2011-06-11 09:13:12 UTC
And some may think I’m mad but I don’t believe that I am mad at all. Maybe what some see as madness is in fact the clearest sanity. I could be the key to a new self-aware future where we know what this truly is all about and where we are able to change things and create an entire new world. it’s philosophy, it’s true. What is the line between faith and madness, and between madness and genius? Madness is a silly word. I will look it up online. The first definition is: the state of being mentally ill, esp. severely: again illness may simply be war, even mental illness, even though I believe that some people label things which are not really illness as illness. The second: extremely foolish behaviour- I do not believe that that exists at all! If we are just electricity and we are driven by purpose and this material world is not in fact real there is no such thing as foolish behaviour! We will resort to anything to achieve purpose and what if some people have to participate in what is viewed by some as extremely foolish behaviour to achieve purpose? Purpose, incidentally, never ends! And purpose never began. Some say, that in the beginning there was god. I would prefer to phrase it as: in the beginning, there was purpose. And purpose dilutes and mixes to become stronger each time and you may just find clarity in one particular thing. Perhaps a plant will show us how to create the new world! Perhaps it will be a vision driven by the same electricity because a vision is living and it needs to be driven by something and therefore it is driven by purpose and electricity!! And I believe that because I am so driven sometimes I am driven by a particularly large force of purpose, and that I should stop fighting against purpose because when electricity turns on purpose it creates illness! And I do not want to end up in a state of illness. I do not want to conflict with the purest of pure! Who am I, anyway? I believe I am purpose, I am purpose possessing this body, I am purpose writing this, purpose working things out, and there is a reason for this and the new world which is coming with purpose! Why should we be ordinary and be restrained from these things when in truth there is no real restraint? It is weak to give up on purpose when meeting a little restraint, because if your electricity has much purpose it will listen to the purpose and it will do exactly what the purpose tells is to do and do anything to get there! Death does not stop purpose and nothing is important but purpose! And purpose does not speak in any of our senses although it may adapt them to communicate with us in very rare cases, but purpose speaks in the pure language of purpose because that is what there was in the beginning, there was the simplest of simple, purpose.
Anything can happen but nothing but purpose, and electricity, which in reality is another word for purpose, is real. It is hard to explain in words because in words purpose has been diluted and the only way you can truly know is through the pure language of purpose, which is nor sight nor sound not touch nor smell. It is not sense because purpose is everything. And we must work through this jungle of bad matter with diluted purpose to achieve what it was always meant to be and create something which is pure purpose. It is the greatest enlightenment! The words cannot begin to describe it. Because though there are words there is always the same meaning!!! There may be so many different words for the same meaning, but the meaning is always the same and when you get right down to it it is all purpose diluted with matter because purpose itself is the purest thing and you have to have the ability to see beyond the matter and before now I never had the ability to see. I do not care for any of this stupid matter, I will fight past it and I will achieve true purpose because my purpose is pure and my purpose will do great things.