Do every human change?
2015-08-30 04:35:40 UTC
I heard some people said 'not everyone changes' and i think 'everyone changes, its just a matter of when.... what do you think?
139 answers:
Linda R
2015-09-01 11:31:42 UTC
Yes they do - even though they state they haven't.

Remember, a person goes through a change when they advance

from being a newborn - to being a toddler. A toddler changes

when going into elementary school. A child changes when entering

middle school and becoming a teenager, A teenager changes while

in high school and going into becoming an adult. Adults change

throughout their life time....especially when getting married, divorced,

raising a family or medical issues.

Therefore, if someone states that 'not every one changes' - is a total lie!
2015-09-01 11:40:26 UTC
Does every human change? Depends on exactly what specifics you are speaking of like.. change their looks from HS to college or are you speaking Maturity level? Not everyone alll the time .Though... Some people make suttle changes in their life, buying a home being happy making friends leaving friends that are toxic for them depends what circumstances are either pointed out or thought of to change.

Bodies change with age our weight our eyesight etc... a car crash can change a persons memory slow the brains ability to think caused by injury... certain lifestyles change due to acceptance of who you are and were and where you'd like to be, Some peoploe say you can be anything you want in this world I dont be;lieve that... being everyone's brain capacity is different.
Unknown Human 2
2015-08-30 17:40:22 UTC
Big events can change a person. What you learn changes you. How you dress, eat, etc. We are always changing. We are not the same person we were at 13 compared to 16. 3 years makes a big difference. I looked at an old comment I wrote when I was like 12, and I couldn't believe I wrote that. When I was little I use to love chocolate chip cookies. But now I hate them. You can't get me to eat one! So we are always changing. Even what we like can change. Are looks change and health. We are born, we live and die. Thats change. And no one can escape that destiny of change. Some people don't like change. But its the only way to grow and learn. I hoped this answer your questions! :)
2015-09-01 05:01:56 UTC
Not every human being change with time, but yes some people do change with time. The amount of maturity in every human being is different.
2015-09-02 02:25:32 UTC
Some humans change but some are not and cannot. Human beings are ruled by spirits but humans must learn to control and rule the spirits. Spirits possess people according to the mental state of the human beings and keep them in the same state until they are rejected and replaced by another. This is an all time phenomena occurring in all humans. Human beings are always under the influence of spirits. Certain situations and circumstances causes the possession of certain type of spirits. Often thinking and talking about bad subjects or bad imaginations even for fun can take serious turns on one who think and talk. All spirits (good and bad) have the dominating character. They can take you to the extent of sacrifice or suicide.

All of your activities, talks and even thoughts determine what kind of spirits you will have for your life. Only these spirits can create a good opportunity to get a job and all favorable things which you need to your life. Generally spirits determine the destiny of the human beings from their daily activities, talks and thoughts too. All knowledge, skills, emotions, feelings, interests and everything are spirits. Even thoughts are not your own. When you want to take a decision on a subject, one after another they think and you just listen and choose or reject the ideas which they transmit to your mind through your brain in the form of thoughts. A human being during his/her lifetime is living with many spirits which have joined one by one since birth. Human beings are just unprogrammed robots made of flesh, bones, tissues etc., by birth and toys of the spirits for their games.
2015-08-31 01:12:03 UTC
Yeah. Every human has their own reality and their own perception of how they see the world ( which makes everyone's realities different). Some people go through huge changes which might be very minor for another person. As we mature we experience new things and know what to do and learned from it all.
2015-08-31 13:05:35 UTC
Yes every human change but it is a part of nature and time. I would say rather TIME. Time makes someone to get change.
David N
2015-08-31 06:13:32 UTC
It depends on what you mean by "change"...

Every cell in a human body is replaced within 7 years.

Since I am 62, that means that I have completely changed almost 9 times.

