the bible tells us that the Creator made man in his image. That would be as a spiritual being.
Mankind is the son of God. that is the 1st creation story. 2nd creation story is about adam.
the first man. It says a deep sleep came over adam and nowhere does it say that he woke up.
My take on the ACIM story is that man was created as co creators with god but not
able to undo anything God created. When man got the silly idea that he wanted to separate
from God, he was not able to over ride or in any way change God's creation. But he could
create a dream world and believe in separation. Real separation has never been possible.
Important to note: God never acknowledged man's dream world or made it real. He did
create Holy Spirit to guide us in the dream world and eventually help us to awaken
to God's reality.
Since mankind was created as one in the beginning, when Jesus came he taught us to love one another because we are one. Little progress can be made in awakening from the dream
until we realize our oneness with our brother.
Over and over ACIM states that God did not make the ego, We did. We will let go of the ego prior to awakening.