2008-08-10 14:06:26 UTC
With Kersey typology which has 4 main personality types (Artisan, Guardian, Rational, Idealist) and then that breaks down into 4 more subtypes (to equal 16), or you can even take the famous Myers-Briggs (16 personality types, basically similar to Keirsey) and each individual can fit into one of these personality types. I should say, through my years of research and observation I have yet to find an individual that does not fit into one of the personality types.
Does that mean if each individual can fit into one of the personality types that each personality type has an unseen purpose in the continuance of life and the universe? Would this a coincidence, something pertaining to genetics that has yet to be discovered or part of a larger complex system that is not yet known?
I realize that there are aspects of the universe that are beyond our control (say asteroid hits the Earth), but let's say the Rationals are the ones to think in terms of mathematics, external world, science, abstract natures, astronomy and with their existence on this Earth they serve a function in the world that is part of the whole for continuance increased technology and society. Then you can take the Guardians, which are the ones that deem following the rules and justice as highly needed, so they are needed on Earth for a particular function.
In my view there has to be an underlying reason for a personalty type, otherwise, how could there be a construction of personality types?
What do you think about this thought? And, if you do not understand, as if was difficult to put my complex thoughts into words, then please tell me so.
Thanks everyone!