To find the true answer to your question you must watch and be aware of your own mind rather than asking someone else, or listening to what some so called expert has to say. The evidence is all there in front of you. But in order to be aware the mind has to be in the moment, silent and very alert.
There is no thinker, only conditioned thinking.
Foe all thinking is conditioned.
Thoughts create the thinker.
Thought is the result of your conditioning, thought is the response of your memory.
What are thoughts?
Thoughts are the result of memory aren't they?
After all you cannot think about anything you do not know, can you?
Go a head try?
Thought cannot penetrate into the unknown, and so it can never discover or experience reality.
For what ever your thought is it is based on previous thoughts.
So thoughts are memory derived from experience.
The origin of thinking is experience
So experience = memory = thoughts = the 'i'.
Thought is always a fragment because thought is the outcome of the past and the past is a fragment of the total time.
Thinking arise due to perception, contact, sensation and then thought, based on memory. Thought creates the thinker, it is the thinking process that brings the thinker into being. Thought comes first, and later the thinker, it is not the other way round.
As soon as thought enters the field it automatically takes the 'i' with past hurts, prejudices, jealousy, fond memories and experiences.
Thought has created the me. When the moment of thought stops there is no me.
So the 'I' is generated by thought.
Thoughts produce the 'I'.
Where there are no thoughts the thinker does not exist.
To be in the moment when thought is absent is true enlightenment.
Seeing without thought does not put the brain to sleep, on the contrary it is fully awake, attentive, without friction and pain.
Watch a bird soring in the wind, just watch and observe its effortless gliding through the sky.
Most people will watch and produce thoughts about the bird by internally naming it or saying its beautiful, or comparing it to another bird or of a picture they had seen before,
To understand the bird completely we must give 100% attention, watch without the word, we cannot understand it probably if part of our mind is in the past, comparing through thought.
As soon as you name the bird you will not see that individual bird, you will be viewing it from memory. Ah that's a seagull! I know what seagulls look like and walk on. To look with thought and to look without thought are two different things. The very recognition prevents the experiencing.
Is not the movement of time, psychologically, the movement of thought? So thought is time and time is fear – obviously. All problems are created, psychologically and inwardly by thought.
Life begins where thought ends.