My teacher says no one cares about other people's failures in life. Do you agree?
2015-03-25 18:22:01 UTC
My teacher says no one cares about other people's failures in life. Do you agree?
286 answers:
2015-03-27 09:38:37 UTC
What your teacher was trying to tell you is that don't be afraid to take chances and make mistakes because in the end most people honestl do not care. She is absolutely correct actually. There are exceptions. Run an oil tanker into a village full of seals protesting a corporation and oops just doesn't really cover it. If you flunk out of high school, pick up a felony, make a mistake that severely impacts other's lives or yours then people will remember. The little stuff only you really notice or care about. If other's notice at all it'll be a sort of pattern building exercise not in specific.

In Psychology there is a term called the spotlight effect. This means that people, especially adolescents think all the world notices them. In reality you almost have to do a swan dive over a flaming bear before anybody really notices you. People are far too wrapped up in themselves to notice others.
2015-03-26 07:49:48 UTC
I think people don't care about other's failures- if those people aren't defined by them.

For example, if someone didn't graduate high school, but has the experience for his job or went back and got a GED, then no one would really care that he originally failed high school. That single experience does not define him as a person.

But say someone was an alcoholic and kept on relapsing. That failure begins to define that person. Of course, family and close friends would be concerned. But others would care too; If not for the person, then at least for themselves. An employer would care because he doesn't want that in the work environment. Someone injured from a DUI driver would care, because they were personally effected by it.

The only time when people care about failures that don't define a person or personally effect them in any way is when that person is very successful or famous. Suddenly people are interested in their failures- or more pointedly- how they overcame their failures.

Ultimately, people care the most about who you are now rather than the mistakes and successes that brought you here. I think this is the meaning your teacher intended.
Special EPhex
2015-03-26 02:28:33 UTC
I think your teacher may be generally referring to people 'out in the world', not your close circle of family and friends. In that sense, I cannot disagree with her. This is stuff they don't teach in school but should. When I got out in the world I felt cheated by a flawed system I didn't totally agree with in the first place. The people you have to interact with on a professional level can careless about 'what you're not good at,' your problems, or excuses. Results are all that matter. Negative things like problems and failures don't offer anything useful towards what people are looking for. They'll have no problem replacing you at your job if all you have is excuses, because there are tons of eager people right behind you willing to do what it takes.

This younger generation has been over protected and coddled, which results in an spoiled sense of entitlement where the world has to change to suit their preferences, making the youth ill-equipped to deal with the world and other people. I was brought up in much the same way, with far less than what kids today have. I was feed a lot of "progressive" bull$hit, thinking the world was gonna be already set up waiting for me to coast right through it. Many people my age found that wasn't so much the truth and had to grow up quick.
2015-03-26 20:52:36 UTC
What your teacher was trying to tell you is that don't be afraid to take chances and make mistakes because in the end most people honestl do not care. She is absolutely correct actually. There are exceptions. Run an oil tanker into a village full of seals protesting a corporation and oops just doesn't really cover it. If you flunk out of high school, pick up a felony, make a mistake that severely impacts other's lives or yours then people will remember. The little stuff only you really notice or care about. If other's notice at all it'll be a sort of pattern building exercise not in specific.

In Psychology there is a term called the spotlight effect. This means that people, especially adolescents think all the world notices them. In reality you almost have to do a swan dive over a flaming bear before anybody really notices you. People are far too wrapped up in themselves to notice others.
2015-03-27 11:24:01 UTC
I think your teacher may be generally referring to people 'out in the world', not your close circle of family and friends. In that sense, I cannot disagree with her. This is stuff they don't teach in school but should. When I got out in the world I felt cheated by a flawed system I didn't totally agree with in the first place. The people you have to interact with on a professional level can careless about 'what you're not good at,' your problems, or excuses. Results are all that matter. Negative things like problems and failures don't offer anything useful towards what people are looking for. They'll have no problem replacing you at your job if all you have is excuses, because there are tons of eager people right behind you willing to do what it takes.

This younger generation has been over protected and coddled, which results in an spoiled sense of entitlement where the world has to change to suit their preferences, making the youth ill-equipped to deal with the world and other people. I was brought up in much the same way, with far less than what kids today have. I was feed a lot of "progressive" bull$hit, thinking the world was gonna be already set up waiting for me to coast right through it. Many people my age found that wasn't so much the truth and had to grow up quick.
2015-03-27 09:15:59 UTC
I think your teacher may be generally referring to people 'out in the world', not your close circle of family and friends. In that sense, I cannot disagree with her. This is stuff they don't teach in school but should. When I got out in the world I felt cheated by a flawed system I didn't totally agree with in the first place. The people you have to interact with on a professional level can careless about 'what you're not good at,' your problems, or excuses. Results are all that matter. Negative things like problems and failures don't offer anything useful towards what people are looking for. They'll have no problem replacing you at your job if all you have is excuses, because there are tons of eager people right behind you willing to do what it takes.

This younger generation has been over protected and coddled, which results in an spoiled sense of entitlement where the world has to change to suit their preferences, making the youth ill-equipped to deal with the world and other people. I was brought up in much the same way, with far less than what kids today have. I was feed a lot of "progressive" bull$hit, thinking the world was gonna be already set up waiting for me to coast right through it. Many people my age found that wasn't so much the truth and had to grow up quick.
2015-03-27 07:42:17 UTC
Listen and listen good :) in the grand scheme of things the only person that really matters in all this is you, people look at who you are, your character traits etc, everyone fails sometimes and everyone makes mistakes so isn't it ironic that people judge you? They don't really care about your failures as most people attempting to make a success of themselves will just look at your failure, make a quick judgement and unless you do something unforgivable and horrendous it disappears like a fart in the wind. I think what your teacher meant by that is try, fail, keep trying, and no matter what it is with the right amount of willpower you will succeed in the end. The only people who unconditionally (should) care are your parents as they want to see you do well in life and even then it's your life therefore your choices ultimately affecting your future. School will be a distant memory by the time you reach 20, people and circumstances change and if you do make mistakes/fail it's not too late to rectify them. The key is to try steer clear of failure and mistakes purely because that way you have less mess to clear up later on :) for your own benefit, noone elses. Don't be afraid to fail is the key message here and I do agree with that yes.
Phoenix Silver
2015-03-27 07:34:30 UTC
I think people don't care about other's failures- if those people aren't defined by them.

For example, if someone didn't graduate high school, but has the experience for his job or went back and got a GED, then no one would really care that he originally failed high school. That single experience does not define him as a person.

But say someone was an alcoholic and kept on relapsing. That failure begins to define that person. Of course, family and close friends would be concerned. But others would care too; If not for the person, then at least for themselves. An employer would care because he doesn't want that in the work environment. Someone injured from a DUI driver would care, because they were personally effected by it.

The only time when people care about failures that don't define a person or personally effect them in any way is when that person is very successful or famous. Suddenly people are interested in their failures- or more pointedly- how they overcame their failures.

Ultimately, people care the most about who you are now rather than the mistakes and successes that brought you here. I think this is the meaning your teacher intended.
2015-03-26 13:42:12 UTC
Very sorry to say this, but I think that your teacher may be right. Looking back over a long period of timeI have an exceedingly good memory capable of remembering many acquaintances over the years, and its true that from amongst those acquaintances the once that you still remember are the folk that were a success, whilst the ones that simple became 'long gone' became just that. Perhaps this is not because of some personal 'don't give a damn' attitude, but that we are conditioned to be aware that 'success' is detrimental to our own survival, and that this awareness make us subconsciously recognise that the failures of other people cannot be allowed to influence our own existence.

