No, I don't think it's any better or worse than it ever has been. People like to make out that the world is going to hell in a hand basket, but the things that are happening now have always happened.
Arabs have always killed each other and had wars. Tsunamis and earthquakes have always taken place. Greeks and other Mediterranean nations have always messed up their economies. Gangs have always attacked each other in the big cities. Britain has always had civil unrest in years ending in 1. Bankers have always been greedy. Politicians have always been corrupt. Boybands have always been mediocre singers at best. And the planet has always warmed up or cooled down since time immemorial.
What I would say though is that it seems that the world is going crazy, because we have more news and reporting now than we have ever done. 24-7 we are bombarded with images from around the world (often negative) and things which would once have had only a brief mention in the rubric of the news, now get a 3 minute item dedicated to them.
Everything now has a 'severe weather warning' attached to it, whereas twenty years ago that would only have been reserved for hurricanes and such like. Everything now is deemed 'breaking news' whereas years ago it would have taken something like the Kennedy Assasination or the siege at the Iranian embassy to have that title. The world may seem crazy but really it is a question of skewed perception.
If you are looking for a spiritual explanation, then it could be that this is the final burn-off of an old world order, before a new one replaces it. One which has been on the cards since the 'thought creates reality' ideas first made their way into popular consciousness in the late 1970s. This is why we have seen so many different socio political changes happened in such a condensed space of time, and also why an invention such as the Internet has mushroomed in the way it has. It has, quite simply, revolutionised the way we live and work and will continue to do so. With this knowledge and these tools put to good use, the world will be able to change for the better, and they are symbolic of that.
They are the seeds being put in place for the better world which has been coming in since the cosmic moment on 21st December 2012. People skewed this as the end of the world but it wasn't necessarily so. It was the end of the world as we knew it, and from that moment on, new energies and thought forms would gradually pervade the human consciousness, but it just wouldn't be instant. We can look forward to much happier times now, and another major cosmic moment occurring in 2032.