Do we have the right to end our lives..?
2010-08-09 01:10:40 UTC
Note : Asking this Question in general.
64 answers:
2010-08-09 01:54:40 UTC
Yes, of course we do.

As I believe Rose (?) said, it is illegal. However, recently a state, I cannot remember which one--has made it legal for assistance in this most personal of choices.

Someone else said, in essence, that we did not create ourselves, therefore we could not end our own lives. As a matter of fact, this is partly true. My mother & father 'created' me, biologically, but this does not give them the authority to make my choices for me.

Religion has much influence over what one believes is "right" or "wrong." I respect that.

It is not the province of a government to interfere, & this debate has been ludicrous for years.

It is also illegal to commit suicide in any manner, & as my sister has humourously laughed: "If one does so, what is the punishment?"

My personal opinion is that if I have a terminal disease for which I will suffer for an indefinite time, it is illogical to choose to live. Is living pain, total dependence & indignity? Is it 'right' or 'noble' to put our family & friends through this agony?

Yet, the bottom line is that every individual has the RIGHT to choose what they will, & not to impose their views on anyone else.
James M
2010-08-14 12:29:06 UTC
First of all, Dragon you should answer some more questions. Best answer I've read to this pressing question.

Second, I would say yes, but understand suicide has profound and lasting consequences for your family and friends. I know most people realize that jumping off a freeway bridge because your girlfriend broke up with you is stupid. While it can be agreed upon that if people have a terminal illness or a completely deliberating condition than suicide wouldn't seem unreasonable.

However, if the latter is the case, you must be sure. And how sure can we be of anything in life?

For instance, I had cancer, was told by doctors I only had six months to live. Nothing could be done. I considered suicide. I really did, thought about it all day, dreamed about it. Anything to get out of a long, slow death and watching your body mutate.

But I'm alive. I made it. People said I wouldn't.

Case in point.
2010-08-09 23:28:07 UTC
Someone mentioned semantics. Good.

Do we have the "right" quite clearly states the premise. A 'right' can only be given to us. By whom?

By laws or gods?

If this had been phrased, "Do we have a CHOICE?" there would have been no question.

Those who speak about the 'gift' of life, our responsibilities to others, the punishment for 'suicide' have no idea in the world how it would feel to be in unbearable physical pain, connected to tubes, catheters, would desire a far more swift death than the one they face.

If such a person has room at all, to 'care' about friends or family, and the agony they also go through in these extended deaths, it is a noble, rational thing to end it swiftly.

The issue of abortion here, is as irrelevant as many of the other comments.

Just suffer and scream because that is what your deity, or the law DEMANDS.

No thanks.


Jake: "Even in terms of euthanasia I would argue that you don't legally have the right to kill yourself, only because it would become quite a hassle to investigate every single euthanasia, because you know there will be some spoiled sons and daughters that would kill their parents for their money under the guise of euthanasia. It's the "Can of Worms" argument."

No, it's the "slippery slope" concept. Any humane advancement can be abused, thus, never make them? How would they 'kill' their parents? Euthanasia would be carefully monitored. Doctors would not simply pull the plug at the request of a relative. In fact, those who assist those who WANT to die, simply give them the means, but do not administrate it.
2010-08-09 02:15:41 UTC
This is possibly the only control we have in a world of authority, where laws dictate our personal preferences.

Yes, we do have that right. I'm not talking about slitting our wrists over a failed love affair, or not passing the bar. This is a serious decision that only each of us can make, by evaluating what life means to us.

I have nothing to add to Dragon's excellent answer.


"I don't think so.

generally (well, in most cases, except exceptional ones)

When you are at the point that you want to END your life, you generally are not in the right mind (depression or other mental diseases) and YOU therefore are not going to end your life. someone else, someone who is gripped with such diseases, will end your life. And you won't ever be able to recover, as you could from the disease.

Does that make sense? It sounded smarter in my head."

*Smiles* No, it didn't make sense. Someone who is gripped with such diseases will end your life??