Please not: I am NOT talking about not offering a helping hand, a lack of genuine sympathy, or providing any assistance when possible.
2015-03-29 09:06:46 UTC
I think your teacher may be generally referring to people 'out in the world', not your close circle of family and friends. In that sense, I cannot disagree with her. This is stuff they don't teach in school but should. When I got out in the world I felt cheated by a flawed system I didn't totally agree with in the first place. The people you have to interact with on a professional level can careless about 'what you're not good at,' your problems, or excuses. Results are all that matter. Negative things like problems and failures don't offer anything useful towards what people are looking for. They'll have no problem replacing you at your job if all you have is excuses, because there are tons of eager people right behind you willing to do what it takes.
2016-02-24 07:09:56 UTC
I think your teacher may be generally referring to people 'out in the world', not your close circle of family and friends. In that sense, I cannot disagree with her. This is stuff they don't teach in school but should. When I got out in the world I felt cheated by a flawed system I didn't totally agree with in the first place. The people you have to interact with on a professional level can careless about 'what you're not good at,' your problems, or excuses. Results are all that matter. Negative things like problems and failures don't offer anything useful towards what people are looking for. They'll have no problem replacing you at your job if all you have is excuses, because there are tons of eager people right behind you willing to do what it takes.
2015-03-30 00:11:20 UTC
I think people don't care about other's failures- if those people aren't defined by them.

For example, if someone didn't graduate high school, but has the experience for his job or went back and got a GED, then no one would really care that he originally failed high school. That single experience does not define him as a person.

But say someone was an alcoholic and kept on relapsing. That failure begins to define that person. Of course, family and close friends would be concerned. But others would care too; If not for the person, then at least for themselves. An employer would care because he doesn't want that in the work environment. Someone injured from a DUI driver would care, because they were personally effected by it.

The only time when people care about failures that don't define a person or personally effect them in any way is when that person is very successful or famous. Suddenly people are interested in their failures- or more pointedly- how they overcame their failures.
The Devil
2015-03-30 17:37:26 UTC
Your teacher is opening your mind to be aware of consequences. Some people care about the failure of others, but can't do much about it when the 'failure' won't help their self improve. Go to a slum tonight and see what compassion counts for to a burned out drunk. You can choose audience, actor, or skip the whole show. School is your last free ride in the world and if you waste that, you might not ever catch up. Your teacher has seen people choose where they're going in life.
2015-03-30 00:35:55 UTC
So your Teacher says no one Cares about other People's Failures in Life. I want to tell you that i am not Agree with it.
2015-03-26 21:16:46 UTC
To some extent it depends upon the society in which you live. If you're an American, winning is everything and if you don't win, you're a loser. In baseball there are two leagues and the champions or winners of the American league must play the champions of the National league. The winning team becomes a winner and the losing team is relegated to being a loser. Consider all the scientific theories that have contributed to the advancement of human knowledge. Many of them have been subsequently been proven wrong, like Newtonian gravitation. Einstein destroyed classical physics. The principles that guided and predicted mechanics and universal gravitation for a hundreds of years were found to be wrong. I guess that makes Newton et al losers.Then there are the fools, including me, who believe in compassion for the downtrodden, the poor, the dregs of society, the losers, and try to elicit compassion, understanding, and help for these unfortunates; these losers. We know we'll never win. Does that mean we're fools? Very well then, we are all fools, but we do not fight merely to win. Of course the best example we have is that of a carpenter who lived 2000 years ago. He tried to bring to his people and the world a way of life that demanded compassion, love, understanding, and forgiveness of your enemies because he believed it was the only way to establish peace on this earth. He was crucified by his own people. What a loser!
2015-03-28 22:06:44 UTC
I'm sure she meant to put it in this way:

No one is responsible/cares about your failures more than yourself. Not necessarily a test, since half the kids these days genuinely do not care about their grades. Your family will care whether or not you'll get a good career, or maybe you'll fail so much everyone will eventually give up on you. Saying this eventually you will care if you fail on things that will eventually impact your life in some big way.

But people have their own lives to live. They will care in some way depending on the person, though they have other things to focus on.
2015-03-28 12:22:04 UTC
I think your teacher is wrong because what she is trying to say is that everyone ultimately thinks about themselves.While it is true that most people do but that doesn't imply to everyone and it is also big failure of humanity that they mostly care about their own feelings.I think before judging others we should try to be good ourselves.As for your teacher's statement i can give you the perfect contradiction and that is a mother.No matter what happens a mother will always be there for his child because of unconditional love.As long as you have hope you will not be disappointed.

Hope it helps you to grow into a more logical person.
2015-03-26 19:21:19 UTC
Well then why do so many people watch ESPN's Outside the Lines or 30/30. Why are so many self help books and speakers use peoples failures to show how they overcame obstacles. NO I DON'T AGREE, and what kind of teacher is this??? A pre-school teacher???

They always use the fact that Tom Brady was passed over and was a 6th round draft pick and how he used that to motivate him to his success.
2015-03-31 10:02:38 UTC
Very few philosophical questions have such cut and dried answers, because life itself is not cut and dried.

If a relative or a friend suffers a failure or setback, it's the nature of some people to not really care because it hasn't happened to them, and this appears to me to be the position taken by your teacher.

However, I don't believe I've ever known of a person who does NOT care if the failure is one experienced by a relative or friend--we don't live in a vacuum, and I believe that most of us will respond to the failure of a friend or relative with an empathy that we wouldn't feel for a complete stranger.
2015-03-26 01:05:10 UTC
I find your question very sad because your teacher should know better, it simply isn't true. Perhaps your teacher doesn't have children, or other people to love in their life? In life you will find that your success depends very much on other people. If they fail so do you!

It's nice to succeed, but it just doesn't happen all the time. That doesn't mean that we shouldn't always work hard and do our best, and I think thats really what your teacher was getting at.
2015-03-28 18:11:22 UTC
Yes, I agree with your teacher. Why would I care about those who have failed? I have more important issues to think about than the failures of others. It's bad enough to think, or even care about my own failures in life.

In a way it would be more beneficial to learn from others who have failed.

Most people do care for the well being, health, and safety for others.
2015-03-25 23:55:23 UTC
Does your teacher not 'care' about the failures of his parents? *__-

Ask him exactly that!

Everyone must honestly answer in the affirmative!

We have all been 'let down', some quite hard, by the 'failures of others'!

If he (teacher) was smarter, he wouldn't use instant fail words like "no one" or "everyone"!

That way, his statement most likely fails before it has even all gotten ion the table!

An Honest answer refutes his own glib assertion!

That is verbal/intellectual jiu-jitsu.

If your teacher says that he doesn't 'care' is YOU 'fail' HIS class, he's wither lying or shouldn't be a teacher!

His assertion is poorly thought out and absurd!

And why an I answering questions only to be lost in hundreds of other answers.

What a fcuking waste of time!

There, those are my thoughts, have you any of your own?

I don't think teacher is going to grade me! *__-
2015-03-26 14:20:48 UTC
I think it depends on who it is and what it is

If you are close to someone, their ups and downs will matter to you just as much as your own. I mainly find this with my family. If my parents and my sister are happy, I am happy. However, if you're not close to someone, you may feel a small bit sympathetic for their failure, but it wouldn't bother you and make you upset.

It depends on what it is, too. If someone failed a huge state exam, of course you'd feel sympathetic. You imagine yourself in their shoes. It would be horrible and stressful. If it's just a little competition or something, you wouldn't feel all that bad.

