What is the secret of life?
2015-09-17 22:05:15 UTC
the secret of secrets
277 answers:
2015-09-19 22:10:07 UTC
There isn't an secret to life - It is well known what goes where and additionally why. Life itself, more than for us humans, is a great thing, full of not possible happenstances, and just being on the right place, at a good time. The life of an individual can contain some mysteries, we do not see all of what's going on. The secret of a meaningful life is actually being nice to many people, always learning and always at home contribution. Life is remarkable (secrets or not likely), so don't waste matter it being self-involved or possibly being closed to or possibly unaccepting of others.
2015-09-18 18:06:47 UTC
The secret of life is...4
Jake No Chat
2015-09-19 15:01:35 UTC
There is no secret to life - We all know what goes where and why. Life itself, at least for us humans, is a fantastic thing, full of unlikely happenstances, and just being in the right place, at the right time. The life of a single person can contain some secrets, we do not see all of what is going on. The secret of a meaningful life is just being nice to others, always learning and always making a contribution. Life is wondrous (secrets or not), so don't waste it being self-involved or being closed to or unaccepting of others.
2015-09-19 19:50:46 UTC
There is no secret to life - We all know what goes where and why. Life itself, at least for us humans, is a fantastic thing, full of unlikely happenstances, and just being in the right place, at the right time. The life of a single person can contain some secrets, we do not see all of what is going on. The secret of a meaningful life is just being nice to others, always learning and always making a contribution. Life is wondrous (secrets or not), so don't waste it being self-involved or being closed to or unaccepting of others.
2015-09-21 16:11:39 UTC
To realise we are not alone, to see the world and realise its an amazing place despite the horrible things that have had and may happen. To appreciate that we even have a life if we can consciously think. To look at oneself and realise its amazing that I can simply breathe. There is no secret really but the more we try running away from our natural selves we tend to believe in such things. There maybe a secret of one's life but not really of life as a whole because its not a secret if it is always there because all we have to do is see it and understand it and that's how we define the view on truth. The simplest definition of life as a whole is the explanation of the simplest form of truth.
2015-09-19 10:59:50 UTC
A secret
2015-09-24 10:01:26 UTC
Human life itself is a great secret. No one in fact knows anything about thins life. We make some comments on life and we believe that they are true. However, truth lies somewhere else. The secret of life begins from the time a baby is created in the womb and it ends when he is taken to the tomb. In between, everything is a secret.
2015-09-17 22:52:09 UTC
The secret to a great life is to have a really good purpose. Be interested in the world and people around you. Education is a great key to life as you are continually learning, progressing and being interesting in so many new happenings and ideas.

Connection to the world and people, community is a wonderful way to see how things work and interactions between people. Grow your spiritual life so that you have strength, a good foundation and a knowledge that you are really special.

Grow things - gardening is a wonderful occupation which feeds you and you see new things sprouting and blossoming continually. Or go walking, hiking to see what is around the corner. Do this in groups if possible, so you grow that connection.

Help out - help people or animals. Work at an animal shelter or a charity.

Choose to eat healthy foods and not trash your body - it will reward you.

Be happy and smile - sometimes its hard to choose these things, but so very important.

