Is knowledge the source of all evil?
2009-09-23 10:46:18 UTC
Can people please give me their SENSIBLE views on this question. I am gathering opinions and view points for my BA Hons Philosophy essay on the Value of Knowledge and would love to know what people think.

Also, can anyone define evil? And define knowledge?

All sensible and reasoned answers are gratefully appreciated! xx
Eighteen answers:
girl in lalalaland
2009-09-23 10:53:17 UTC
Knowledge can be used for good. It is a tool, it depends what you use it as. You cant credit knowledge with being the source of evil because evil as many other sources, and knowledge can be used in many differen ways.

Knowledge is not. Things like money and greed are.

Defining evil? I would say every culture has slightly(but not completely) different views on what is evil.
Genghis McBastard
2009-09-23 11:24:25 UTC
Ye Gods but them's some big questions to be asking on a place like this. For a start, as you mention withing your question, it's impossible to answer without first defining the terms 'knowledge' and 'evil', and each of those are vast areas of debate in and of themselves... Given that you presumably know all this, I'll try and give a few (hopefully helpful) thoughts rather than try and build a coherent argument.

An obvious starting point would be Hamlet's "there is nothing good or bad but thinking makes it so"; the bugger's got a point. Some wasps lay their eggs in living creatures and the larvae eat their way out, but they are not generally regarded as evil, they're merely acting according to their nature. Morality comes from knowledge and choice, I'd argue, and if one lacks the knowledge that there are other ways to be or courses of action to take then one is not in a position to be making moral choices - a computer that runs a program that ends the world is not responsible for that ending, and neither is it evil, because it was not in a position to choose to do otherwise, or to have a larger context in which to make judgments about the morality of the programs it runs.

Knowledge is the source of all evil, but it's also the source of all good (with a sub-argument that 'good' is not the same as 'innocent') despite what the Eden myth would have us believe.
Phoenix Quill
2009-09-23 16:04:54 UTC
Life is an energy machine that replicates

Nature is the competition between these machines.

Good is when the energy flows the way you want it to.

Evil is when it does not.

For every meal you've eaten, something had to die.

To you the meal is good, to whatever you ate, you are evil.

Understand? Wolf Good is Rabbit Evil.

Now the mind is the control system for the life form.

So in theory the more knowledge possessed, the better the mind becomes at directing the energy to it's will.

Hence knowledge enhances ones capacity for good towards ones group or tribe, while simultaneously increasing the evil you do to those you eat or deprive of resources.

Without life there is neither good nor evil. And without information (DNA) there is no life.

So one could say the knowelege is the the source of all evil, but it is just as logical to say it is the source of all good.

Knowelege is the source of life, and where there is life, there is good & evil.
2009-09-23 11:08:57 UTC
knowledge is not the source of all evil and it's not even a smidgen of evil, in my opinion has nothing to do with evil. How did you get this topic anyway? It's like you're trying to prove a negative (can't do that really).

Evil has to do with the devil and describes anything bad, immoral, hurting others, anything against the commandments.

Knowledge is not only things we learn like in books, in school, but also what we learn from our own common sense and what works for us as individuals, and what we learn from others as in observation. Knowledge is not tangible as you can't hold it in your hand. Knowledge has to do with the brain, could even have to do with rote actions that were learned but no real thinking having to be done.

Depending on what the subject matter is it's said that both part knowledge and too much knowledge about something can be dangerous, can get you into trouble. So it appears that there must be a middle ground that one must have ample information (knowledge) to accomplish a task by exact data. To get that exact information one must research and get as much data as possible and then compare (like testing a dna sample) and then make an educated decision through common sense and fact or fact as we know it.
2009-09-24 10:07:42 UTC
The simplistic analogy to understand the nature of knowledge is that of wealth. Just like wealth knowledge can also be an accessory to evil. Both wealth and knowledge are empowering but the analogy ends where we realise that knowledge is enlightening where excess of weak can be blinding. The knowledge is more like light, capable of enlightening the mind and guiding us along. Where wealth has its physical possession with the help of better knowledge wealth can be used as force for good. Some knowledge, as for instance of material things, could be just like wealth misused for evil purposes, but knowledge divine, as of faith, eliminates such possibilities.

Human civilisation has come a long way since the dark days of superstition and fear. We can now see perhaps better then ever as to what is wrong what is right in our knowledge. But we still have a long way to go. We are still inadequately equipped in our fight against evil, if declare this as our aim. The solution the mind seeks is constant invocation of ideals of our faith and trust, to ensure that whatever little we know is sourced at good and not evil. If we can not have absolute knowledge, which being all light would be free from any possibilities of evil, we can at our best believe in the absolute itself.
2009-09-26 14:22:52 UTC
Evil is a man made concept based on power or lack of it and rules that have been put in place to govern society. Knowledge is not evil in itself it is just an awareness of what that knowledge brings. Look through history and the things we consider to be evil will change as society changes - but then everything changes as society changes, it always has done and will continue to do so.
2009-09-23 12:21:45 UTC
Knowledge is not the source of evil. For instance, knowledge of nuclear power is not evil if it is used to generate electricity. If that knowledge is used to build nuclear bombs to kill or rule over others without just cause then it is evil. Evil is relative. For instance, an owl killing a mouse for food is evil from the mouses standpoint, but not from the owls. Evil could be defined as that which is negative to the majority. Hitler was not considered evil when he first started his party (by many), but toward the end he was (because of the unnecessary killing and torture). Killing for food or protection is not evil, while killing for fun and meanness is. Many Iranians consider America evil, while many Americans consider Iran evil. Sometimes the truth is in the middle. Knowledge is awareness, to know, and to understand. Supreme knowledge is to know the truth about ones self, and the universe. Some of the greatest humans have strove for this (for example, Jesus, Budda, Leonardo, Plato, etc.). It could be said that those who would restrict or take away knowledge are truely the evil ones. For example, the book burners (whether they are burning Bibles (Marx) or Playboy (Christian extremists)).
2009-09-23 11:14:36 UTC
Depending on what our definition of 'evil' is?

