superphysical occurences attributable to an external input from the perceptible universe also known as miracles attributable to God make sense to you? Here is how I see it. How can an entity who created the life-complex, nuclear fusion, stars, the balance of nature, the Big Bang, a dogs tail wag, the laugh of a baby at funny faces, sexual intercourse, love, a cheesy taste, atoms, electrons, quanta, bees, honey, roses, happiness, fire, water, light (you get the picture). How would an entity who created such wonders and the laws that govern their existence and interaction give me a job if I truely believed in HIM/HER/IT that HIM/HER/IT was truly capable of doing it? Should I ask for a job or ask for a means to survive/progress - whether that means winning the lotto, business, getting hit by a bus and getting compensation?