Good luck and enjoy your life.
2015-09-20 07:23:21 UTC
The secret of life is living it đź‘Ś
2015-09-19 14:55:53 UTC
The secret of life is living everyday blessing God. Ecclesiastes 12:13 tells us to fear the true God and keep his commandments for this is the whole obligation of man. Living without God in your life is nothing and you will not find the secret of life without Him. Life is not easy and we need help. The sacred secret mentioned in the Bible refers to Jesus. When on earth Jesus said to throw our burdens upon his shoulders and we will find refreshment cause his load is light. The world is in such turmoil that we need to know how to live each day and Jesus left the best example of living a good life now and into the future. Study the Bible and come to know God and His purpose for man and the earth and you will learn what the secret to live life now and for the future. John 17:3
Dorian G
2015-09-20 21:37:41 UTC
well i don't know about the secret of life, but i would say that one secret that so many people fail to appreciate is their virginity and innocence. I think that it seems to be a secret that people take if for granted that they need to change through sex or by proving their masculinity or sexuality and that is not true. All you have to do is accept yourself, learn to be alone, learn to interact with others, protect yourself, and find some person to love who loves you in return.
Jilly bean
2015-09-20 11:29:39 UTC
The Secret of life is well.....just that a secret. No one knows the secret, and if they say they do then their wrong. So don't listen to them. It's for you to find out on your own. I think the secret is different for everyone. \(^-^)/
2015-09-19 11:11:17 UTC
Reincarnation. This is much more than at first may meet the eye. It really bears ruminating on. It is not just an occasional oddity that happens within an otherwise static world but rather it is the modus operandi of all the world. You can extrapolate a great deal from the cyclical nature of the physicality. And the most recent discoveries in Quantum Physics seem to bear this out.
Christina S
2015-09-19 14:08:14 UTC
The secret of life may or may not reveal to you in your lifetime. But something tells me that some of the future generations will discover the secret to life.
2015-09-21 15:03:21 UTC
It's scary but the secret of life is death. No one really knows what happens after death because the person cannot come back from the dead to tell anyone. Is it just the end or is it a transition to another dimension of existence and it is the end-game adventure that we all have to take.
Joxell Almonte
2015-09-19 19:43:16 UTC
the secret to life is the simple words A.O. or O, A , or ALPHA / OMEGA /ALPHA.... 8 is so SPOKEN by every new born baby as a CRY or Greetings saying WELCOME to the WORLD and share your thing of whatever you could share depending on what TALENTS you GOT from the Great Provider ( GOD the Father OHNMIA ) SO---- plus the knowledge of or to learn the many wonders found in EARTH ,in your getting along for several years of your STAY b4 you expire in completely fulfilling the cycle of TIME LIMITS given to you .... i therefore say unto you fellas that, many has been learned by MAN kind ,but many still UNATTAINED because the UNIVERSE is Vast as 8 is ENDLESS as our life is ETERNAL.... I WILL EXPLAIN 8 further some other time when i Come Back...2 Q and A again...
Eye Am Eternal
2015-09-20 07:21:04 UTC
Simple. Let it go. The more you let go the more of the richness and delicious flavors of life will automatically flow to you. Don't try to hold on to it. It all dies in time. Everything does. So, keep letting go and qite naturally life will fill the voids with more deliciousness for you to have. Don't get caughtnup in the emotional states so much. With one emotion comes the swinging of its opposite. Find one of those stronger states of being, such as the state of joy or state of peace. When you do so it becomes who you are. Then, no external experiences can Make you act some crazy way. You will act on the wisdom that comes with that state of being which always ends up being of benefit for you or someone else and more than not beneficial to all who encounter the experience.
2015-09-21 07:51:03 UTC
The secret of life is nothing imagine at all.It is just link to the world and people, community is a amazing way to see how things work and interactions between people. Get your theological life so that you have strength, a good cornerstone and a knowledge that you are genuinely individual.
2015-09-19 19:44:04 UTC
Life is very secret
2015-09-19 15:11:07 UTC
the secret of life is a secret
Lucius T Fowler
2015-09-18 11:19:27 UTC
Life seems to start spontaneously. You know, once when I was away from home for a fortnight and left a yoghurt in the fridge, when I returned, the yoghurt came walking straight towards me on big green furry feet. I had a big problem then to explain to the insurance company why I pulled a knife and stabbed the fridge, but my psychologist convinced them that I acted in self defense.

But seriously, life has no meaning other than what you give to it. I have decided to be creative, helpful, and, all in all, enjoy my time on this planet, because I don't believe in a life after death. And I don't want to leave this world back in a mess for those who follow me in further generations. That's my philosophy about life, in a nutshell.
2015-09-19 18:31:41 UTC
If I were to answer this with an actual quote, I'll use the one from the childrens show Girl Meets World.

"People Change People."

Otherwise, there really is no secret of life. We may never know it. Maybe it doesn't even exist.
2015-09-19 14:18:04 UTC
The very things that matter most in life—the things that money cannot buy such as family unity, genuine security and personal contentment. Also, there is more to life than money and the things it can buy. After all, it is as the Bible says: “Even when a person has an abundance, his life does not result from the things he possesses.” (Luke 12:15). Hence, the greatest satisfaction in life comes from answering important questions such as these:

• Why are we here?

• What does the future hold?

• How can I fill my spiritual needs?
2015-09-18 15:01:53 UTC
People change people is the secret of life
2015-09-19 16:43:47 UTC
The secret of life is no one really matters.
2015-09-19 13:14:48 UTC
Love is the secret of life...
2015-09-19 20:47:06 UTC
There's no secret, you just have to find out how life works, you deal with it, or maybe change the wrong things in life. Be a revolution.
2015-09-20 16:51:45 UTC
The secret of life is what goes on within the privacy of your heart and mind, that no one ever knows. If this was no such secret there would be no such life, as we all have to live, to endure as well as enjoy. Sometimes even we ourselves fall short of knowing what is really taking place within, then we have just as much life as we are aware. To be alive first and last is to be aware of the fact, that we have life, that we are alive.
2015-09-18 17:47:08 UTC
The secret of life is inside all of us....The constant brainwashing and the pain and suffering of this system of things is whats keeping us from realizing it....the straightforward answer is that the secret of life is that we are each a divine piece of gods vast conscious spirit. Once we understand this we can use this truth to be all that our inner selves want out of life.....
2015-09-19 15:50:23 UTC
The secret of life is that you can not come to it, just as you cannot come to Oakland, because you are already in Oakland! In order to come to Oakland you would have to be in a distant place, away from Oakland, in order to come to life you would have to be in a state or condition of existence previous to life. But, if this were true, you would have established a new logical principal and there would have to be a condition of existence previous to the condition of existence that was previous to life. You would now have an infanent series extending back into infinity, which, in a finite Universe, is logically impossible.
chick b
2015-09-18 07:07:47 UTC
I would not say that I have the secret TO A LONG LIFE,but what you eat is the most important thing in your life,eating junk foods is a NO NO,the body needs all sorts of things to keep it healthy,and maintain your immune system,a variety of all meats is essential,so are fresh vegetables every day,fish is also important including salmon,and fresh sardines,for the oil,dairy products cheese cream butter,and milk,every type of fruit especially berries in season,grapes,even a glass of red wine per day plenty of water and exercise, in fact anything in moderation,absolutely NO SMOKING,and a regular routine of your diet,including chocolate dark is better than milky,so enjoy live a long and healthy life,good luck.
Special EPhex
2015-09-21 14:03:18 UTC
There are none. Everything about existence has already been exposed, just because humans aren't fully aware of it doesn't mean anything is hidden or being concealed. It is no secret that there is gold buried underground. The gold has already been there, and just waits for someone to uncover it. Every "jewel" of the universe is like this. There are no secrets because the universe is self-aware and we are a part of it, not apart from it, as many typically imagines.
2015-09-20 06:43:59 UTC
The meaning of life is 42, and the secret to life is eat, drink and procreate, it's that simple.
finn mchuil
2015-09-24 05:47:10 UTC
The secret of life is that it is. Life is the force that causes all to be alive. It is the force within everything and has no begining. We think we have a life to live but in reality, we are life living......... that is the illussion
2015-09-20 12:36:30 UTC
Everyone was brought into this world to make a difference. The secret to life is to be the best you can be and live your life to its fullest potential. Never become discouraged or believe that you are defeat.
2015-09-22 17:50:55 UTC
The answer to life is this complex numeric, mathematical equation that winds up to 42.

