thanks tropos for the video link. In my view they are both wrong on some things and right on others. I quote myself :" unless all that is is known then one can not be certain of anything"
the follow on quote to this is "there can only be that answer which is most correct" This line of reasoning is one of the foundation blocks of humility. which leads to another personal quote nod to Marx; "arrogance is the opiate of the ignorant" Basically everything remains an open question. obviously one can not question everything and remain sane, but everything should be understood to be an open question. This leaves the mind free and encouraged to seek a better answer. Arrogant assumption of something has the opposite result leading to ignorance.
All that is can be expressed mathematically. I believe everything is a form of energy and i agree with the little i know of string theory that all that is is energy vibrating at a given frequency. If i depart from string theory due to a lack of understanding of it, then that remains my current position position.
soul, mind, thought are all forms of energy. all energy has the potential of assuming the forms we know of as mass and an infinite number of other forms and the reverse is true. It is a question of knowing and applying the right force to achieve the desired frequency and result.
frankly based on what i saw in the dualism video dualism though it probably contains much useful data and concepts is thematically seriously flawed.
i find it interesting genetic material is left out of the miind and body summation. I think chances are fifty fifty the soul and possibly our consciousness, if not the same thing reside in our genes. as for levels of consciousness who knows, they might be independent separate entities that work together for some reason.
as for Descartes, he was doomed if religion was his guide, faith and wisdom are like oil and water.
faith is arrogant assumption. Faith deadens the brain, destroys and or renders irrelevant the notion of thinking let alone questioning. Faith is a tool to control the masses and breed ignorance.,
you do not need faith to believe in the existence of a God. You do not need religion to believe in the existence of a God. You need only to make a decision with conviction.
as far as It goes I have three things to say about the God question.
If their is a God he has a God too.
no-one on earth is qualified to tell someone else a God exists or what Gods job description is.
I am inclined to believe there is a God. More accurately a superior being. As many secret societies contend, as it is above so it is below. this is consistent with.fractal theory and micro and macro atomic s.. As for God having a God, Moving in micro, macro, or dimensionally there will be a point of relevance. that point where anything beyond is simply irrelevant. it is likely at that point in any direction is where we would find our God. Repeat as you desire.
without exception there is always a big fish in the pond (God), but their are always bigger ponds.
just an opinion. absolutely no disrespect intended to the religious or anyone else. when it comes to such matters as these we all, the entire human race has each the same chance of having that answer which is most correct as another.
I may not agree with the beliefs of another, but i do sincerely respect that persons belief.
"to question convention is not only a good idea, it's our duty" myself.. . .