Every time you learn something new you change because our perception of ourselves and the world around us is based on the sum of our knowledge and experiences.
2015-08-31 03:57:10 UTC
I think, YES, Every one Change Themselves, But, The Changes Known to Themselves or Changes are Mixing with the Changing Permanent.
2015-09-02 15:47:54 UTC
Does every human change? Yes! Eventually we all change in every way possible. It's called "coming of age."
2015-08-30 14:29:50 UTC
Yes. Change is inevitable with age. I'm not the same person as when I was 15. I'm in my early thirties now. No one is. Maturity has a lot to do with people changing. Life circumstances and situations have a lot to do with people changing. It is what it is.
2015-08-31 21:17:52 UTC
For a fact, all your cells are replaced every 5 -7 years so human beings do change.
2015-08-30 04:47:38 UTC
I think a lot of people do not change, because they let their ego define them, and they have a hard time getting away from it, or they don't want to get away from it. This can put people in a low state of being, an inflated state of being, or anything inbetween. Looking within and having the courage to unlearn deeply rooted tendencies can be great in positive growth. Every individual has the capacity to change, but a lot of people, myself included, find comfort in clinging onto familiarity.
2015-08-31 18:14:25 UTC
For Sure every human will change. From the infant to an adult a

persons changes happen--like growing up in the adult Christian world

would make one change. Love, respect and a healthy ambition to

get on with life.
2015-08-30 06:15:24 UTC
Philosophically speaking, Yes. Our body changes, Our mind changes, our ideas change, our thoughts change our feelings change, our wisdom level changes as and when go on adding more and more knowledge, qualifications, experience, skill, acumen, etc. Besides.... ..


It's a neat idea, and one that has caught the popular imagination. Here's how the story goes: Every seven years (or 10, depending on which story you hear) we become essentially new people, because in that time, every cell in your body has been replaced by a new cell. Don't you feel younger than you were seven years ago?

It is true that individual cells have a finite life span, and when they die off they are replaced with new cells. As The New York Public Library's Science Desk Reference (Stonesong Press, 1995) notes, "There are between 50 and 75 trillion cells in the body.... Each type of cell has its own life span, and when a human dies it may take hours or day before all the cells in the body die." (Forensic investigators take advantage of this vaguely morbid fact when determining the cause and time of death of homicide victims.)

Shalla V
2015-08-31 09:05:50 UTC
Everyone changes, NO one stays the same. Day by Day, we age, so change is inevitable in this world. But in the new world to come, where perfection is promised, we will still change. Why, as we grow in knowledge, you can't help but change. Are we the same as we were when we were born, of course not. So, changing, maturing, is a natural cycle of life.
2015-08-31 10:09:27 UTC
Yes every human do change but those who were mean before can become WORSE.
2015-09-02 01:43:59 UTC
No, every human cannot change.
2015-08-31 06:52:40 UTC
Yes every human do change but those who were mean before can become WORSE.
2015-08-30 19:36:40 UTC
Um-m-m, limited to the US while attending school (Public or Private) individuals are 'conditioned'

to adopt -- adapt to the prevalent Socio-Poltical expectation. AFTER primary education their 'opinion'

SHOULD BE expression of PERSONAL DECISION. THAT can change; usually 'wider' EVENTS

motivate such changes -- 9/11. G W Bush ERRED DRASTICALLY by wielding the US Military to

punish >DEAD CRIMINALS< as a 'Knee-jerk Reaction' he believed made HIM appear Decisive and

in Official Control. This from THE MAN who was never even ABLE to Make the MLB Texas Rangers

contenders in Professional >game play
Humans DO change; TOO MANY are 'set in their ways' and 'stuck in the mud' AND the US Electorate

vote TOO MANY (hire them. . .) as Authority that ALL OF THEM stumble over trying to meet 'popular'

2015-08-30 14:24:34 UTC
Change is a way of life
2015-08-30 11:24:26 UTC
Sure, we go through changes that are within each our selfs. Such are those of how we feel ss we adapt to change outside of us. Hopefully greater awareness and enlightenment can come from these exceedingly difficult personal challenges. It is clear not everyone is born again with change, yet they bear a changing world which indeed must bear with them with us, and us with them to be bearers, buriers, or barriers.
2015-08-30 09:33:16 UTC
There are lots of ways that humans can change. I don't think I should have to do all of them just for you. I'll change my underwear, but not my gender for instance.