All in all though, I have to say I agree with your teacher.
Md biplob
2015-03-27 02:04:25 UTC
I think your teacher is also usually touching on folks 'out within the world', not your shut circle of family and friends. in this sense, I cannot afflict her. this is often stuff they do not teach in class however ought to. once I got call at the globe I felt cheated by a imperfect system I did not whole accept as true with within the 1st place. The folks you've got to move with on an expert level will careless regarding 'what you are not sensible at,' your issues, or excuses. Results area unit all that matter. Negative things like issues and failures do not supply something helpful towards what folks area unit yearning for. they're going to haven't any drawback replacement you at your job if all you've got is excuses, as a result of there area unit heaps of eager folks right behind you willing to try to to what it takes.
2015-03-27 10:39:50 UTC
Someone else's failures are just as important teaching tools as successes. You become successful in life by watching and learning from others. If you have studied other peoples undertakings (both successes and failures) then you know what works, and just as importantly things to watch out for which can or will undermine you.

Nobody cares about your failures except you? I do. Because I can also learn from your mistakes and become better versed in such undertakings. Always pay attention to other people's mistakes, their mistakes are your learning tools of what to avoid or side-step. Merely paying attention to someone else's successes is only half the equation.
2015-03-25 23:18:05 UTC
I can not say if your teacher is right or wrong because every person is not the same. As my own experience, since I started school life, I never failed any exam nor get low score. But on the last year of final exam of middle school, I was very down because of my parents never give me good word before exam and they care about their work than me, also they don't care about how I feel. So I ended up fail on that exam. And it is the first time that I knew my parents, neighbor and friends of their true nature. Before I fail exam, they're so nice and friendly with me. After i fail, they started to make boring face whenever seeing me. when I invite them to birthday party, they refuse to come. whenever my parents talk to me, they sound like wanted me to get out of the house because I am no more use to them. since then I didn't have friends nor family that I can trust and share my feeling until one day I knew a person who care nothing about my past. She is nice and very kind. She give me a lot of advice and cheer me up to live on.

So for me I don't care about people's failure.
2015-03-31 08:31:36 UTC
Absolutely. I'll answer in colloquial language cause i dont feel like going all formal now, hope you understand!

Lets get into it, would you give a f**k if someone in your future office got fired? All you'd do would be talk about it with your friends, just a banal conversation like any other, but in the inside, you couldn't care less, am i wrong?

What I understand he is trying to make you realize, is that you can't expect compassion from others, you can't rely on that to succeed.

Don't do things expecting to get help from a third person, do them knowing that its you who will make it (or not) succeed. This way, you won't be disappinted,and the exit rate will be closer to reality. If help finally comes, and it lets you achieve even a greater goal, it will be welcome, but won't have been necessary.

Not sure if i explained myself that well, but heck, I tried.

Take care, Pau.
2015-03-29 18:33:38 UTC
If a mean person gets a fail you should not care about there failiures in life.... Because she wants you to ignore them Litteraly from mean people that's why sometimes a teacher might not think about anything she could do about something mean another person does and the teacher might say to you... Just ignore him/her you see she's right don't think about a mean persons failures.
2015-03-31 05:35:34 UTC
Yes and No, Other people usually don't give a damn about others failures but then again.

You've got your loved ones that care about you and will try to support you in anyway possible.

Just keep trying :)
2015-03-28 08:08:37 UTC
ALL careers are based on correcting peoples failures. Or fixing things or accounting. People too stupid to do math, like people who become teachers (because it takes like 2-3 years to get a teachers degree and they don't work summers). Don't understand problems well enough. There are millions of people who are waiting to teach. Very few engineers.
2015-03-26 16:44:33 UTC
Yea, I mean science is a prime example of people caring of someone failing, because if that person failed miserably of a potentially yielding experiments. Then the notes he's taken of his failures can have modifications or adaptations by others in the future. That statement if too fatalistic, it should be, instead, "Most people don't care about other people's failures in life", not "no one".
Adam Smith
2015-03-29 00:14:09 UTC
I think it depends what the failure is. If it's failing a test, yes, your teacher is right. If it's something like a doctor trying to cure a patient, that affects others and they definitely care.
2015-03-27 18:50:12 UTC
The ancient Greek philosopher, Epictetus said, in part: "If you wish to succeed, you must be willing to be though foolish and stupid." We all make mistakes, but we don't let those define us. We want to live a life without regrets. Edison's thousand light bulbs. Churchill's early political career. Lincoln's failed business.

As teachers, literally teach other people's failure--whether in history class or via fictional and real characters in English class or in discussing scientists and pioneers in other areas. We learn from other people's mistakes. #ShakeItOff #JustKeepSwimming
Cameron James Tibera
2015-03-26 12:19:45 UTC
I'm pretty sure a lot of people cared about Hitler's failures in life. I mean, can you imagine if they'd let him stay in Art School?
2015-03-26 22:51:14 UTC
That's not what your teacher means. They mean that nobody else is going to make you pass a test. It's all up to you.

Why liberals and other Democrat supporters insist on using more cold-to-others terms to describe simple concepts is beyond me, but what your teacher really means is if you don't make yourself able to pass that test, then it's not ever going to happen.

If you don't make yourself learn, then you are never going to learn because no one else can do that for you.

EVEN IF they wanted to do it for you, they couldn't because your brain has to remember and learn it for you to pass that test.

I think it's just that typical Democrat supporters and liberals live in this nobody cares about anyone world, so they use those sorts of terms.

I am fairly confident that your teacher is a liberal or other Democrat supporter because conservatives don't typically think that way. We don't think that nobody cares. We actually know that people care, but unless we ourselves are willing to make it happen, it simply won't happen. We conservatives think realistically, not in generalizations and defeatist attitudes.
2015-03-29 00:58:33 UTC
This question can be answered in both ways. Your teacher may not be right or authority to suggest that none is giving importance to you and to your active life. If you fail in any life activity your kith and kins, I mean to say, your blood relations are directly involved and affected by this failure and "advise" you to be calm and sustain the loss. Hence it is not correct that you give so much importance to your teacher's suggestion that no body is interested in your life performance. Your failures are the failure of your relations. For example if your father is discharged from job, you will feel the pain and worries of your father. Hence it is not correct to assert that no one is caring you.In a fast developing societies dominated by individualism, materialism and mechanization it is rather difficult to make people conscious of their responsibilities to the true relationships and love to the fellow beings. We should take other failures in view and advise the persons concerned to do more and more efforts in life to achieve the target. We should not be discouraged. good luck
2015-03-26 23:56:31 UTC
I think she is wrong or maybe she was just trying ro comfort those who fails so many times and wanna give up. Actually people in your circles do care about you, like parents and friends, they care everything about you, no matter success or even failures. But they don't mean to laugh at your failures or wrongpoints, instead, they just try to remind you your wrongpoints and try to get you right. If your teacher say people care about your failures, feel disappointed at your behaviors, then you may feel quite upset or even hate yourself.

In any case, it depends. This words goes in Chinese way, when we fail, our parents may say, don;'t worry , no one is keeping focused on you, you just keep trying and then you make it
2015-03-26 19:23:09 UTC
There is some truth in it that we all have our own Cross to bear, pardon my french. Or in other words, no one else lives inside your body. But untrue for the most part. People don't of course care in the abstract. One death is a tragedy, a million deaths is a statistic, says Stalin. But when it comes to their attention, they do make the necessary gestures and sincerely hope for the best. Fergadsake, look at all the news features which are tear jerkers.