NAH. There is no secret to life (as lots have mentioned) You find that, simply enough, life is tough. You just let the life roaller coaster take you on the wildest places, in the most uncomfortable positions. Life is life, you learn from your mistakes (hopefully), and you achieve as you must.

You learn to live it, love it, and endure it.
2015-09-20 13:54:29 UTC
The secret of life... Is using time for happiness. What makes you happy? Do that.
2015-09-18 03:05:54 UTC
The secret of life is contained in the letters of the word secret. It is to reach your own personal crest.
2015-09-18 14:39:56 UTC
I was once told by a doctor, that the secret to having a happy life, is a well balanced life. By balancing your personal and spiritual and vocational life, then you will think and feel like life is good. If you focus to much on partying, you won't be happy. If you work to much, you won't be happy. And if you are always in church and not socializing with people then you won't be happy either. I think that our Creator wants us all to have a well balanced Life, with him included!
2015-09-19 00:29:33 UTC
The secret of life is indeed secret. It was secret, it is secret and will remain secret. This I say by seeing the trend.
2015-09-20 16:14:17 UTC
There is no secret to or of life.
2015-09-20 09:56:21 UTC
The secret is to be attentive to your life. Follow the deep rooted questions you have and see where they lead you. Don't blindly listen to others views and direction. Believe in yourself. Be true to yourself, by listening to the little thing inside you which lets you know you are on the right path.
2015-09-21 04:06:36 UTC
The secret of life is his/her life style
2015-09-20 01:31:20 UTC
Love the Lord God with all your heart, all your soul and all your mind. Or wander aimlessly looking for the meaning of life.

Realize that science can only explain the physical universe and even that incompletely. Realize that evolution only explains a small part of how organisms adapt to their environment. The rest is speculation. Realize that people are doing the best that they can, even if it is not a very good job. Cut people some slack. Often you have to cut people a lot of slack.
2015-09-20 08:40:51 UTC
Why do you want to know everyone's secret to life? You have your own.

I mean after all, every living thing has one. Every person that answers has one, God had one, Hitler had one, Obama, Gandhi, Son of Sam, Mother Theresa, Muslims, your Neighbors, your Parents (especially), Gays, Straights, Haters, Lovers, Dr's, Attorney's...need I go on? No one's secret to life is better than your secret.

Oh, my secret...happiness, feel free to use mine.
2015-09-20 04:45:17 UTC
I never new there was a secret to life?
2015-09-21 13:05:38 UTC
i'm not even gonna go deep into this one; do yourself a favor and read up on Dr. Viktor Frankl's book 'Man's Search for Meaning.'

There is a secret to life; but it's not somewhere, somewhat, something, nor someone. It's deep within your own head. you've had it there since you were born.

Read also 'The Alchemist,' by Paulo Coelho... pretty easy readers, but powerfully thoughtful.