There is no need for a question mark at the end of a command
2015-08-31 14:28:30 UTC
Yes. I know I've changed a lot over the years, and so has everyone I know. As people age, they change. Events can also change a person too.
2015-08-30 21:02:10 UTC
Even small things change a person like what if you'd never said hi to that guy in high school, and you never got married, the path could have been So different just from one tiny thing like that
2015-09-02 00:53:29 UTC
Yes, When after death a human go through the natural process of transformation in life he comes into being in different animals form.
2015-09-02 11:49:04 UTC
We change with a spark of love and knowing there is someone we hold dear outside ourselves. We change with the sign of a new wrinkle and know tomorrow is a maybe. We change when we experience the pain of loss and knowing they are gone forever from our lives. We change when we see the smile of the newborn that has come into our lives. we change when we feel the cold wind blow from the north or the warm breeze from the south. We change...
2015-08-31 16:00:30 UTC
Sadly, it seems like most of us do -- it's just a matter of how long you can hold out for before it starts, and how much you can as it does. This world -- or at least the one I live in -- is a bit like a landfill, where we're all shoved and sit around getting worn away at until we can be used for spare parts.
Bob B
2015-08-30 04:38:33 UTC
It depends a bit on the person.

Some people will change, some people don't- there are some people who will be just the same person now as they were years ago, and who will be just the same for the rest of their lives. For one thing, often change requires some interest in doing so, and many people just don't want to change.
Usman Malik
2015-09-01 05:47:14 UTC
2015-09-01 05:19:18 UTC
2015-08-30 14:52:38 UTC
Well most likely when you are like 10 or under you'll be different,and when hiu become a teen you will change. It's apart of life,but always be who you are.
2015-09-01 20:55:05 UTC
depending on how they live through everything. There are people who dont change and people who do. People who need to change and are smart enough to realize it will change around some time. People who dont realize they need to change or who deny it will most likely be the same. People who dont need to change wont, unless they are somehow made by someone
2015-08-30 11:15:01 UTC
Everyone changes
2015-08-31 08:59:10 UTC
Yes, humans change. They grow in height and weight.
2015-09-01 22:32:41 UTC
I will never change my opinions on life. What I thought as four year old is what I think as a twenty year old. It is cynical stuff about humans, that is all.
Ms Clever
2015-09-01 03:40:27 UTC
Peoples' personalities don't change. What makes a person seemed like he / she changed, is the way he or she reacts around certain people; being good or being bad.
2015-09-01 11:23:28 UTC
People change only if they want to change. If they are happy with their lives, then they will see no reason to change. Being dissatisfied or unhappy is the biggest motivator that causes people to change.
2015-08-30 15:51:47 UTC
There comes a time where everyone changes
2015-08-31 13:11:09 UTC
i'm nnot as sure as everyone else that everyone changes i mean iv gone through some really big life changing events which have caused the people around me to have changed yet iv been told i havnt at all i think itssomething to do with your self awareness
2015-09-03 01:21:57 UTC
ya every human change
2015-08-30 22:23:53 UTC
Some people will change, some people don't- there are some people who will be just the same person now as they were years ago, and who will be just the same for the rest of their lives.
2015-08-30 19:03:01 UTC
I believe some people change with the different seasons and with what they learn in life
2015-09-01 11:49:08 UTC
I deeply believe that everyone will change in some point of their life it's just the matter of when and why
2015-08-31 20:13:15 UTC
everyone will change by the time changed. but when every change dont worry, just keep a common feeling
2015-09-02 00:36:18 UTC
People don't change, they grow old, become responsible as they age, get more mature, and deal with different situations as time goes by.
2015-08-31 12:12:03 UTC
Only the most human of us all change, grow and evolve for better or worse!
2015-08-30 20:32:31 UTC
Yes, change is inevitable. Whether we like it or not. Some change for the better, some exactly the opposite.
2015-09-02 22:46:51 UTC
yes human change themselves by learning more
2015-08-30 09:47:27 UTC
I think everyone changes, but someone changes right and someone changes wrong.
2015-08-31 02:50:25 UTC
Humans can learn. If they try something that doesn't work, they probably won't try it again. That's a change.
2015-08-30 16:04:51 UTC
Thomas Wolf said "you cant go home again." In a sad way we all change and maybe not for the better. We become more cynical.
2015-08-31 18:37:23 UTC
No everyone does not grow up or stop thinking about shortcuts to success or expecting someone to give them money like relatives in order to get where they wish to go goal wise or whatever
2015-09-01 06:59:31 UTC
Only a few people change.
2015-08-30 21:13:36 UTC
Human change untilll death.
Mark C
2015-08-31 05:06:35 UTC
No. You are, who you are. You can pretend to be someone else. But deep down your still that person. That's like trying and change your finger prints or D.N.A.
2015-09-01 06:51:43 UTC
Cellular change occurs all the time. Humans are dynamic, not static. So, yes we change.
2015-08-30 19:45:17 UTC
2015-09-01 12:03:43 UTC
yes they do every one changes according to our situation but most of they don't want to admit and try to make the same mistakes over and over again.
2015-08-30 16:20:00 UTC
Anyone can change as long as they are given the opportunity and a little help
Happy Hiram
2015-08-30 06:43:53 UTC
What is an "every human"?

