A Letter from St. Fritz the Unicorn to the Nation of Pliers:
Ye, who call yourself Flat, Round, Needle, and Box-Joint must abandon the involuntary sin of jealousy, and remember that all are Plier.
Once, in the Age when Unicorns and Blue Monkeys dwelt in the Great Forrest of Pasta, we discovered, nestled under the tremendous tire of our Mystical Off-Road Vehicle, a tiny plastic Packet, torn and apparently bleeding. Being a compassionate people, we tried, through endless hours of stomping, pawing, and stabbing, to restore the packet to health. But not all Beings are like the Pliers. Some, once opened, can never be closed.
At last, when all our horns were befouled by the Packet’s innards, PeeWee the Brave did the dance of the Blue Monkeys, and they came, via vine, to our assistance. The great monkey General Hecatomb, as you well know, has the notable distinction of having an acquaintance whose friend’s brother’s step-uncle’s twin hamster has with a distant cousin that speaks to the Reindeer Behind the Curtain. And it was this Cunning Rodent that called forth the People of the 57 Varieties.
They came in many packages. There were many colorful brothers to Packet, Large Squeezables and Small Squeezables, and elderly Glass Bottles, who for their own reasons, and in testimony to their class and grace, preferred to remain upsidedown. They gathered the fallen packet at once, and with copious chanting and pushing, transported its soul into half-empty squeezable, thus giving it New Life. For, you see, O Nation of Pliers, the 57 Varieties, though they come in many shapes and sizes, are One.
It was, in this moment of beauty and excitement, that General Hecatomb, in typical Blue Monkey fashion, became excited, and caused the Mystical Off-Road to lurch suddenly forward, crushing all varieties of the 57 Varieties. Thus, today, the People dwell on the hallowed ground of the Forrest of Pasta, totally united.
We Unicorns dare to hope that someday, you Lock Jaws, Cutters, and Strippers will be able to match our Wisdom.
This is the Word of the Horn.