2015-09-19 23:43:01 UTC
Read 'The Secret' by Rhonda Byrn
2015-09-19 18:31:42 UTC
The secret of life is to surround yourself with amazing people.
2015-09-19 17:07:48 UTC
Secret tunnel
2015-09-19 08:17:39 UTC
secrete of EVERY living organism is "SEX"(or reproduction). the survival and the very existence is all posible because of the reproduction alone.if we stop doing sex the whole life will be lost from the face of the earth.purpose seems to be the survival but why a species should survive? I dont have a clue and i dont think anyone has.but the sole purpose of life is just survival, coz everything in our life(job,money food) all just to assist the survival and reproduction finally the survival of the species.
2015-09-18 19:10:20 UTC
That is God and realizing Him. Did you notice any of the signs or evidence of Him? Did you notice how it rains so our crops would grow for our sustenence (food, health)? Did you notice how the birds always tweet or sing in the morning as if they act as a natural morning alarm clock for us? I mean, sometimes in the morning you just wake up from the tweetings or high chrips of birds. You can even take the rooster as an example of which acts as an alarm clock that naturally wakes you up in the morning. (Think about it. What I'm trying to say is everyhting has a purpose in life.)

There are so many signs. This short to average (middle length; may take 7 to 11 mins to read and understand) article elaborates more on the signs that lead to God and gives more examples than the limited ones I stated. Enjoy :)

Also, explore the website; it's very helpful and informative.
2015-09-21 02:35:39 UTC
the secret of life, is to know who created you and for you to know the reason why you are created. God is the secret of life.
2015-09-18 07:04:42 UTC
some would say love, enlightenment, god... but I think the secret is that there is no secret. every1 has to figure out what works best for them. and for most everyone, that "secret" changes many times throughout life. sure there r some basic universal truths, but no core secret. there r too may human needs to be met for there to b some all encompassing hidden truth that's gonna fix all ur problems... besides of course heroin. OK I have decided to change my answer. heroin... and crack. and family. and jesus.
2015-09-18 03:37:16 UTC
Life has no secrets.
2015-09-21 05:08:44 UTC
It varies person to person. I wouldn't say it is a secret I believe it simply this, to live a healthy, happy, fulfilling life spiritually, emotionally, mentally, physically for God and live it in a way that appeases him and also makes your family and yourself happy. I believe in John 3:16, so that sums it up for me. And...if possible to find love and happiness and start your own family with someone whom truly loves you and is willing to have all the good, bad, ugly, joyful, funny times that comes with being a parent. But if that doesn't happen, it is okay, just make sure you have a dream you can chase and you'll be fine. That is my sage advice.
2015-09-21 05:02:17 UTC
the secret of my life is to live it
2015-09-23 13:04:53 UTC
I'd say that you have truly discovered the "secret of life" when you've lived life enough to realize that there is no secret.
2015-09-20 21:36:51 UTC
Procreation= the cycle of life and that is the secret to life
2015-09-18 05:09:12 UTC
heart is the secret of life
2015-09-18 21:15:34 UTC
Life is full of secrets.
2015-09-19 23:02:45 UTC
Using you subconscious mind is the key to life. Read Napoleon Hill's books Law of Success and Think and Grow Rich.
2015-09-19 19:29:08 UTC
Just being happy that's the real secret
2015-09-21 08:00:01 UTC
2015-09-21 03:08:03 UTC
2015-09-19 23:25:03 UTC
Skeleton with rootbeers.
2015-09-19 05:05:57 UTC
The secret of life is...unknown.
2015-09-19 09:05:46 UTC
a secret
2015-09-19 12:41:53 UTC
You should watch the movie The Secret Life of Walter Mitty. It explains everything. "To feel, that is the purpose and meaning of life".
2015-09-20 03:48:45 UTC
It is not religion or religious values that trigger the law of attraction about eternity. The secret is within you and you use it every day. Knowing the furtive allows the law of magnetism to work for you.
2015-09-19 15:43:43 UTC
2015-09-19 14:55:50 UTC
Secret of life is to be far from problems and noise and to live it by ignoring comment of people and listen to your self
2015-09-22 11:28:12 UTC
Wish I knew!!!! But if I was to take a stab at it, I would say the "secret" would be to live your life to the fullest, be kind to others, live by the golden rule, never stop learning or trying to improve and grow and to do things that make you happy....
2015-09-21 23:26:33 UTC
Just relish the journey md. Use the hard times to gain strength and knowledge from, and enjoy and be grateful for the good times.

Life doesn't have a reason it just is. So take full advantage of it while you still can.
2015-09-18 09:30:46 UTC
There is no secret. Each one tells blah, blah. It is all bs. Everything is open.

In poor nations, some of their citizens are still moving in their birth day suits. It is an open secret.
Don D
2015-09-19 23:22:49 UTC
2015-09-18 12:11:18 UTC
2015-09-19 12:44:53 UTC
When you forget about your mom and leave her outside for two days.

That, my friend, is the secret to life.
2015-09-21 03:27:24 UTC
No secret. It's there to be lived. Enjoy !
2015-09-18 19:49:43 UTC
there are five constant virtues of humanity according to Confucius.

1. benevolence

2. righteousness

3. propriety

4. wisdom.

