evil does bring some together,and it does split others.
evil brings those who have an evil thought ,who are willing to do what ever, that they are able to as long as Satan helps them through it ;to reach their wishes and goals in life.(which we all know,those wishes and goals have never been more then a empty thought and easy tempted by Satan.and at the end they will die,by reached as much as 0,0 as result for a worthy life, but with much of bad reports to answer about how they lived, in the next life in front of GOD.)as we know GOD the Almighty gives every human the right; to choose the way of life (the way between right and wrong) and that is the main reason of our time in life to see,discover and feel with all our senses and then chose our way of living (some of us goes very far by testing, as far as to kill,rape,steal,and all the worst that a normal and GOD fairy won`t do,because GOD have given us this mercy and gift, that we know between the right and wrong without testing it,specially the big sins,and Satan knows that too,and that`s why he has a hard work ,to fool us to do big sins.)but see and know that GOD is the most compassion& mercyfull :and forgives those who regret with the deppest of their heart, for what he/she has done .(GOD is all knowing) even the worst soul that me and you might know about,only if he/she regret and begs for forgivness they might also be forgiven,,because we don't see& don`t know, what GOD sees and knows about every soul that we meet. but always remember if any of us are a part of those i wrote about ,and regrets,if you stil are alive try to do as much as good ,so maybe we can change the whole world by GOD`s help,,becouse those who have seen bad and good knows more then those who only have been throgh good( i think)lol
may GOD keep us away from the seductions and temptations of satan(may GOD`s curse be on him 4 ever
dear Noah Hope:what you say is true enough ,and i do agree with you on this one,,but remember also satan(may GOD`s curse be on him 4 ever) will not be satisfied by me and you doing small sins,and will continue his temptation til we do bigger and bigger sins,,remember even the smallest dirty thought on our brain is not from our self,but it is from satan