Assuming we define 'evil' as that which harms, destroys or kills, then I'd still have to say no.

Even not having knowledge of a situation can still lead that situation to harm or destroy. Death and destruction are a fundamental aspect of our reality. Even not having knowledge of destruction, it may still come.

However knowledge that is given unto man, is a tool. And tools can be used for 'good' OR 'evil' based on the intentions of the tool-wielder.

Defining knowledge is a difficult topic, but I'd have to say it is the observance of a pattern in nature and saving its behaviors for future use.
2009-09-23 11:34:20 UTC
I am Pagan, so i do not believe in evil. If you look at things from the perspective that all things including us and any knowledge we possess are made up of the same stuff (energy) you can perhaps better understand. All energy is made up of varying degrees and combinations of electrons (negatively charged particles), protons (their positively charged counterparts), and neutrons (a particle that is neutral without a charge.)

For all things to exist, there must be a certain balance of positive, negative, and neutral energy. The balance of positive and negative energy is constantly shifting due to our thoughts an actions-- it is all connected, so your thoughts and actions (as well as mine) have an effect on the whole.

Evil exists because the christians needed a 'scary bedtime story' to keep the sheep in line, nothing more. The actions/thoughts that are considered 'evil' by most are nothing more than negative energy being dispersed into the universe. It must be always remembered that the negative is just as much of a part of-- and just as necessary-- the universe as is the positive. You cannot have one without the other, so having the negative energy (or evil) cannot be all bad.
2009-09-23 11:19:31 UTC
Peachi, knowledge is everything. Without our knowledge base we would still be living in caves. It's what creates our modern perceptions.

Perception is:

Observing with the senses and interpreting with a knowledge base. Primitive man was just as intelligent as modern man and his senses were just as acute. His problem was he had no knowledge base with which to interpret the data his senses were providing; consequently his perceptions were distorted. However, he had a wonderfully rich, imagination and just like us he had to have answers to every question--hence the thousands of myths about man and gods and devils and angels that still bedevil us today. Lack of a knowledge base is still the distorter of primitive man's perceptions today. The greater a person's knowledge base, the more valid their perception of reality.

Good and evil are determined by WILL.


Man is the creation

Of his own Will.

He is not

A psychological creation.

Nature gives him three elements

With which to forge his essence:

Animal nature, human nature,

And Will.

Man' animal nature promotes:

Anger, hate, fear, dominance, aggression,

Lust, love, jealousy, callousness, Shadenfreude, acquisitiveness, and tribal pride.

His human nature promotes:

Conscience, pity, empathy,

Compassion, charity, humility, fidelity,

And brotherhood.

Will is the controlling element

In Man's essence and is a meld of:

Consciousness, intelligence,

Perception, and discrimination.

Man becomes human

By using Will to:

Restrain his animal nature,

And promote his human nature.

Man's evil comes from his animal nature.

The level of evil is determined

By the degree of restraint by his Will

Upon his animal nature.

Gross evil comes about

When Man's Will completely

Suppresses his human nature,

And his animal nature is given free reign.

Saintliness comes about

When Man's Will completely

Suppresses his animal nature,

And his human nature is given free reign.

Man has long sought the source of good

and evil,

And found the answer in gods and devils.

The correct answer is Man is both God

and Devil--

His WILL determines which rules and to

what degree.

Copyright 2008 by Theseus
The Expert
2009-09-23 10:52:01 UTC
Knowledge is absolutely the source of all evil.

A baby knows no evil until it is given knowledge that there is evil in the world that they must either choose to be a part of or to be against it.

When a child figures out that there is a mind altering drug he is tempted to use it, why? Because he was given knowledge of its existence and was told not to knowing that he could get away with it.

Knowledge its destruction but it also breeds creation.
2009-09-23 11:08:29 UTC
The more intelligent and animal is the more it is capable of atrocities. Dolphins commit rape, attack each other and commit incest. Apes and Chimpanzees are prone to physical and sexual violence. Are dolphins and chimpanzees over educated?

It is not KNOWLEDGE that is th source of bad behavior it is UNGUIDED INTELLIGENCE. Learning is the CURE, not the disease.

Knowledge is an opinion based on information. Knowledge is not truth.

Evil is a term used to scapegoat people by mob mentality. There is good or bad, very good and very bad, but evil is a myth.
2017-02-20 07:22:53 UTC
2009-09-23 11:33:48 UTC
we can't say that knowledge is the source of all Evil

Knowledge in the first place is a Tool which could be used for good or for bad

and it depends one the subject, knowledge can bring us to trouble or rescue us from it.
2013-12-11 09:40:17 UTC
I think that knowledge is a knife. Sharp to cut your seat belt in a car accident to save your life. Sharp to murder another out of ill will. It all depends on what you want to do with it. It depends on the individual and their intention. Intention.
2009-09-23 11:29:29 UTC

Loose women are the root of all evil.
2009-09-23 10:58:51 UTC
True knowledge is knowing God. Evil is any action or intent which is contrary to God's will.
2009-09-23 11:07:37 UTC
Ignorance is f* bliss!

I am not just saying that.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.