This teacher is a rogue & a peasant-slave.
2015-03-25 20:39:50 UTC
Ya, funny I never really thought about it that way.

When someone else fails, I don't give it much consideration. Just sort of a "oh well, next time then", sort of response.

But...when I fail, it's like a total catastrophic event. Fortunately getting older has taught me that failure has to be accepted. When I was younger....perfection was the goal. As I age....close enough is a win.

I agree with your teacher.
Shepherd Azad
2015-03-28 01:26:07 UTC
Your Teacher has given Correct advice....They do matter immediately to your close ones but by the time passes, affects success and failures are directly with you as in case other peoples success and failures are with them...Failures are part of life and are usually important because every failure has a good thing hidden behind it which comes at the appropriate time...
Jake No Chat
2015-03-30 05:12:01 UTC
I do not agree with your teacher's statement. I care about the failure of others. It may still be a learning opportunity for me, and I do care if others may be sad or hurting, or the may just need some support.
2015-03-27 19:28:30 UTC
Then I'd say you need a teacher that cares about all children to teach in any school. Mike
2015-03-29 23:40:13 UTC
Sounds like your teacher was a failure somewhere down the line and still has a lot of bitterness. I care very much about those who have failed and learned something about themselves so as to become a success. Most real successful people have failed, sometimes many times before becoming a success, because they learned and did not give up. I care much less for those who failed and decided to give up on life but I still care.
2015-03-28 11:33:29 UTC
yes your teacher is right to some degree because people are so caught up in there own lives there own directions they don't really care about other people struggles and failures majority of people care about themselves that's why you see a lot of people get left behind in life not everybody is like that im not like that I don't like seeing people fail or struggle the olny time a lot of people will care about a other peoples failures is if it effects there own life and there direction or help them in general
2015-03-29 00:47:00 UTC
To anyone reading this answer: yes, I care about YOU, and your FAILURE to skip over this answer. It means a great deal to be able to send these thoughts out there, so I will try to say something meaningful. (Not that anyone is going to read this, especially the asker, with 190 answers to browse through.) The teacher is not absolutely right, and everyone will give you their own opinion, as I just gave you mine.

Oh, you have just to reject it, because it is wrong. In fact, everything I wrote above was a lie. See how easy it is to deceive people? Have a nice life.
john h
2015-03-27 02:21:55 UTC
I think people who have failures are more apt to fail. For instance would you rather date a recovered alcoholic or someone who has never gone down that line. Does a school want the straight A student or the one who has learned their lessen and is now going to buckle down. In a job interview do you say I used to have a problem with laziness and anger or do you not mention that. Yes society chooses the one who has a history of being successful vs failing. To be successful you do do risks and try things but you think and strive to be successful at it and not reckless. People often find calculated risks even if they fail as reasonable (a small amount of time money or sacrifice for a likely reward) but betting your house on lottery tickets (a large investment for a unlikely reward) as foolish.
2015-03-30 20:51:21 UTC
Teachers are under pressure to achieve academic

results and have no time to teacher there students

about the outside world. I have been told by many

students that there teachers do not have time to

answer questions to there fullest.

Parents are also expected to be to be part time


I believe that a good percentage of teachers are dedicated

but are frustrated with the Education establishment.

Very few teachers if any see the results of there hard

work. It is like planting a tree, but they never see it grow.
2015-03-31 10:27:41 UTC
Your teacher is totally wrong.Today, there are the people , who wouldn't care if somebody dumps you or If you run out of your pocket money ,or if somebody cheats on you.You will always be alone ,while you are crying, sitting in a corner.But when you get your test results ,all bloody a##holes come up and ask :"what's your grade?how are you better than me?" And if you got better grades than the others , you will make others feel jealous and embarrassed.I mean who the f##k are they to feel embarrassed ,cause you work hard and get yourself good grades?Just ignore the people dude ,all are selfish ,trust yourself and enjoy dominating others.
2015-03-27 15:16:59 UTC
No -- especially within the Scientific disciplines!

Both successes and failures are relevant data.

Other people's failures when attempting to find a solution for something have saved people untold hours of work when it comes to the scientific process.

Then again... If you think nobody cares about failures, why do you think college admissions reject applicants?
2015-03-26 07:12:06 UTC
No, I do not agree..every ship has a wake, and if we all all ships in a harbor that wake will effect us..true? The bible states every man shall be judged by the fruits of his labors, it's almost the same thing. Define failures, that would be the first it safe or wise to work with, live with or next to, have your children around a guy who did that awful thing?
2015-03-26 07:40:51 UTC
I have found that to be so. (not with every single person, but often.) Someone will complain about how they need to lose weight to a person who is more over weight. They'll complain about their money when they have more than the person they're complaining to. People that do that don't seem to notice that other people are not doing any better than themselves.
2015-03-28 00:43:07 UTC
Success is the one and only thing that makes anyone care about failures. Once you are successful you'll suddenly have people very interested in listening to the string of failures that preceded it, hoping to learn from your mistakes.
2015-03-29 09:03:35 UTC
In today's competitive society, we are judged by everything we do and that's what makes people care about another person's failure or success.

I think that people generally care very much about another's success or failure, and how it affects their own standings in society, in positive and negative ways. These days we are judged by everything we do or don't do. People "care" if we fail or succeed. We're always judged by our past performance!
2015-03-27 13:03:18 UTC
Yes, in reality we are all selfish. Every good thing we do in life for others, in truth we actually do it to make our selves feel better. We care more about us succeeding than we do about others failing. C'mon if you were given an opportunity in hand to have everything you've ever desired in life, but also given an option to give away that opportunity to your best friend, would you keep it for yourself or "do the right thing" and give it away? Answer that, then you'll have your answer
2015-03-29 15:13:09 UTC
I could care less about other peoples failures. Highlighting peoples weakness is not really how people socialize or interact with each other so what they have failed at is irrelevant. It's much more interesting to see what others accomplish.
2015-03-26 02:29:10 UTC
I always saw this as an oddly comforting sentiment. "You wouldn't worry so much about what people thought of you, if you realised they weren't thinking about you." This is to say people are more concerned with their own problems than anyone else's, and nobody particularly judges others for character flaws because they're worried about how their own are coming across.
2015-03-27 22:16:12 UTC
Your immediate family, true friends ( enter circle) and Christians, I'm sure these people especially care a lot about the decisions their own may make. But in general, those who does not have the love of God in their heart probably would care less b/c how can you care for others if you don't know God or care not to know God. God is love. Also, one must strive to make personal sacrifices to reach their goals in life. Sometimes you have to give up following others who seeks easy street, you must practice and work hard toward your goals in order to become successful. You got to put the time in!!! to accomplish the goal. If one delay you'll always be one step behind. Stay on top of your goals, work hard, play less; and one day it will pay off for you Big. Don't conform to the world way of thinking, especially when it's not to encourage. Your teacher know what it took for her to get where she is today. She's want the best for you and see good in you and your potentials can take you far, stay focus. I'm a Christian, I care and I don't know you but I BELIEVE in you. You can make it, don't lose your faith in God nor yourself. Like the writer said above don't let others hinder you who do not want to succeed, do your best and make wise decisions, one day you will be very happy you did. We need more people in the world like your teacher to care enough for young people to cause them to think and us their mind to make the right choice in life that will not let to failure and if failure happens after trying your best don't give up! Keep trying and ask God and those close to you for help. Just never stop believing in yourself regardless of what other may think. Most people overall are selfish but Only you can take you where you need to be in life with God's help through His Word, the Bible. May God Bless you abundantly and continue to ask questions, and listen as well to others if it's wise advise to you. I WISH YOU A HAPPY AND SUCCESSFUL FUTURE. IN GOD PUT ALL YOUR TRUST IN HIM.
2015-03-26 06:57:31 UTC
Do you ever remember who comes in second? No. So on a macro level no one cares I agree. But if your marriage fails because you failed at giving effort then i'm sure you partner probably cares. If your failure directly affects someone else then they will probably care. If not they wont care.
2015-03-27 20:59:08 UTC
People that care about you, will care about your success. But sometimes letting someone fail is the best way they can learn, so you have to not care about someone's failure(s) in order for them to develop that sense on their own.
2015-03-26 16:28:52 UTC
Your Teacher is wrong,other people's failures affect your life in many ways.

