The secret of life is to live it as fully as you can, each and every day of your life! Accept who you are, where you live, others around you like family, friends, community. Work within this structure to make a life for yourself, perhaps including family, a significant other. And after a good many years leaving this grand old earth in death, a fate for each of us, one and all.
Life is for us all alive today and even us now in the upper double digits of living remembering ourselves when we were kids and even farther forward in the time of our lives to this present day and time.
Living life is like always moving forward, improving our existence or when we have to accepting our life as it is. It's like learning from what you experience every day, from people, things happening, ideas, and yes going to school to learn the basics as a kid which you can use to make a life for yourself when you grow up.
And life is becoming aware, learning how to become able to and work, take care of yourself away from mom and dad, brothers, sisters, family. And when the time comes to either stay where you grew up at or move to somewhere else interesting or has better places to get a job or work. Maybe get married and have kids, raise a family...teach your kids to 'grow up' like you did and to do just as good or better than you did.
A secret to life is to live it as you see fit. And not as someone else tells you how to...(parents excluded though as many parents do have a good idea of how to live and tell you to give you a good chance as succeeding in life yourself...)'s kinda like work within that framework what they told you...
And one part is like you.
Just happy to live through life, do what you can to help and do good stuff.
Or always having to buy the biggest, baddest stuff...always!
Living, working to do stuff like raising a family, or not.
Striving to do really good works where you live, or even doing something really important, like Einstein or Mahatma Gandhi, being president or working helping others like a teacher, doctor, nurse, cook. Janitor, laborer, retail store clerk. Whatever.
The secret to life is living through good times and also the bad times. Your experience gives you strength to live. Is a better way to live life than the opposite in which your experience hurts you somehow and you stop doing stuff. Somehow.
There is so much to life. Live it starting from being a baby, through childhood, adolescence, becoming a young adult, and growing up to be who you are today into old age.
The secret is within you...all the choices you make, all your thoughts on how your life is and should be...
And living it until it is no more.
Where one goes to when they die, I haven't a clue.
live. Learn. Grow. Mature. Move on. Always.
Accept life. Be grateful. Be happy. Or perhaps without sadness. Deal with grief, changes in your life. Always changing it is.