The universe is infinite, for if it were not then we can understand that there is something else in existence besides the universe, may be another universe or two or may be countless - a multiversity in existence. For the sake of simplicity however, I call all that exists the existence – the entirety.
Now, time is but an attribute or quality of all things in our physical world. The world is a transformation and time is a menifestation of this. All things in our observation grow, decay, rust, age and undergo transformations, sometimes fast and sometimes very slow but they do change all the time. The change permeates and governs all that exists. Time in this sense is a relative entity and not an absolute one - time is because there is in the nature of all things that change, and cannot be static or stationary.
Now if there are an infinite number of things in existence then there are infinite ways they can change and interact with each other. The probability of finding out what will happen in the future of anything is infinitesimally small and therefore not computable. We cannot predict the future, even our own, to any reasonable degree of accuracy. We can only foretell the likelihoods and possibilities. We must stay prepared however rigorously and finely we plan for things to take place the way we want.
You can consider the answer this far just an attempt to spoil your wonder, but there are more to this topic then we can ever find out. For example, if somehow I know what will happen tomorrow then that knowledge of my future will altered the way something was supposed to happen. If I would not know what is going to happen that thing will happen unaffected.
Or alternatively my knowledge of the future will add up to the present events in my life leading me up to the next day’s events. You can say that what was going to happen in my future became observable to me before hand as a part of the beginning of something that is going to happen. And if I were not told what will happen then that thing would not have happened at all. Just imagine an evil apparition appearing to someone to tell that they will have an accident tomorrow. And this just to screw their mind before hand into doing something silly causing that fateful premonition to eventually and actually come true.
By far dreams are considered the most popular means to foresee the future. And I believe we intuitively foresee our future all the time even with our eyes wide open. And then we continuously change our future as it unfolds, shaping our lives the way we wish, desire or aspire. If this were not the case our lives would not have been as logical as they are; we would not achieve anything, or accomplish anything by planning and making strenuous efforts. We intuitively anticipate our future and constantly alter it without realising what we are doing – carving up our selves from unformed and unshaped marble stone of otherwise random spread of existence.
We create from existence our own existence – peculiar and unique. We change our future by our wishes, prayers, aspirations, hopes and deeds to carry our purposes forwards and dreams come true.