discover the Absolute Truth about ourselves, FOR ourselves....