sometime other people can be anyone,

it can be friend or family member
2015-03-28 07:16:11 UTC
No one cares more about their own failures than yourself. You are the one experiencing a failure and hopefully learning from failure. No one else is really going to care about a failing grade in math, other than a good parent who is trying to help you be your best. I think the only other people, other than yourself, who would care, are the ones who are truly hoping for the best in your life and feel your pain when you experience a failure. In the real world, everyone is really concerned about their own failures (or successes) in life.
2015-03-27 20:43:18 UTC
Is this a psychology teacher?

The real question is, do /you/ care when someone you know fails a test, or at something else?

Most of us are generally capable of experiencing empathy to some level, but when it comes right down to it, our concern lies with our own successes, failures, and emotions.
2015-03-27 15:40:15 UTC
"No one" is a broad statement. Personally, I don't really care about anyone's failures, or problems, unless it directly affects me, or if the person is a close friend or relative. Otherwise, I try not to allow other people's problems to become my own.
Barney Google
2015-03-26 20:39:57 UTC
Your teacher is really just saying that a person who fails does not gain from self-pity, just as he does not gain from other people's pity of his inability to pass. Persistence counts in striving. If nothing comes of it, maybe it's not important enough beyond whatever example your teacher is using. If it is just a general blanket statement, maybe your teacher is misplacing his ignorance.
2015-03-26 05:02:53 UTC
Most people in life that don't care that you're hurting are cold hearted, mean people. As human beings we should care about the welfare of all of our fellow men and women, whatever color or circumstances they are in....if they deserve it. Some people bring about their own pain and even then we should somewhat pity them and their downfall. Not caring is animalistic, it's darwinistic and inhuman imo.
2015-03-27 00:26:23 UTC
I'm pretty sure I've felt sympathetic before...

I had a teacher who'd say crap like that all the time. His wife had left him and he was a middle-aged loser (sorry for being a bit harsh). He also hated kids.
2015-03-26 17:48:20 UTC
Too a certain extent

Most people care about a loved ones failures but not about others

I mean I care if my son fails, I give a crap if the guy down the street fails
Nasir Shikder
2015-03-29 11:49:58 UTC
Don,t know the actual answer. At this present time Everyone becoming selfish. Not everyone except some people but it's very rare. Practically we see that we always want to become successful. For that we try to do everything what we need for that achievement and everyone does.
Dr. Stephanie
2015-03-30 09:38:24 UTC
Your teacher appears to have a cynical, jaundiced view of humanity. Decide for yourself: why would the following exist, if no one cared:

the united nations

social workers, psychologists, physicians, psychiatrists

myriad and countless helping agencies

authors, actors, artists, and anyone else who portrays the human condition

lovers, friends, neighbors, husbands and wives, etc.

Perhaps it is your teacher who doesn't care about others, or who has experienced in his or her own life what they now believe to be true; in any case, they are wrong wrong wrong.

Do you care? I do. Voila.
2015-03-26 06:24:09 UTC
It's nice to succeed, but it just doesn't happen all the time. That doesn't mean that we shouldn't always work hard and do our best, and I think thats really what your teacher was getting at.
2015-03-29 20:04:42 UTC
No. I want learn how to gain a richer life. When, I see a family lovingly tending to a child I know that my career successes are but a fraud compared to that family's success. If your teacher is talking about a money deal going upside down how sad for him.
2015-03-26 19:35:18 UTC
Well, i think we are all very self absorbed. That when its us or someone else set up to fail, we will always be hoping that we win. It sounds selfish, but its human. But sometimes i do find that we do care ery profoundly about anothers failure. or we hope they dont fail. so, i say your teacher is worng. But it may just depend on the people. The more caring the more, obviously, you care about others failures.
2015-03-28 20:22:12 UTC
In a sense I can agree with your teacher. If this person is close to you (family or friend) then their failure WILL make you upset maybe. But if this is someone whom you have never met or barely know...well then your teacher is right.
2015-03-28 07:51:30 UTC
Your relatives and close friends will care but the rest of the world doesn't give a flip because they are too busy tending to their own failures...ask BHO about his failures.
2015-03-29 11:26:49 UTC
I definately care if someone fails, especially if it makes that other person upset even if it's someone I don't know. I understand what your teacher was saying though...
2015-03-30 04:16:09 UTC
You may not be sensitive to others' failures unless they are your close friends. But you can always learn from others' failures.
2015-03-28 10:33:41 UTC
Yes, this is human nature. But don't forget that only a few people care about your failures (Your family, lover, REAL freinds)
2015-03-26 05:23:32 UTC
I agree but people think others will look down upon them. Some people enjoy when others fail as it makes their success all the more gratifying. They probably looked down on others before any success or failure. When someone wins a big lottery most people tell themselves the people who won are undeserving. They feel their needs are more important and they should have won.
2015-03-30 23:54:55 UTC
This is a very "depends on" kind of situation. It's way more complicated than you think. People change a huge variety of relationships with different people where if one person fails, you might laugh at them for how they wronged you in the past, or, you might sympathize with them, encourage them to move on, or help them rebuild what they failed at. It's very complicated socially, but one generalization I tend to lean towards is that people with power tend to not care about the pawns below them who have failed listening to them.
All hat
2015-03-26 06:29:32 UTC
I wouldn't say "no one", but certainly the society as a whole is not our keeper. Our family and friends care, usually, but you can't expect strangers to care more than to observe the usual civil courtesies or maybe pick us up if we fall on the sidewalk, things like that.
2015-03-27 06:03:35 UTC
I do believe individuals tend not to care about other artists failures- when the individuals may not be outlined by these people.

I agree with your teacher.
2015-03-27 13:44:09 UTC
She's just being a teacher motivating kids
2015-03-26 21:46:38 UTC
I care very much about others and think very much about others. Even when I got into a PhD program, my mom and I thought it best to pray for those who weren't accepted. Jesus is love. We loved because He first loved us while we were sinners. He loved us failing on our paths to Heaven that He in His perfection, deserving no punishment, died on a cross for us, and rose from the dead so that we can rise with Him. How grateful we ought to be..

