Peachi, knowledge is everything. Without our knowledge base we would still be living in caves. It's what creates our modern perceptions.
Perception is:
Observing with the senses and interpreting with a knowledge base. Primitive man was just as intelligent as modern man and his senses were just as acute. His problem was he had no knowledge base with which to interpret the data his senses were providing; consequently his perceptions were distorted. However, he had a wonderfully rich, imagination and just like us he had to have answers to every question--hence the thousands of myths about man and gods and devils and angels that still bedevil us today. Lack of a knowledge base is still the distorter of primitive man's perceptions today. The greater a person's knowledge base, the more valid their perception of reality.
Good and evil are determined by WILL.
Man is the creation
Of his own Will.
He is not
A psychological creation.
Nature gives him three elements
With which to forge his essence:
Animal nature, human nature,
And Will.
Man' animal nature promotes:
Anger, hate, fear, dominance, aggression,
Lust, love, jealousy, callousness, Shadenfreude, acquisitiveness, and tribal pride.
His human nature promotes:
Conscience, pity, empathy,
Compassion, charity, humility, fidelity,
And brotherhood.
Will is the controlling element
In Man's essence and is a meld of:
Consciousness, intelligence,
Perception, and discrimination.
Man becomes human
By using Will to:
Restrain his animal nature,
And promote his human nature.
Man's evil comes from his animal nature.
The level of evil is determined
By the degree of restraint by his Will
Upon his animal nature.
Gross evil comes about
When Man's Will completely
Suppresses his human nature,
And his animal nature is given free reign.
Saintliness comes about
When Man's Will completely
Suppresses his animal nature,
And his human nature is given free reign.
Man has long sought the source of good
and evil,
And found the answer in gods and devils.
The correct answer is Man is both God
and Devil--
His WILL determines which rules and to
what degree.
Copyright 2008 by Theseus