Consider yourself somewhat fortunate, allow me to explain.....
Emotional attachment has it's roots in tribal and human survival instinct end purposes.
That's the simplest explanation, perhaps this is a broad over-generalization, but I think the fact that you recognize your own limitations as an individual, is vitally important with how you approach the remaining quality of your foreseeable future.
I tend to expect the worse in other people because I'm a tad cynical about humanity because of the ease with which a large majority of humans throughout recorded human history tend to gravitate to herding and tribal behavior constructs such as the self-serving subjugation machinations inherent to most organized religion/cults.
What I think you have is a golden opportunity to change the anticipated cause & effect of perceived female weakness that some tend to focus on as typically a general sense that most women tend to be susceptible to emotional blackmail or emotionally dubious traps that ensnare a lot of women by appealing to this over-concentration on emotional-centric female limitations.
Perhaps this makes it far easier for you not to easily fall for emotional narratives as a woman, as a man I tend to over-analyze all my emotions and I accept my emotions as they occur, I try not to suppress my responses whenever possible.
The trend for most women is to fall for an opposite or the same gender as themselves, homosexuality is normal.
I think if you have a hard time becoming emotionally attached to anyone, the natural assumption on my part is for you to seriously consider exploring a lesbian or bisexual outlook on relationships, but since you have clearly demonstrated a tendency to exhibit an introverted personality, I think you need not limit yourself to a conventional sort of relationship at all.
Society does tend to insist that you're not "normal" if you refuse or are incapable of entering into a socially acceptable relationship, this is the over-represented narrative that society tends to insist is normal for a society that is "extrovert-centric".
If you can objectively analyze that your true self is best represented by an introverted personality, then I think it's best to accept your personality limitations as I can only assume that this life narrative is what you're most comfortable with, so in that sense, why fight your true nature, if you're an introvert it's important to understand on a personal level is that you have nothing to apologize for as a person.
Society likes to define people according to a preset set of societal "limitations" and as such, society tends to discourage personal innovations by insisting that all people "conform" to a certain social construct narrative.
Do not allow society to place you into a socially-correct "box" so that society can label/categorize you in order to force you the individual to become something you are fundamentally not designed to be personality-wise.
If you have any other concerns, feel free to ask any question that's on your mind via my contact link.