There have already been comments about PHYSICAL, terminal diseases. That is the line I would draw. There was, in fact, a HUMANE oncologist who illegally ordered a lethal dose of morphine to end my husband's life when he was in agony that might have lasted for many days.

Perhaps each of us needs to evaluate quality & quantity, unless this is against ones' religion, of course.
2010-08-14 03:04:42 UTC
The LAW says NO, But free will gives all any right to do whatever with thier lives whether it to

be rich, poorer, long, or shortened. No one can really stop or punish those that kill thermselves

and to actually take your life to the quick end takes a HUGE amount of Strenght most of us will

never have. Anyone who leaves early are truley missing out on the happy life the future brings to

everyone that persists in belief. There is no other being than to be in our bodies roaming this earth

or existing rather than laying to dirt or Fire! When you are dead you stay in the condition you died in

and then truley you have no escape for ETERNITY! Choose with respect for oneself and commit to the Choices with happiness and knowing Tommorrow brings New choices, Death Takes all choices

2010-08-15 06:28:32 UTC
Non-active euthanasia, or assisted suicide, is legal in three US states;




New Hampshire is currently considering a bill on assisted suicide

Active euthanasia, commonly referred simply as euthanasia, is only legal in:

the Netherlands


Assisted suicide is also legal in:



Switzerland does not punish doctors who perform euthanasia.

It was legal in the Northern Territory of Australia between the years of 1995-1997, when the Territory's law was overruled by the central Parliament of Australia, which then outlawed euthanasia and revoked the Territory's self-governing rights concerning matters of euthanasia. A bill is currently in the Australian Parliament which, if passed, would restore the Northern Territory's self-governance in that area. Japan is currently the only country that has no law criminalizing euthanasia, although legislation is being considered which would spell out the country's legal view of the subject explicitly.
Jay Tsu
2010-08-09 01:26:17 UTC
If all life begins as a privilege where not every one gets to have this privilege (there are infinitely more people who didn't make it into this life than there are those who are here today, tomorrow . . .), then I cannot see why a "right" can triumph over a "privilege." If only death was a privilege too? But in your question, you regard death as a right instead. So let us make death a privilege too? By what means? Subjective means. Always.

A privilege is our own transcendence

Of taking from what is given

A right is handed to us whether it be by customs or laws . . .

But always from something inanimate and perhaps itself already dead

Privileges on the other hand are living

Because right this minute, are you too not living?


Hmmm . . . Both you AND I need to think more about this.
All hat
2010-08-09 08:32:49 UTC
The concept of rights implies obligation to others. Do we have the right to end our lives implies that such action will impact someone else and we may owe it to them not to do it for that reason. It's a good question. Too, we consider suicidal feelings usually a form of temporary breakdown that can be worked through and not treated appropriately by death. Sometimes death is appropriate. Terminal, painful illness, etc.

So what of our obligation to society or family? There is an implied betrayal of life to kill ourselves. It shocks and horrifies us. It's like, we're one big team here, us living people. When one walks off the field, it shocks us and dismays us. There is actually a low-grade obligation we have to other living people. But much more immediate and vivid is our obligation to those close to us. If a mom, say, kills herself and leaves young children, for whatever reason, I think that is terrible. Also, our parents, siblings, those who love us, and our friends, will be shocked and miserable. Too, it is against the law. It is a form of homicide. That's so for a reason.