1 John 4:19

19 We love Him[a] because He first loved us.
meshack m
2015-03-28 01:40:29 UTC
But if you are part of the people their failures may affect you as you have to step in and help them and it can even cost you money. Encourage people to succeed so that you have less load on your shoulders coz those people will not be a problem for you then.
2015-03-26 22:42:42 UTC
Your teacher doesn't worry about you failing. I bet it would be disappointing. But do you care if there disappointed? Your teacher has many students and some are failing. he or she probably has there own kids too and really are not worried about you at all.
Tad Dubious
2015-03-30 10:26:29 UTC
Lauryn, I do not agree with your teacher. I care when some people fail. However, I think she was actually using what she said as a form or encouragement, trying to get you to avoid failing.
2015-03-26 08:49:09 UTC
To a large extent yes, people are too worried about themselves. But the ones who do care are usually trapped in their own feelings of inadequacy! So need to listen to their enjoyment of other failures!
2015-03-26 08:37:49 UTC
oh yeah, hope your school system is not one that evaluates its teachers. no i don't agree. people's jobs care about their failures to perform. customers care about stores/products failing to perform.
2015-03-29 04:16:23 UTC
No one should really care about other people's failures. Only you should care, and it should be confidential.
2015-03-27 20:15:22 UTC
I love the way people start off saying I think she was saying this...Cmon guys. Clarity. What I read ino it is a person saying failures are losers and have no place in society. No one wins the first time at anything...I dislike her comment and wish she did not share her view.
2015-03-31 04:21:12 UTC
People only really care about themselves and where your failure stands in relation to their lives if it doesnt affect them then no in most cases it doesnt matter all you need it is a little more self confidence in yourself and realise we are only here temporarily its just a game so enjoy the ride failures or no failures.
2015-03-26 09:09:07 UTC
I think people enjoy it when others fail, it gives them a boost to their self confidence to see others fail. I used to be an addict (pot) for 5 years. My sister took full advantage of that to treat me like a sub-human that didn't matter and should be marginalized and made a sub-family member because of that. She took full advantage of my failure to boost her own self worth and status in the family.
2015-03-27 19:28:56 UTC
In fact, it's a very competitive world out there! If you don't make it, you won't!!!
2015-03-28 06:53:10 UTC
I would care if my daughter failed, but she is an a/b honor student, so that usually does not happen. So what I am saying is that what your teacher says is not totally true, most parents do and should care whether their kids fail or not, so should teachers. But complete strangers probably not.
2015-03-27 10:25:26 UTC
Your teacher is wrong.You see if you do not care about others failures then you will not learn from others failures.Always notice what you have not been noticing and excel because of it.
2015-03-30 15:52:18 UTC
think of a set of good parents. Would they not care for their children's faliures? I know my parents care deeply about my choices and are sometimes protective of me. Then think of a job or volunteer position. You are working with your best bud and he or she messes up. Do you not care for their mistake? they might get fired or let go asked to leave because of that and you are left with no one else to work with. How does that make you feel and care about that mistake that your friend made?. See? there you have it other people do care about your mistakes and you care about others mistakes.
2015-03-30 11:35:15 UTC
i think people care about others failures if they are envious of them or if they dislike them. Anyway people care more/ remembers about others mistakes/ failures. Well that's my opinion.
2015-03-26 08:52:00 UTC
that's just bad advice what you teacher is giving you saying something like that is not going to motivate the person into trying again
2015-03-25 22:32:12 UTC
my parents always cared far more about how i scored on an exam than i did.

it wasnt until i was an adult that i cared about school. so your teacher is wrong about that with regards to school.

with regards to outside of school, your failure to success ratio is what people care about. Nobody really cares how many missed shots Michael Jordan had or how many strikeouts Babe Ruth had because their successes outweigh their failures..nobody cares how many failed businesses Donald Trump has had because he always ends up succeeded..However, if you take some guy who fails at a business and that puts him into bankruptcy and he loses his house and cant afford food for his family now all of a sudden a lot of other people are caring about your failure. for example i get upset with my mother a lot because she has been saying for like 10 years that she is gonna quit cigarettes and she will get a few days and then smoke again and she has tries every year and every year she fails....and i care about that failure because i care about her health.

so anyways, i disagree with your teacher. people always care about your success of failure and you will always care about theirs.
2015-03-30 05:52:54 UTC
Well,I disagree.People who are jealous of you WILL care and laugh,but most people tend to care about other people's ACHIEVEMENTS in life.So..I'll say 50/50.
2015-03-27 01:10:21 UTC
No - you're parents care about your failure and they are 'other people'.
2015-03-27 16:30:33 UTC
No as you go threw life you need study those who fail. To avoid there mistakes But pay more attention to those who succeed and listen to what they say. And there is great knowledge in those who are failures. If you can see why they failed.
2015-03-27 12:55:29 UTC
Si, efectivamente, en este mundo tan estresante en el cuall vivimos todos vamos siempre con poco tiempo para ayudar a nadie, ya que cuesta ya mucho ayudar a atu familia, pero de cuando en cuando deberiamos mirar hacia atras y ver que otros seres estan en la indigencia y necesitan de nosotros, aunque sea por 30 minutos al dia. Esto requiere sacrificio, pero sin duda tendremos recompensa.
Admiral Smith
2015-03-29 14:37:57 UTC
Yes. There is the trash can of failures and more people fail now because too many things are already out there.
2015-03-30 00:58:44 UTC
i don 't think so

beacause as we know that everybody in this world many times we fail

without failure we cannot get a success so if u want to get success then we should work hard enough to become good

2015-03-29 05:02:37 UTC
We might care to an extent but that doesn't indicate that we will offer help. Mostly it makes people feel better about themselves
2015-03-28 18:16:01 UTC
Your teacher is right. At the end of the day, the only people affected will be you, of course AND your parents. Your failures hurt them as much as they hurt you.
2015-03-27 18:07:58 UTC
2015-03-28 15:04:38 UTC
Your teacher needs to quit teaching. Most teachers are compassionate people and must not be a parent. Your teacher is wrong.
2015-03-26 18:42:09 UTC
Unfortunately I think she'[s right. Some may care, but you can count them on hand.
2015-03-30 00:12:48 UTC
I think failures are more interesting than success stories. In fact, without conflict there can be no contrast to measure what success is in the first place.
2015-03-31 04:18:28 UTC
I care. Not in the way that I'd judge them for it, but in the way that if they told me about their failures I would sympathise and give them advice.
2015-03-27 02:40:48 UTC
Of course the best example we have is that of a carpenter who lived 2000 years ago. He tried to bring to his people and the world a way of life that demanded compassion, love, understanding, and forgiveness of your enemies because he believed it was the only way to establish peace on this earth. He was crucified by his own people. What a loser!
2015-03-30 13:48:53 UTC
I agree with your teacher. If you don't do for yourself then no one will do it for you.
2015-03-29 03:30:16 UTC
I am quite certain President Bill Clinton hopes so
2015-03-26 16:09:11 UTC
Schadenfreude is pleasure derived from the misfortunes of others. This word is taken from German and literally means 'harm-joy.' It is the feeling of joy or pleasure when one sees another fail or suffer misfortune.
2015-03-28 10:55:38 UTC
i agree, more than often people enjoy seeing you failed, although they aren't showing it, ur best friend might show u some empathy, but you never know what's in their heart, sorry but this is a cruel fact. although im not saying everyone like that, chance is pretty high T.T
2015-03-26 06:26:29 UTC
If your teacher really intends the phrase " no one" then I would suspect he/she has no family, no real friends, and no children - and lives with much bitterness.

