Ok. so, first of HEY YALL! ok. so me and my best friend are both semi popular semi nerds in my school. the "popular" people( really just b*t(hes, and skanks and whores.) are just really,,,well wat i already said. so, me and my best friend and i are creating a resistance....made of us 2 but we have TONS of back up. we have 2 operations. 1: O.S.A.H.(operation skank and hoes)- this is to help us sink to their level and mimic their image. and 2: London Bridge- wen we turn them all on each other and they all fall down. haha. i know kinda geeky but cool. ok. so. we need ideas. and dont just say.....revenge is bad......dont sink to their level.....u already sound like b*t(hes. we know. so ideas please!!!!! XD Bwahahahahahaha!
and no were not crazy......or that much.....