What evidence is there, if any, for us being all one mind? (ACIM)?
2010-07-05 14:16:27 UTC
I know it's a common belief that we all are One on the soul level, but I just read some A Course in Miracles material, and they say that we're all really one mind and one ego. I don't understand how we could all be one mind, we'd have millions of thoughts in our head and no way to sort them out? It would just be too confusing to go through life with one mind and billions of bodies! Can you explain the theory behind it?
Ten answers:
2010-07-05 18:18:30 UTC
I see that you got the usual comments about the course from those who have never read a word of it.

Interesting how complete ignorance of something makes some of these people experts isn't it.

One mind is a bit confusing. Try instead to think of one overriding or background consciousness.

God is the background consciousness that all seemingly individuated consciousness emanates from.

We are individuated aspects of this background consciousness that some refer to as the mind of God. This individuation shields us from the trillions of other thoughts and makes us appear for all intents and purposes to be separate unique individuals.

This is done for the purpose of interaction, communication and the unique possibilities that this presents to explore the ideas of love, conflict, fear and the many and varied emotions that these ideas can bring up in us.

This seems a bit odd because we simply can't imagine our truth from the tiny perspective that the idea of the body provides us with.

One of the purposes of the course is to open a channel back to the source so we may access the universal wisdom it contains. This is not something to be afraid of. It is not some over whelming flood of thoughts and ideas. Just a knowing that is available to us when we need it.

Love and blessings Don
Mad Scientist
2010-07-06 02:36:15 UTC
Don H gave a very good answer. Please do not just read material about "A Course in Miracles". Start reading the course itself. You don't even have to believe anything about it. But if you persevere, the whole world will open up. Also, ego comes with the body and provides the separation from the universal consciousness. We have glimpses at times that that makes us think there are special powers. The reality is we all have amazing abilities, but the ego makes sure we never realize it.

You are at the door, take the step and you will never look back.

Good luck and God's speed.
2010-07-05 21:24:08 UTC
I am not familiar with ACIM, but i think its just appealing to believe things like this. Biologically, our brains are wired to 'connect' with one another on an emotional level and i think this is why some people thing that 'we are all one'. However, there seems to be no supernatural cause for this, and the connection is based on how the other person's body language, tone, and a little on what they say.
2010-07-05 21:37:02 UTC
The idea of a universal mind (one mind) is not new and many religions have made use of it. But the point is that, although we're all part of the universal mind, we do not realize it, and so you have your thoughts, I have mine and we don't mix them up. The universal mind is the backdrop, the bigger picture. In a way, we all DO have the same thoughts but we don't experience it in this way. You live your life, I live mine but we're one in the one mind. I don't personally believe it, but it has a certain attraction because it's saying we're all linked together, which in a sense we are.

You could look at it from another point of view: There's nothing intrinsic about your thoughts that make them yours, or about mine that make them mine. Do they have your name on them? Is your social security number stamped on them? Do they come with a photo? No. So the idea of my thoughts and your thoughts isn't so automatically different, although it flies in the face of received knowledge. So, more support for the one mind.
Asish G
2010-07-07 06:09:31 UTC
There exists millions of waves and ripples in sea ,all of them consist of water and part of the sea yet different as perceived by your senses.

What ever we see or feel (.. that means our Universe) is a relative truth, relative to our seances . Absolute is one , there exist only one, this universe is only a phenomena not an Absolute truth. .. In terms of science there exist only one ( energy and matter is its or his two forms) as the constituent of all the universe. The universe is a projection of that through our senses . since it is a projection through out seances it (the constituent) can not ne described or known through our seances .

It is said that one can feel union with the that "one and the only" if the seances could be made to stop functioning ... not only external .. the eyes, nose, tongue etc but also the mind.. then and then only one can fill that there exist one and only one .. but he can not express his experience because he has to express the same through his seances. Those who felt only could tell that it is infinite consciousness , infinite Joy and has no start or end.

If the above is true we are the ripples of the infinite consciousness and in an illusion of having an identity.

Coming back to the analogy of sea and ripple .. ripples are part of the sea still be considered as different.
isis's brother
2010-07-06 00:39:57 UTC
the bible tells us that the Creator made man in his image. That would be as a spiritual being.

Mankind is the son of God. that is the 1st creation story. 2nd creation story is about adam.

the first man. It says a deep sleep came over adam and nowhere does it say that he woke up.

My take on the ACIM story is that man was created as co creators with god but not

able to undo anything God created. When man got the silly idea that he wanted to separate

from God, he was not able to over ride or in any way change God's creation. But he could

create a dream world and believe in separation. Real separation has never been possible.

Important to note: God never acknowledged man's dream world or made it real. He did

create Holy Spirit to guide us in the dream world and eventually help us to awaken

to God's reality.

Since mankind was created as one in the beginning, when Jesus came he taught us to love one another because we are one. Little progress can be made in awakening from the dream

until we realize our oneness with our brother.

Over and over ACIM states that God did not make the ego, We did. We will let go of the ego prior to awakening.
Etcha Sketch
2010-07-05 22:47:14 UTC
ACIM, or Science of NOT cult. I studied it for yrs and still use it on a daily basis. You have only got a very SMALL picture of what ACIM is all about.
ugh super ugh super ugh super
2010-07-05 21:23:22 UTC
are you reading cult material? ya need to watch out for that lol, the theory of one mind is true I think, but I dont agree with the traditional new age nonsense picture of it. It only makes sense when you see the earth and humans for what it is. Ag to make long story short yes we are one mind because were in constant communication at the same point in time connected by being on the same earth. We all maintain a world of knowledge between us.

To explain it simply, its the difference between a child raised by wolves who doesnt know how to point a direction to someone, compared to a kid grown up in a city full of people with a strong connection to the world of thought of humans who can point directions and tell you what youll find (in a full modern language that you can interpret) when you go that way.
2010-07-05 21:29:03 UTC
None. Zip. Zilch.

In fact, all evidence suggests we are NOT all one.

Nor is there any evidence for a soul -- in the way that term is usually used.

Uh, miracles? No evidence for them, either.

There is NO credible evidence of any supernatural phenomena whatsoever.
2010-07-05 21:46:36 UTC
our similarities are much greater than our differences, we all experience birth, death, joy, fear, anger, excitement, etc. even other organisms experience many of the same things we do. we are all parts of the one life that lives in us all.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.