I disagree entirely with this statement. Seeing someone fail affects me; I feel empathy for them and I believe this is a form of caring.
2015-03-27 03:22:32 UTC
It is really a complicated question. It's depends on your relation.
2015-03-28 23:55:54 UTC
That is wrong.There are many people who does care. Like your beloved ones. But yes sometimes caring goes little kind of strict but it is depended on people to understand
2015-03-27 08:04:00 UTC
I think people care some in a really negative way and a few who love you care because they love you and want you to be successful.
2015-03-27 03:45:56 UTC
definitly not. in one way or d other one cares about other peoples failures, most of d time by criticising than by encouraging. or by escaping by saying i dont bother, because if u bother u should have reason to explain if not to others but atleast for yourslf
2015-03-29 08:34:51 UTC
Judy Mastos
2015-03-26 03:28:48 UTC
I agree, Almost everyone does only care about themselves. No one is there to care about others failure
2015-03-26 23:32:29 UTC
People care if their rivals or enemies fail,that's for sure.
2015-03-28 11:06:50 UTC
yes , I will agree this.He/She is absolutely correct actually.these people cripple their thinking power,In that case they think that they are failure in life.So that they making excuses,what they're not good at,creating unwanted problems & not solving there problems so easily.these are the things that they think they're failure in life.
Hin Long
2015-03-30 17:18:58 UTC
No people do care, and don't care at the same time
2015-03-30 06:56:19 UTC
some don't, some do. i like to look at the positive, not negative. you learn from mistakes or failures...
2015-03-30 03:27:12 UTC
yea i think its true because the world today is so selfish that every person finds his/her own advantage in every type of work.... the former times were the ones when people had feelings for each other and encouraged someone if he/she gets failed in something but nowadays everyone finds his or her own meaning and tries to get advantage whether or not that person feels comfortable or not or he/she gets something useful or not... im so sorrry to describe this but what the truth is we can never hide it :(
2015-03-26 17:48:29 UTC
You can and should learn from your mistakes and failures. But there are situations that you get into that if you failed, it could cost a life.
2015-03-29 01:18:08 UTC
We people love to care. Your teacher means be care giver not care taker.
2015-03-25 18:26:07 UTC
no - not only do they care about other people's failures, but they want them to succeed.
2015-03-26 16:10:39 UTC
Yeah right.Show that big red F on your failed test to your parents and see if they care.Your teacher must have grew up in a hole somewhere and never got out much.
2015-03-26 17:25:15 UTC
The only people who care for your failures are the people closest to you and who care about you. They are the ones who want you to succeed.
2015-03-28 15:12:00 UTC
If you don't care why expect others to care.
2015-03-28 06:57:29 UTC
no and yes, the one who loves you may be your parents or girlfriend or real best friend and god cares for you, but other people like just friends, classmates, colleagues, friend's friend or any other person will not care. think by your self its the easy answer for your common question.
Alvin B
2015-03-29 11:53:01 UTC
The only people attracted to failures are other failures. We have entire communities of muttually attracted failure culture.
2015-03-30 00:59:32 UTC
Some people do care but it is far in between. We do not know why or how that person came to fail.
2015-03-30 13:18:24 UTC
your teacher could be wrong. I know for my case, most people tend to capitalize on my failures.
2015-03-30 23:35:13 UTC
Unfortunately, people tend to remember failures long after successes have overtaken them.
2015-03-27 02:44:02 UTC
your question very sad because your teacher should. know better, it simply isn't true. Perhaps your teacher doesn't have .
2015-03-28 17:49:23 UTC
Honestly I only really care if other people fail if I fail myself. But if it was somebody I cared about then ints a different story
2015-03-28 21:32:27 UTC
I am pretty sure hitler's evil sins are paid attention to. Among others like him also.
2015-03-30 23:30:14 UTC
It all depends with your teachers experience in life and psychological state of mind
2015-03-26 19:35:57 UTC
Failures teaches the error of your ways and help you improve. Practice makes perfect.
2015-03-28 11:46:56 UTC
2015-03-26 22:17:13 UTC
considering youtube videos of failures are often far more popular than people doing stuff successfully, no. people care but often for the wrong reasons.
2015-03-27 13:50:26 UTC
Not all but most or many people don't.
2015-03-27 03:03:43 UTC
No. Teachers are human and they often spout off. Good educations teaches individuals to think for themselves and to form their own thoughts and opinions. You are on your way.
2015-03-29 05:38:22 UTC
I agree that your teacher must be a failure.
2015-03-26 07:53:00 UTC
how to define other people? if my close friend's failures, i will feel so pity
2015-03-25 20:50:16 UTC
Yes, it's similar to what is known in psychology as the Spotlight Effect: the tendency to think that more people notice something about you than they do.
2015-03-31 09:44:59 UTC
Failures are the parts of life where you learn, there is no growth without experiencing any failure.
2015-03-27 07:45:19 UTC
Yes I agree.
2015-03-27 06:21:01 UTC
well i disagree.coz others failure teaches us to be more accurate on things, more careful and teaches us a good moral. hence,we do care about others failure in life.
2015-03-30 09:19:44 UTC
Imagine you are a runner in a race, runner next to you is your very close friend. The race starts and in the middle of it your friend stops running, will you win the race or even completes the race if you feel sympathy for you friend.
2015-03-29 09:59:13 UTC
I agree because that is how the real world works. They don't call it the "big bad real world" for nothing.
2015-03-29 01:04:01 UTC
Dont say the unknown people about your problems. One half dont care, other half is glad that you have problems too. Only real friends will help you with your problems.
2015-03-26 19:50:12 UTC
I agree with your teacher.
2015-03-27 19:32:19 UTC
No. I appreciate when my competition fails because I can take advantage. I feel bad when someone I care about fails.
2015-03-31 08:31:39 UTC
very very wrong because I know there are a great deal of professional sports viewers who will give you every reason why their favorite athlete should be in the hall of fame even if that athlete never won the big dance
2015-03-25 18:24:05 UTC
sort doesn't really affect someone if someone else is not succeeding in something or being a failure unless they are important to them
2015-03-25 18:35:49 UTC
Yes. Beyond any gossip value, other peoples failures are not normally something we care about.
2015-03-30 16:14:02 UTC
I disagree, she was probably trying to help you guys by making you think that no one would care for you unless you push your self to success. Also try to focus and remember to help others that also help you
2015-03-25 21:33:31 UTC
It depends. Sometimes you can be scammed and that person might help you get out of it. Others could be not studying as hard in Maths, it could be..who cares?
2015-03-27 16:17:57 UTC
but a lot of successful people have had failures?
2015-03-29 15:24:35 UTC
Depends on whether or not those failures affect others or not.
2015-03-28 18:37:54 UTC
Um ur teacher suks and probly mean
The Mick 7
2015-03-26 07:03:49 UTC
Teachers are hired to teach, not editorialize. It is only your teachers opinion which does not apply to everyone.
2015-03-30 11:44:57 UTC
no .. sometimes people care about other failure cause some time we effected by the other people failure
2015-03-29 12:35:40 UTC
The teacher was referring to the scary outside world. Not you right now.
2015-03-26 07:14:25 UTC
Yes. I agree.
2015-03-28 21:30:20 UTC
some people like christians do care
Linda R
2015-03-28 13:28:02 UTC
Pretty much...however, the only time someone does care - is when the failures turn into crimes.
Bad Speller
2015-03-29 22:17:31 UTC
is truth ,if you are a failure no one care abut you ,you are worthless person why I have to look after you? you don this to you self, drugs alcohol ,knight clops, not working
2015-03-26 16:09:37 UTC
no because you can learn from your failures as well as other peoples failures
De Rossi
2015-03-29 00:22:38 UTC
yes your teacher is right . no one supports you in tough times those who does are true friends and family otherwise you are your own !
2015-03-29 06:18:05 UTC
Yes, I agreed.
2015-03-27 20:01:34 UTC
No. We should care about others.

We should help them to be more positive in life.

I hope it help.