5. good faith

when people live by these, there is peace in the home.

when the country is ruled by these, the country will have peace and prosper.

so, it is that every person who has had two-neurons to rub-together wrote a book telling everyone how to live.

it is much better to look within yourself and to live your own life.
2015-09-18 00:40:55 UTC
The secrete to life is word hard to earn your living.
2015-09-19 08:52:28 UTC
The "secret" of life is to live it in the present moment... Not in the past... Not in the future.
2015-09-22 18:04:28 UTC
The secret of life is to do what you want to do.Do not let others dictate what you do or do not
2015-09-20 15:15:57 UTC
A James Taylor song
2015-09-20 08:24:40 UTC
There isnt really any secrets in life
2015-09-19 06:02:38 UTC
Life itself
2015-09-18 11:03:39 UTC
The secret is that there is no secret. That the universe is vast and open and you are capable of anything.
2015-09-21 05:00:24 UTC
The illusion of the ego.

I can't count how many mystics (Buddha and Jesus included) have said this. The delusion of the ego is the mediator that allows human suffering to flourish. Death of the ego brings about, for the first time, true freedom.
David Carnes
2015-09-20 02:51:28 UTC
I know the secret, but I can't tell you. Otherwise it wouldn't be a secret
2015-09-19 14:28:08 UTC
the secret of life is to stop procrastinating and find a purpose and a goal.
2015-09-19 13:29:47 UTC
the secret of life is to always be better prepared than everyone else
2015-09-18 11:15:17 UTC
A secret is something you dont tell anyone. Is there some misunderstanding
2015-09-18 17:10:04 UTC
Yes. Level 42.
2015-09-21 06:54:36 UTC
its a secret no one knows
2015-09-23 16:36:54 UTC
the secret is that life sucks
2015-09-19 22:20:20 UTC
No secret. We are living beings and interact with the living.
Know It All
2015-09-18 17:18:10 UTC
"What is the secret of life?"

The Secret of life is "Living in the Present."

"Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment."

2015-09-18 16:55:47 UTC
the secret of life is friendsship. friends help guide you through life!
2015-09-19 15:46:36 UTC
143 answers and not one worth reading. That is the terrible secret of the universe. That almost nobody knows that they don't know anything. They will tell you they don't know the secret or that they won't tell you and they don't even know if they don't know.
2015-09-18 08:56:55 UTC
Kriya Yoga
2015-09-20 19:47:12 UTC
In-N-Out Burger: Animal Style
2015-09-21 03:47:25 UTC
That God created us so that he would have a world to shower his love upon. And the secret is; he did not have to do it.
Sammy Mwagona
2015-09-20 02:40:14 UTC
Man sees life from his philosophy (principles that guide him - which result from socialization). Life is varied , so are lifestyles too. We are all objects of nature, so share, be objective, not subjective. As u share, interact and socialize pple may suggest what you may not have, compare with what u have, if u see sense of it, accept it, incorporate it in ur philosophy(grow & become better), perform better, help the ignorant, be patient in calamities, dont crave, perform within ur life limits, wait for ur reward, either from nature or from God.
Black Dog
2015-09-20 05:46:57 UTC
I'd tell you, but I'm keeping it a secret.
2015-09-19 10:08:09 UTC
The secret is to live with failures,sorrows and tears?
2015-09-19 07:59:45 UTC
Let your mind control your body.

the mind first thinks and looks into the matter compared to the body which is emotional. if you let your mind control your body, you will never have regrets.

that's my life secret.
2015-09-18 18:29:40 UTC
2015-09-19 00:20:02 UTC
It is that life is very fragile and love is the glue.....divine unconditional love, that is. That love that keeps the miracle of consciousness and it's many levels going for billions of years on ours and all the other planets and universes we don't even know about.
2015-09-22 09:24:25 UTC
the human life secret depend on the allah
2015-09-18 21:09:03 UTC
Henry Danger.
2015-09-17 23:07:45 UTC
The secret of life is being grateful that you are alive each day.
2015-09-17 22:37:27 UTC

2015-09-19 15:35:12 UTC
There are no secrets
2015-09-18 20:01:27 UTC
Is being happy--even if that irks other people etc. --that is the key to life--for me--its making my life as simple as possible--which means letting the "money go"--and right now--having money can give a lot of headaches.
2015-09-21 01:55:17 UTC
People try to live authentic lives sometime. But you cant do that unless you know everything about reality and everything in it and beyond. Enjoy stories and nonfiction and beauty. I think after death you will know more. Purpose is good. Loving creatures and things also.
2015-09-18 06:09:01 UTC
the secrets of life are in a place that u never expect and never get close to, in islam.
2015-09-19 11:11:40 UTC
2015-09-19 12:37:20 UTC
The secret can only be told to you after you give up all of your wealth and earthly possessions... to me.
April Joy
2015-09-19 20:08:28 UTC
Life itself.
2015-09-19 15:10:52 UTC
the secret is to find its purpose. the purpose of life is to give life purpose.
2015-09-19 17:08:17 UTC
I recall Kung-Fu Panda, his adoptive father told him about the secret ingredient t their noodles "The secret is - there is no secret!"
2015-09-24 22:04:35 UTC
It depends upon the individual's level of understanding knowledge and How or When to apply it.
2015-09-18 15:59:48 UTC
2015-09-18 08:46:20 UTC
The secret to life is pizza. Pizza, pizza, and only pizza. SOmeday god will come down from the sky, and give us pizza
2015-09-19 15:31:58 UTC
To quote a fictional cowboy philosipher, the secret to life is one thing. It is up to each of us to discover fore ourselves what that thing is.
2015-09-19 09:12:50 UTC
It is universal truth that body is mortal and SOUL is immortal.Soul is just like dress of Soul which he changes after a particular period fixed by himself before taking birth when this dress becomes old and unsustainable.
2015-09-19 17:41:37 UTC
Life is about facing the world you want to face and limit the ones that dont imply to you. And build up from there to know yourself who you are
2015-09-19 11:21:16 UTC
The secret?