Do ALL humans change? Yes, they eventually encounter grammar.

Then, every human DOES change.
Vinegar Taster
2015-08-30 13:26:20 UTC
No . My now ex best friend hasn't changed in 25 years , or more .
2015-09-04 00:46:43 UTC
there will be a women behind every mans change whether it is good or bad
2015-09-03 12:06:47 UTC
Of course they are.When some guy is young,he is full of energy,he think he can change the world,he can move mountains,and,then he grow up,he become wiser,he change.O.k. not everyone grow up,but,most of the people grow up,become good person,work,have family,have kids,and,they change.
Ken Milby
2015-09-01 12:17:45 UTC
Through time, yes we all change even though perhaps are choices may remain the same !
Kate Kovalsky
2015-08-31 00:19:56 UTC
Change happens in everyone, each day we wake up we start a new chapter.
2015-09-01 11:20:02 UTC
They do change
2015-09-01 04:44:01 UTC
it is sure that every human change.
Live Love Laugh --- Die
2015-08-31 13:51:11 UTC
I usually change my under shorts once a week. Does you?
2015-08-31 21:59:14 UTC
Your preferences change and the things you like but you will always be the same person and your intentions cannot change, like they say "once a cheater always a cheater" which I believe.
2015-08-30 05:40:48 UTC
Everything and Everyone changes, in which direction is up to you
2015-09-01 18:59:11 UTC
I think nothing in this Universe is static. Everything changes constantly.
2015-08-31 18:04:32 UTC
Let's hope that we change in a good way.
Maximus Williamitis
2015-08-30 12:14:44 UTC
Yes we does! With each passing day, with each encounter we experience, every time we get up in the morning, and with each day you grow older..

Be it your Mind, or your Body; changes are constantly occurring.
2015-08-30 04:44:58 UTC
We all change every minute of the day.
Enamul Rubel
2015-09-02 09:48:06 UTC
yes of course it changes to life to life
2015-08-31 13:14:52 UTC
We are all changing all the time. Change is the nature of time and the universe. Change teaches us everything we know.
2015-08-30 15:15:42 UTC
2015-08-31 19:18:58 UTC
Everyone changes everytime.
2015-08-30 05:05:42 UTC
Everybody is always continuously constantly changing in an experiential, cellular, and timeline way.

We exist in constant motion, which is "change" defined.

The universe and everything in it is a continuously moving phenomena, and "movement" is…

2015-09-03 05:37:19 UTC
There are 6 billions people in this world and also 6 billion personalities i find people unpredictable sometimes
2015-08-30 08:15:58 UTC
No. Some people never changes till their death.
2015-09-01 05:53:26 UTC
In terms of attitude and maturity, it's not there if ppl never had to. some people may never have had to have a different pov in life. some do out of boredom even if unprovoked. dead babies never age.
2015-08-31 11:39:56 UTC

everybody can change

but it is possible before getting 18 years old
2015-08-31 12:35:34 UTC
Yes, everytime and everyday we are suffering changes
2015-08-31 15:01:30 UTC
I think people do and can change
2015-09-02 08:14:00 UTC
yes ever one changes
Karac Newland
2015-09-03 08:11:34 UTC
Everyone CAN change, its just up to them to do it.