God Bless.
2015-03-28 23:42:36 UTC
if somebody really cares about you your failures will affect them as well
2015-03-30 01:36:42 UTC
I suppose I do. Smart teacher
2015-03-28 08:03:45 UTC
Your teacher is a narrow-minded fool.
2015-03-25 20:35:09 UTC
I think, YES, But, Other Peoples Caring IS NOTHING To Do With, While the Personal "Self " IS NOT CARING Him/Herself.
2015-03-31 05:26:59 UTC
perhaps focus on the successes since whats focused on expands youtube/holographic 1-14 mind?
2015-03-26 07:49:44 UTC
Not always. Its true that this world is very complicated place no one standup for your until you upon stand up.
Broken H
2015-03-28 19:36:35 UTC
People care when they want to use it to bring you down.
osho sai
2015-03-29 02:21:33 UTC
no it is not true lot of people who are good human beings always help to overcome the situation . some good friends even help to maximum level, be positive
2015-03-27 17:13:02 UTC
Well, I definitely care for my family.

I guess it depends on what he exactly means and in what context.
2015-03-27 11:41:41 UTC
Has a point. People want results.
2015-03-27 06:28:12 UTC
no one cares . even your close once . in need people usually show their back . i have a big experience in my life . mates **** the world and stay happy
2015-03-26 23:18:28 UTC
The people who love you cares. Whatever, the most miserable guy is still you, of course.
2015-03-31 03:36:22 UTC
some time not some time yes i dont know your teacher tell you all these in which sense
2015-03-28 12:50:10 UTC
No. Your teacher is an awesome-idiot.
2015-03-30 07:35:10 UTC
yes and no. ur family members will care. and ppl who likes u will care. but majority of the ppl really just dont give a ****
2015-03-30 06:36:49 UTC
Well the people that will care will be the people closest to you. you only fail if you fail to try again really.
2015-03-31 06:00:36 UTC
your teacher is stupid cause failure doesnt mean you are nothing,failure is part of life
2015-03-28 09:21:32 UTC
I do gree. Everyone is too busy worring about htemselves
2015-03-27 07:50:40 UTC
Yes, do you care for useless materials?
2015-03-30 06:28:21 UTC
generally yes i agree, but there are always considerate people around
2015-03-29 12:13:42 UTC
Wow! This Question is great, I also waiting for best answer
2015-03-26 15:09:09 UTC
Disagree. Because you learn from failure (or you should).
2015-03-29 10:07:20 UTC
2015-03-29 05:10:59 UTC
not really .it totally depends one's mentality.
2015-03-28 19:00:18 UTC
yout teacher was a nerd most likely.
2015-03-28 08:35:07 UTC
I am unlike the construction. I have already succeeded. The problem and the solution stems from thereabouts the same thing; understanding the bigger picture, the bigger diary.
2015-03-30 01:18:03 UTC
Yes, i agree.
Thomas Jones
2015-03-30 16:14:38 UTC
2015-03-25 21:42:03 UTC
If you say you Can and Cannot, that is already True. What others say, is but opinion.
2015-03-28 10:27:26 UTC
your teacher is right . I am agree.
2015-03-31 08:58:54 UTC
teachers are a mass of dodo
2015-03-28 10:48:53 UTC
well i think its a cruel world, in the end everyone is resposnible for themselves as though as it sounds for some people.
2015-07-24 05:45:36 UTC
Mir Quasem
2015-03-26 20:51:21 UTC
No--Parents always care.
2015-03-25 18:39:36 UTC
I think that the answer you seek lies in

observing others` actions when people fail, not to attending to their words.
Karen W
2015-03-27 04:50:24 UTC
Element of truth in that
2015-03-27 03:37:28 UTC
disagree. ITs human nature that if somebody you are close to achieves something are nappy for them
2015-03-29 04:18:22 UTC
2015-03-31 06:22:57 UTC
Yep, the world is a cold hearted place.
2015-03-30 12:50:53 UTC
want to know
2015-03-26 04:46:29 UTC
no! what a pity they have teachers teaching that to young adults!
2015-03-29 22:03:51 UTC
2015-03-29 02:47:30 UTC
2015-03-30 11:38:27 UTC
yes to a certain degree
2015-03-27 07:29:53 UTC
2015-03-31 03:35:36 UTC
I agree.
2015-03-27 20:30:44 UTC
2015-03-25 23:03:03 UTC
2015-03-28 22:41:28 UTC
2015-03-28 06:02:24 UTC
Respect,will give & take with intrest.
2015-03-26 14:33:56 UTC
your teacher sounds like a gay âss loser
2015-03-25 18:24:26 UTC
Your teacher is wise
2015-03-28 05:54:01 UTC
Respect,will give & back with intrest.
2015-03-27 23:52:50 UTC
Good answers.
2015-03-28 18:24:15 UTC
She is right
2015-03-26 11:47:48 UTC
Md. Mahabubur
2015-03-30 20:32:09 UTC
I agree with him.
2015-03-28 00:35:22 UTC
I do not agree
2015-03-26 23:54:31 UTC
everyone here took the words out of me
2015-03-31 01:36:59 UTC
of course
2015-03-26 13:54:14 UTC
no your teacher is just an idiot
Amal trojan Fidelis
2015-03-28 07:34:00 UTC
I got 2 words for you " ITS TRUE", the rest is just bullshit.
2015-03-27 20:42:55 UTC
Depends on the failure.
2015-03-27 16:08:40 UTC
I fully agree...
2015-03-26 07:36:34 UTC
logically your teacher is right.
Frank Barnwell
2015-03-28 21:07:40 UTC
2015-03-28 20:57:27 UTC
2015-03-27 13:46:13 UTC
everyone makes mistakes
2015-03-29 12:40:36 UTC
No thats not true
Mr Winkles
2015-03-27 23:53:34 UTC
Not at all
2015-03-28 20:32:09 UTC
2015-03-27 20:32:10 UTC
2015-03-29 19:01:12 UTC
2015-03-30 17:30:10 UTC
Well yes they do.
2015-03-30 22:14:07 UTC
Yes. I do.
2015-03-30 00:06:46 UTC
no because their family do
2015-03-28 20:30:39 UTC
NO! Why would dare to say such a thing !!!!!!!
2015-03-29 06:31:33 UTC
2015-03-29 04:25:19 UTC
yes,I agree.
2015-03-29 03:51:07 UTC
2015-03-31 01:51:30 UTC
yeah that s right
2015-03-26 10:41:54 UTC
Not really true.
2015-03-29 07:54:45 UTC
your teacher is an idiot.
2015-03-30 18:08:22 UTC
2015-03-30 10:05:49 UTC
2015-03-26 19:54:56 UTC
2015-03-29 09:03:40 UTC
I am not agree...
2015-03-29 20:27:18 UTC
no , not agree
2015-03-31 14:20:44 UTC
well first of all, is she hot?
2015-04-01 13:29:08 UTC
yes i am agree with it.....
Anik Hossain
2015-03-26 21:09:36 UTC
i dont think so
2015-03-27 07:21:41 UTC
Joey Blake
2015-03-29 17:45:18 UTC
2015-04-02 16:03:12 UTC
not sure
2015-03-31 04:46:21 UTC
2015-03-30 12:58:01 UTC
2015-03-29 16:04:57 UTC
2015-03-28 18:33:15 UTC
2015-03-27 18:45:05 UTC
2015-03-26 16:32:50 UTC
2015-03-26 06:54:19 UTC
2015-03-26 18:49:55 UTC
2015-03-30 08:24:16 UTC
2015-03-29 15:03:44 UTC
2015-03-27 21:31:44 UTC
A.h.n.lakshmi Rajakumari
2015-03-29 10:56:35 UTC
no sometimes.
2015-03-27 05:27:39 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.