It's hell. These are bad things here.

Isn't hell beautiful?
2015-09-20 22:59:23 UTC
secret of life is keep moving and keep young mentality.
2015-09-19 10:59:53 UTC
There is no secret.
2015-09-18 11:38:57 UTC
There is no secret.Everything is open.That the universe is vast and open. you can't secret anything.
2015-09-20 01:26:03 UTC
Each person has his own secret, so you have to find yours.
2015-09-19 23:34:24 UTC
If you tell one person its not a secret. Find your green grass!
2015-09-20 09:12:46 UTC
there's no secret
2015-09-19 08:53:35 UTC
If you knew, it wouldn't be a secret.
2015-09-17 23:05:25 UTC


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Meditate 1 hour per day

Workout 20-50 minutes per day

Vegetarianism™ or White meat only / Fish™

Study philosophy™

Have sex / orgasm™ at least twice a day

Avoid the opinions of those over age 55 and under age 35
2015-09-22 10:26:23 UTC
The secrets to life is god Christ his angels bible and prophesy
2015-09-19 15:43:57 UTC
Prob recarnated to learn life lessions

When you die a good chance you will regain all your past lives memories
2015-09-18 22:07:47 UTC
Just live it with a strong faith in God and He will see you through...don't continue to question life as you will produce a path that is bumpy with numerous pot holes !
2015-09-21 05:06:17 UTC
I can not tell you. it is a secret !
2015-09-18 13:49:01 UTC
Believe in your self to become who ever you want to be to make a good income.Be kind to others ,learn more every day ,save money for your needs and believe you can accomplish your dreams.
2015-09-19 14:41:26 UTC
Is to live in the present and be embrace your animal instincts. Feed and survive. Find the next fonterie and eat it.
2015-09-18 02:09:31 UTC
Living in Present is life. Thinking about past is hell. Thinking about future is worry.
Bob K
2015-09-19 17:37:25 UTC
The secret of life is to live it as fully as you can, each and every day of your life! Accept who you are, where you live, others around you like family, friends, community. Work within this structure to make a life for yourself, perhaps including family, a significant other. And after a good many years leaving this grand old earth in death, a fate for each of us, one and all.

Life is for us all alive today and even us now in the upper double digits of living remembering ourselves when we were kids and even farther forward in the time of our lives to this present day and time.

Living life is like always moving forward, improving our existence or when we have to accepting our life as it is. It's like learning from what you experience every day, from people, things happening, ideas, and yes going to school to learn the basics as a kid which you can use to make a life for yourself when you grow up.

And life is becoming aware, learning how to become able to and work, take care of yourself away from mom and dad, brothers, sisters, family. And when the time comes to either stay where you grew up at or move to somewhere else interesting or has better places to get a job or work. Maybe get married and have kids, raise a family...teach your kids to 'grow up' like you did and to do just as good or better than you did.

A secret to life is to live it as you see fit. And not as someone else tells you how to...(parents excluded though as many parents do have a good idea of how to live and tell you to give you a good chance as succeeding in life yourself...)'s kinda like work within that framework what they told you...

And one part is like you.

Just happy to live through life, do what you can to help and do good stuff.

Or always having to buy the biggest, baddest stuff...always!

Living, working to do stuff like raising a family, or not.

Striving to do really good works where you live, or even doing something really important, like Einstein or Mahatma Gandhi, being president or working helping others like a teacher, doctor, nurse, cook. Janitor, laborer, retail store clerk. Whatever.

The secret to life is living through good times and also the bad times. Your experience gives you strength to live. Is a better way to live life than the opposite in which your experience hurts you somehow and you stop doing stuff. Somehow.

There is so much to life. Live it starting from being a baby, through childhood, adolescence, becoming a young adult, and growing up to be who you are today into old age.

The secret is within you...all the choices you make, all your thoughts on how your life is and should be...

And living it until it is no more.

Where one goes to when they die, I haven't a clue.

live. Learn. Grow. Mature. Move on. Always.

Accept life. Be grateful. Be happy. Or perhaps without sadness. Deal with grief, changes in your life. Always changing it is.
2015-09-19 00:48:54 UTC
The secret is to give a what people say or think about you.
2015-09-22 17:49:39 UTC
The Law of Attraction. Look it up
2015-09-20 19:04:41 UTC
Learning new things, find a career, loving yourself first, falling in love, eat nutritionist foods, exercise, think optimistically, seek our creator and forgive.