Not everyone decides too, However I do believe in "coming of age".
2015-08-31 06:42:21 UTC
2015-08-31 14:07:39 UTC
Yes they do change is a certainty
2015-09-03 15:53:23 UTC
Are you five years old? No, but you once were. Therefore you have changed.
2015-08-30 16:46:45 UTC
No one really changes..
2015-09-01 23:51:02 UTC
Yes but some take longer than others.
2015-08-30 20:32:25 UTC
Well, if we are talking about evolution of the human race yes.
2015-09-02 14:22:23 UTC
"the more things change, the more they stay the same,"... change is perceived but deep down nothing changes. Although I like George Benson's song "Everything must change, nothing stays the same".
2015-08-30 05:29:15 UTC
Growth requires change. Unfortunately, change requires conflict and conflict can be painful. I can take it.
No More
2015-08-30 04:52:12 UTC
I think all people change, just not in ways others want or think they should.
2015-08-30 18:58:19 UTC
yes they do , Everyone changes
2015-08-30 08:15:35 UTC
No. Only the ones that wish to change do so.
2015-09-02 01:10:31 UTC
some change while many remain the same
2015-08-31 10:14:01 UTC
I think change is the low of life.
2015-08-31 04:40:55 UTC
man changes sometimes for many different issues..
2015-08-30 17:12:45 UTC
na people don't change unless something happens to them then they have too
2015-08-30 10:55:48 UTC
Yes we all change as we get older.
2015-08-31 10:41:17 UTC
2015-08-30 20:00:12 UTC
everyone changes
Mir Quasem
2015-08-30 20:35:48 UTC
Yes in many occasions.
2015-08-31 10:03:25 UTC
2015-09-04 09:25:50 UTC
Yes, but it's not the worse thing in the world
2015-08-30 14:58:30 UTC
Yes in ways we dont even know
Tad Dubious
2015-08-31 08:00:01 UTC
Yes, they do, Sov'. Do not believe everything you have heard.
2015-08-31 22:03:19 UTC
everyone changes to some degree, but what if the person is like dead??
2015-08-31 06:23:28 UTC
most people don't change, only their goals change
2015-08-31 07:24:58 UTC
Yes of course!!!
2015-08-30 22:52:32 UTC
2015-08-30 23:20:58 UTC
Yes of course / the mind is quicker than the eye
2015-08-30 15:35:32 UTC
Atheist Christian
2015-08-30 04:58:58 UTC
Confucius says only the most wise and the most foolish never change.
2015-08-31 12:59:18 UTC
Yes, the ageing process.
2015-08-30 13:50:43 UTC
Everyone has that turning point in their life.
2015-08-31 11:13:58 UTC
yeah they do, just look at your own dna under a microscope -- it's amazing.
2015-08-31 01:04:13 UTC
every single one
2015-09-02 00:34:39 UTC
Yes the ydo
2015-08-31 13:53:57 UTC
body and age
2015-08-31 19:21:03 UTC
it's depend.
2015-08-31 07:19:51 UTC
2015-09-01 03:03:26 UTC
2015-08-30 05:57:18 UTC
2015-08-31 00:11:11 UTC
2015-08-31 22:36:32 UTC
it depends
2015-08-30 08:53:51 UTC
yes they can try
2015-09-01 07:49:04 UTC
yup - change or die
Jessica P
2015-08-30 09:39:25 UTC
not necessarily
2015-08-30 07:46:24 UTC
not fundementally
2015-09-01 11:00:27 UTC
2015-08-31 07:02:51 UTC
Joey Blake
2015-08-30 19:05:02 UTC
2015-09-01 19:40:14 UTC
Alpha and Omega
2015-09-02 22:10:38 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.