People measure success and failure in different ways.
You tell me nothing of yourself and what makes you think you are a failure.
How old are you? It makes a difference in perspective if you are 18 or 80.
If you are 18 - or 28 - or 38, you have the opportunity to decide what you want to accomplish.
So you look at the things you think are worth while. Decide what you like to do that benefits society as a whole. What kind of contribution can you make to the betterment of the world - or at least your little corner of it?
Then you chart a course to accomplish your goals. If you need training or education, figure a way to get it.
If you are 48 - or 68 - or 80, you didn't get there without accomplishing something. Look back at the things you have done to help people. Did you have a family? Did you hold down a job?
Success or failure doesn't depend on being a multi-zillionaire by a certain age. It does depend on what you have accomplished when measured against the goals you set yourself.
If you have not set goals, do so now. You will never be a success until you have a yardstick for measuring your accomplishments.
Failure is not the result of not reaching your goals. Too many variables can thwart your efforts. But failure is the result of setting no goals at all.
Without goals you wander in a wilderness of purposelessness. You don't set out on a trip without having a destination in mind. You can't have a successful life without goals.
But the goals have to be yours - what you want - what you think. All the naysayers and other critics can't make your goals for you. And if you let them, you have doomed yourself to failure.
The only two people you need to please with your goals are God and yourself. Ask Him to help you set them, and He will help you accomplish them.
Grace, peace and blessings to you.