So in all, I think we have the power to end our lives, and under special circumstances we could probably get a dispensation from our "others" to go ahead, but usually not. I think usually it is a selfish, improper, theft of peace and of a person others need.
2010-08-09 18:55:51 UTC
The attitude should be wrongs lead us to the choice of taking our own life and that a decision that has wrongs as its determinants is its self wrong. Right should not be wrong, but wrongs are not crimes as their selves solely but when they become ends to purposes, then they are crimes. We must take care not to assume that descriptions for right actions, wrong action and crimes are such because we can use the additive metaphor derived from the arithmetic operation addition for syllogism formation. We form syllogisms for their assistance in data processing, but they do not replace real concrete experience nor do they negate the concept of exception. Exception when right needs its contingent condition for its realization [correction position], and exception when wrong needs its contingent condition for its negation [exception correction]. So, is the exception right or wrong? What is the contingent condition? We have the right to think about it. In some notions the death of the body is not the death of the person, so taking self's 'life' means ending this life solely.
2010-08-09 02:06:58 UTC
It's my life. If I get a terminal disease and want to end things before suffering a painful,drawn-out death,I will.Suicide is not something I take lightly-a friend of mine did it and I saw the devastating effect it had on his family. I have no intention of killing myself in the near future,but if I ever do there will be a good reason for it. I will have every right to do it no matter what any law says.
[The Floo Network]
2010-08-09 04:02:39 UTC
See, that's a contradiction.

You have the right to hurt or destroy your life but not to hurt or destroy others and that is where it gets tricky.

EDIT: Also, what I mean is that we have the right, not that anyone should. I don't think suicide is right, it hurts far too many people in the process, even if you think no one will miss you.

Also, if you have children, you lose that right, and that is the only thing that takes the right away from you. I don't care what anyone says but you shouldn't bring a child into a world you don't want to be in.
2010-08-09 02:22:27 UTC
I'm going to argue semantics with you and specifically your use of the word "right." As upheld by the Supreme Court (and although you speak religiously I'm starting legally) we are not allowed to execute rights guaranteed in the Bill of Rights if they infringe upon the rights of others. Suicide, although possibly a right, especially when considering the Fourth Amendment, it infringes upon the rights of your community and your family in the most terrible way. Even in terms of euthanasia I would argue that you don't legally have the right to kill yourself, only because it would become quite a hassle to investigate every single euthanasia, because you know there will be some spoiled sons and daughters that would kill their parents for their money under the guise of euthanasia. It's the "Can of Worms" argument.

Legally, you don't have the "right" in any circumstance, but religiously I believe you do. In religion every deity has some punishment or another for committing suicide. It isn't like stealing and murdering in which the action has a *physical* effect on other's and their possible salvation. Towards people you have the obligation to live, but not towards your deity. Your deity gave you life to do with what you want. Mine never gave me a series of instructions of my destiny and what I was supposed to do and I don't think yours did either. Even more your deity isn't going to stop you from doing it. If you jump, your deity isn't going to anything but send you to Hell or reincarnate you as a bug. Religiously, I believe as long as you're willing to deal with the consequences you can do whatever you want. Although I don't think a deity would look unfavorably upon euthanasia. Your deity would have to be one conceited bastard to refuse to forgive a poor pain-ridden person for putting themselves out of their own misery just because they didn't let the deity get to it when they were good and ready. One should try to preserve life, but although regrettable I don't believe to be unforgivable.
2010-08-09 03:01:00 UTC
I would say no, Unless you are free of obligations, both legal and moral, you don't have that right.

Really this is a question as to who has rights over your person and what are the limits of those rights?

I don't think your life belongs entirely to you. You have an inherit responsibility to your family & community.

But then that is essentially a forced contract because you can't stop yourself from being born, neither do you have the ability to understand at that time? But then I suppose your parents commit on your behalf. So as a child you don't have that right. But parents don't have the right to kill their children either, and I don't agree with abortion.

Tough question. But I would say you don't have that right as a child or as an adult.

I agree with Simply Questions?
2010-08-09 20:38:43 UTC
The "right" means do we have the freedom to make that decision? Yes we do have the right because we all have free will, no one can prevent us from doing it and no one can put us in jail after doing so because we would be dead. However if you believe in God you will understand that he has given us our life as a blessing and we should respect our life as his amanat to us. Unless someone is terminally ill and there is no hope for survival and that person is in severe pain, in such a situation maybe it could be justified but again it's a really tough decision to make if you believe and have faith in God, according to Him suicide is forbidden.

