In our moments of relaxation, when we slip into ennui, we stop being alert to the flow of life that is when we get bored.
Boredom is a clear sign of laziness towards our inner guidance, as it means that we have not been alert enough to catch the guidance, or eager enough to follow up on it.
The flow is always sending us inspiring ideas to make us feel joyous all the time, so when relaxation stops being joyous , you should know you have missed to boat, and its time get up and get ready!
There is a moment in our sleep where when you wake up once, we will feel joyous and refreshed, but beyond that if you go to sleep again, you'd wake up from sleep all groggy, as you would have overslept, and you'd have to sleep all over again, to sleep over, or get over that grogginess.
So wake up when feel refreshed, forget the clock, as it is bad idea to control your sleep, and unhealthy too, as your body knows exactly how much sleep it needs each night, let it.