To answer your question in one word: Balance
2015-09-22 12:48:30 UTC
What are you asking? What the meaning of life is or how life came into exsistance?
2015-09-20 10:10:34 UTC
Increase Your Knowledge!!!
2015-09-18 10:57:48 UTC
Well.. If I tell you it won't be a secret anymore...
2015-09-19 08:18:31 UTC
be well rounded, take an interest in everything, and look forward to the next life where all will be heavenly more than our earhly minds can imagine.
2015-09-20 00:46:54 UTC
If I tell you then it will not be a secret..

2015-09-20 18:25:03 UTC
A good heart and attitude to life.
2015-09-19 09:41:43 UTC
Well, if we all knew they wouldn't be secrets, would they?
Kay B
2015-09-20 15:25:38 UTC says so in "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy"
2015-09-20 01:52:35 UTC
To be the eyes and ears and have the conscience of the creator of the univers
2015-09-21 09:36:46 UTC
42 is the answer to life, the universe and everything
2015-09-19 17:37:07 UTC
The answer is 42. But to understand the answer, you must understand the question.
2015-09-20 17:45:27 UTC
I won't tell you -- it's a secret.
2015-09-17 22:05:48 UTC
Psalm 46:10 (KJV)

10 Be still, and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth.
2015-09-19 01:18:52 UTC
Be good, do good: that's the secret...
2015-09-23 08:04:02 UTC
That everything has an end. Life's biggest fear is death. But we all know it's inevitable.
2015-09-19 14:15:16 UTC
Curly's finger.
2015-09-19 13:30:58 UTC
2015-09-19 18:45:33 UTC
The answer is that animated movies will only be watched if by Disney
2015-09-18 07:56:14 UTC
Jesus Christ is. He is the Way, the Truth and the Life.
2015-09-17 22:09:11 UTC
Find the little man in the boat
2015-09-20 19:06:38 UTC
At the end of the day we are all dead. Therefore don't be afraid to try anything!
2015-09-19 21:08:01 UTC
Relation between you and Allah, Relation between you and your soul , Do you know about your soul? It is the most secret for you. what is your name ? you say "Abdullah" or "Ram" or "Jone" but it is the name what is your father or mother give you.but truly who is you?

if you say "Men" but it is the name which is you get from "Bible" "Tourat" or "Quran" But truly who are you?

Now you asked What is the secret of life?
2015-09-19 20:31:06 UTC
2015-09-19 17:31:24 UTC
I can't tell you, (It's a secret.)
2015-09-20 22:34:23 UTC
That it can and has been created in a lab. Primordial soup is a thing. Not as mysterious as we thought.
2015-09-20 13:46:05 UTC
To live as well as you can to leave your mark on the world
2015-09-18 05:06:54 UTC
That you always have choice. It's not the situation that defines you but how you respond to it.
I care
2015-09-21 16:12:19 UTC
My secret is living in CHRIST............he fulfills all our needs and gives us the satisfaction of eternal life with him..............Blessings galore.........hope you find this way of is the BEST.
2015-09-18 22:25:13 UTC
Enjoy your life.
2015-09-19 22:27:08 UTC
To be happy. Everything else is a plus. Happiness and peace.
2015-09-20 23:45:25 UTC
I think my grandma got it right when she said, "Don't put all your eggs into one basket" which means have sex with as many girls as you can and never be in a committed relationship.
2015-09-21 09:30:33 UTC
you make your own secrets
2015-09-19 22:44:49 UTC
well if we knew then it wouldn't be a secret
2015-09-19 06:35:52 UTC
To be happy and content...otherwise life is not worth living...
2015-09-21 01:54:40 UTC
As a gay girl I like older women
2015-09-18 18:29:11 UTC
Try to achieve success. Ameen.
2015-09-20 08:00:11 UTC
The secret to life is....




Okay I'm sorry....
Laura L
2015-09-18 15:12:38 UTC
To love and be loved, according to George Sand..
2015-09-18 16:39:27 UTC
Try to stay healthy and take it a day at a time.
Friend Of Jesus
2015-09-21 14:33:41 UTC
Compassion in what you do everyday.

Ending in Heaven.
2015-09-21 08:06:27 UTC
Is to enjoy it. You only live once so make the most of it.
2015-09-20 10:08:01 UTC
maybe good luck and goodness is the secret of life.if you think ..
2015-09-18 22:13:19 UTC
2015-09-17 23:05:07 UTC
Don't do something during the day that will keep you up at night!
2015-09-21 10:50:11 UTC
That life is pointless
2015-09-22 02:48:04 UTC
Being happy
2015-09-20 00:54:07 UTC
Living it to the best of our ability. No excuses.
2015-09-20 08:57:06 UTC
no facial remarks winkles have no secrets
2015-09-19 21:45:27 UTC

