what do you think? Is there such a thing as coincidence?
2006-02-27 12:24:51 UTC
....or does EVERYTHING have a reason? I know what I believe, what are your thoughts on the subject?
Eighteen answers:
2006-03-04 12:21:27 UTC
I do believe in coincidence. I do not believe everything happens for a reason. The fact that I feel as I do and that I have no religious faith whatsoever is likely not a coincidence. Ergo, I suspect that people who believe in some deity and/or divine purpose to life and the universe also tend not to believe in coincidence. What do you think, Nae?

P.S. I KNOW you're going to say that you do not believe there is such a thing as coincidence and that you do indeed believe everything happens for a reason. Am I right? ;)

***Update for Nae: Geez Louise, I hadn't realized you were waiting for me to come back and answer your little interrogatory. Are thumbscrews next?

OK, here we go... Yes I do believe in coincidences (it says so up there ^) but that doesn't mean I don't believe in fate and/or hidden meanings in some cases, as well. I simply don't know to whom I should credit such occurrences. I don't believe in an all powerful Oz figure, as you know. But either way, sure, coincidences can and do occur, quite frequently. Exhibit A: You're humming a song. You turn on the radio. It's the same freaking song! Is it Jesus? Angels from on high? No, it's coincidence. It happens.

What is it that keeps me going? Nae, your question suggests that without faith in God or some other such thing, I'm a hopeless heathen, lost in the wilderness without hope or guidance. *sigh* Actually, faith and belief in myself keeps me going. Faith and belief in the people close to me, the people I know and love and trust; that keeps me going. Faith and belief that there are good people on this planet (horribly outnumbered by bad, alas, but still here in substantial numbers) keeps me going, too. I don't need deities or supernatural beings to keep me in the game. I'm a strong person. I've faced death on at least 3-4 different occasions and I'm still here. I don't believe in fear, which by the way keeps most religions going strong, but I do believe in myself. Add those important people I cited earlier to the mix and it's plenty enough to survive and thrive. Trust me.

Right then, can I have my thumbs back now? ;)
2016-05-20 08:57:01 UTC
Coincidence is a human concept. It is the partisan observance of the occurrence of a random act. Since no such title or notice is given when nothing happens (anti-coincidence?), the number of "coincidental" observations is unnaturally biased. No such thing as luck, if by luck you mean that the statistical probability of an occurrence is somehow interrupted by a magical force. If by luck you mean that at some point, events that are statistically rare may someday happen to you, yes, there is luck. It is mathematically inevitable.
2006-02-27 12:36:00 UTC
Coincidence, a sequence of events that although accidental seems to have been planned or arranged.

Philosophy, the discipline comprising logic, ethics, aesthetics, metaphysics, and epistemology to form and idea.

I placed a definition of philosophy for one reason, everything depends on how you perceive this world. If you believe everything happens for a reason, then everything to you will have a reason. If you believe we just float through this life without any purpose then nothing will ever have a true reason.

As for me I believe we are all connected by Spirit. I further believe that what happens is a result of Spirit's ability to maintain balance. Even if we do not see the reason instantly it will be made known to us at some point.
2006-02-27 12:28:34 UTC
Coincidence is just a way for us to explain the unexplainable.

Everything happens for a reason.
2006-02-27 19:17:37 UTC
no fair, you're getting me back for that 'knowledge' question!

if you subscribe to the 'life is a river' theory, that every choice you make opens up a whole set of new choices, it's hard for me to see where there is room for coincidence. something you did leads to new possibilites. but it was your choice that got you there in the first place. so it's not a 'coincidence', it's a result of your behavior (conscious or unconscious) that put you in a position to experience events that make you wonder,"hmm!".

if you're receptive to them, you can find a hundred 'coincidences' each day. for example, i got a five dollar bill at work today (the day YOU asked this question) stamped 'fairbanks, alaska'. really. coincidence?
Karma CP
2006-02-27 19:12:51 UTC
OKAY !!! I'll need to get back to you on this one nae... Especially since I was thinking about asking a question "Do you believe in miracles, fate or coincidence ?" while driving home this evening

Too wierd... I'll get back to you after I wrap my head around THIS coincidence... ;)

P.S. I think Patz $5 bill is a coinincidence.. "Things that make you go hmmm?" :)
2006-03-02 05:37:18 UTC
Yes there is such a thing as coincidence. Everthing happens for a reason
2006-02-27 12:27:07 UTC
Abolutely not! Everything happens for a greater reason - this is true whether you are a believer in a higher power, or simply an existentialist.
The Mac
2006-02-27 12:33:05 UTC
I consider all positive coincidence as a favor of God.
2006-02-27 12:30:45 UTC
Some call them Synchronicities to empahisize the idea that they always mean something. This way you always remember and think about their meanings, it is very fun to think of things this way and live accordingly!
2006-02-27 12:28:19 UTC
No way. Everything is fate-induced and intertwined beautifully. What happens, happens bc of the past. Ever wonder about DEJA-VOUX? hmmm...?????? MEANT TO BE! LET IT BE!
2006-02-27 12:30:18 UTC
I don't believe in conincidences...I believe everything happens for a reason..and I also believe where one is in exactly where they're suppose to be
2006-02-27 12:31:21 UTC
What a coincidence... I was just thinking the same thing! ;)
2006-02-27 13:02:32 UTC
I don't belive in coincidence.Everything is very well think.It is order and chaos.And every element has is part and rol in the univers.
2006-03-06 00:54:37 UTC
yes coincidences r thr but surely thry r well planned by god
2006-02-27 12:45:53 UTC
maybe, but there's no way to know.
2006-02-27 12:26:50 UTC
yes and no...but mostly yes
2006-02-27 12:29:58 UTC

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