Squidward has the key,
Mont K
2015-09-18 08:07:02 UTC
You got to find it is that you love the most and just do it.
2015-09-20 12:27:48 UTC
don't let your friends, family and facebook make your decisions. And don't concern yourself with what "people" will think.
2015-09-19 11:42:45 UTC
Salvation and the deception/s and the truth/s surrounding it.
2015-09-18 22:51:40 UTC
Your ATM password
2015-09-21 19:55:47 UTC
2015-09-21 11:49:26 UTC to learn as much as possible, then when we leave this earth plane our abode depends on our lessons and whether we decide to return to earth or not.
2015-09-17 23:10:00 UTC
A day to remember
2015-09-23 02:08:40 UTC
All things are possible through fearlessness.
2015-09-21 11:01:41 UTC
the law of attraction
2015-09-17 23:59:37 UTC
Finding Jesus
2015-09-21 22:13:11 UTC
Marvel not Nicodemus, you must be born again.
2015-09-18 12:37:53 UTC
2015-09-19 15:37:21 UTC
2015-09-19 17:50:31 UTC
ya gotta twerk to survive
Kt Skycat
2015-09-17 22:31:08 UTC
You chose to live because you wanted to.
2015-09-19 19:53:58 UTC
Passing gas and laughing about it.
2015-09-19 01:55:40 UTC
It is short so enjoy it and learn
2015-09-21 11:09:19 UTC
2015-09-19 11:37:59 UTC
being happy and believing there is a greater person above us
2015-09-19 16:57:51 UTC
Its a secret... shhh...
2015-09-19 13:58:50 UTC
Chips, chips and more chips and maybe a side order of chips.
Sweetdaddy Rex
2015-09-18 08:38:59 UTC
Do unto others, before they do unto you, then haul A$$ !
2015-09-19 19:03:50 UTC
To avoid death as long as possible.
2015-09-19 13:01:53 UTC
To live it to the fullest.
2015-09-22 07:42:15 UTC
Google may help you.
2015-09-19 22:18:12 UTC
Money God power
2015-09-20 19:43:12 UTC
2015-09-20 06:37:20 UTC
2015-09-19 08:51:36 UTC
Yet to find
2015-09-18 13:44:35 UTC
To love and be loved
2015-09-19 09:26:47 UTC
2015-09-22 02:27:22 UTC
Love and to be loved
2015-09-19 18:40:19 UTC
create one
2015-09-19 07:07:07 UTC
dna code
2015-09-20 11:44:52 UTC
I promised not to tell
2015-09-19 18:26:24 UTC
2015-09-19 15:03:10 UTC
To enjoy every day as if it was your last. as one day will be your last .
2015-09-17 22:38:11 UTC
One thing. But you have to decide for yourself what the one thing is.
2015-09-18 08:11:45 UTC
avoid indiscriminate behavior.
2015-09-18 20:40:22 UTC
2015-09-19 19:00:35 UTC
2015-09-22 20:04:06 UTC
"Love is the answer to every question so ask yourself, 'why."
2015-09-18 00:04:42 UTC
2015-09-18 01:45:39 UTC
Work hard play harder
2015-09-20 09:47:07 UTC
can ask to the grandmoms of your granddads.
2015-09-19 21:19:29 UTC
What do you mean
Jing T
2015-09-19 18:16:59 UTC
Go find yourself.
2015-09-20 08:07:22 UTC
2015-09-18 11:58:53 UTC
To live like there is no tomorrow.....
2015-09-19 14:11:23 UTC
Have fun.
2015-09-20 20:19:44 UTC
having a lot of sex
2015-09-19 17:54:23 UTC
the answer to this life long question is, BE QUICK OR BE DEAD !!!!!!!!!
2015-09-20 00:21:56 UTC
You get what you give!
2015-09-18 11:17:21 UTC
EVERYTHING IN MODERATION.except fat chicks with cellulite.
2015-09-19 02:06:45 UTC
2015-09-19 05:53:22 UTC
2015-09-18 06:47:04 UTC
dreams while we sleep
2015-09-19 21:45:57 UTC
something special
2015-09-22 12:35:13 UTC
it sucks
2015-09-21 19:53:13 UTC
each its own
2015-09-17 22:12:24 UTC
water and lightning
2015-09-19 15:04:34 UTC
how to find happiness.
2015-09-19 04:58:20 UTC
Crack cocaine and lots of it.
2015-09-21 20:10:52 UTC
serving Jesus
2015-09-21 04:21:11 UTC
that we all going to die
2015-09-20 02:24:10 UTC
being happy :)
andy c
2015-09-17 22:19:44 UTC
God is love.
2015-09-17 22:07:51 UTC
The silent "e".
2015-09-19 13:47:27 UTC
2015-09-18 00:53:40 UTC
2015-09-19 15:02:30 UTC
2015-09-19 14:48:36 UTC
2015-09-18 12:49:18 UTC
2015-09-18 10:20:35 UTC
challenge........... and you should gain that by yourself...............
2015-09-21 16:49:37 UTC
2015-09-19 14:22:30 UTC
god and jesus
2015-09-20 00:11:52 UTC
There's so many idk where to even start
2015-09-22 10:19:20 UTC
2015-09-19 13:18:58 UTC
2015-09-18 09:33:51 UTC
2015-09-17 22:06:47 UTC


This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.