I liked what Afshan said "When it was not our wish to born in this world, it is not our right to end it as well!!" Very good point.
2010-08-09 03:43:23 UTC
If you ask about right than I say you do not have any right. You given birth by Mother and father.

They worked hard. Taken care whole day and night. And you want to destroy their work.

So You have no right.

If this is your life from birth to till date than you can end your lifes.

But why end ? Use your life for the others benefits.

You have answered thousands question. Why wasting your time?

Take Care
Romilda Vane
2010-08-09 02:09:18 UTC
I don't think so.

generally (well, in most cases, except exceptional ones)

When you are at the point that you want to END your life, you generally are not in the right mind (depression or other mental diseases) and YOU therefore are not going to end your life. someone else, someone who is gripped with such diseases, will end your life. And you won't ever be able to recover, as you could from the disease.

Does that make sense? It sounded smarter in my head.
~RusticaℓℓY єℓegAnt!
2010-08-10 07:59:48 UTC
In simple words..YES.Yes you can put an end to your own life.It's all yours so definitely it's up to you whether you wanna end it or not.Something which you possess gives you the right how to treat it as well.It is even legal,Right?

But then why not consider the fact that that life is given to us by God.Though we have this 'right' but that right has been granted to us because God has provided us with this Life and anything which is created by God should be put an end by the God himself.He is Divine creator of everything and human beings just have the right to use his creations but not put an end to it..So he is the creator of our 'Life',our duty is to live it,to make the best of it and the rest should be left to him..that he is the creator and the destroyer too.Going by this,if you see then we don't have the right to put our life to and end so here I say NO!

~Smile :)
February's kisses
2010-08-14 21:20:08 UTC
Yes and no. If you commit suicide, then that's against God's will. Then you mostly end up not going to heaven. Ending your life is about the dumbest thing nay person could do. Just my opinion!
2010-08-09 01:39:54 UTC
Yes but, only if certain circumstances are achieved. One must be in a state where they would prefer death over life, and there must also be no or almost no chance whatsoever for them to enjoy life ever again. Examples of people who qualify are brain dead people, very old people, and patients suffering from painful incurable terminal illness.
2010-08-15 17:16:54 UTC
Yes. I think some people are here just taking up space and resources, and not even trying.

But it's evil to do it in such a way that others get hurt. In high school, one of my classmates killed a guy who was committing suicide by hiulring himself in front of a car ont he highway--what a way to screw a kid up?! It's horrible.
2010-08-09 04:05:38 UTC
No once shud stop you from taking your life. But there is never a right reason to end your life. There is always a hope for every human being on earth. People think they shud end their life becos no door is visible ahead of them. But there is always a door for us. Any believer who has a personal experience with Jesus Christ would never need to end their life. And Even others can have the hope and calm assurance that God will lift us up in due time.He did not send us into this world that one day we wud be helpless and end our life.
2010-08-15 20:01:22 UTC
In some countries/ states, yes. It is a "right".

However; in my opinion, the act is quite selfish. Anyone who is creative enough to dream up different ways to kill themselves, should be creative enough to dream up ways to make their life worth living.

No matter the action taken, one must be prepared to deal with the consequences.
2010-08-15 23:59:28 UTC
i don't think that we have right to end our lives because our lives just doesn't belongs us, our lives belongs to people who are closed to us and love us our family and friend, we are bond with them and when you lost some one who is really closed to you, pain of losing them is to grate you cannot even imagine that pain. so you shouldn't throw away your life just because you have problems or some difficulties in your life i sure there is always solution for every problems in this world.
2010-08-15 11:35:02 UTC
well life is so beautiful,if you don't want to live it,then start a new life and forgive every thing what happen in the past,but don't end your life,it's so precious.god that has given to live it and do something unique,not bad,but live for other.
2010-08-13 13:26:42 UTC
I don't think that having the "right" is the main issue, the fact is... we CAN do whatever we WANT. Rights and free will clash here greatly, and most people believe we have both... something is fishy here.
Humpty Dumpty
2010-08-09 03:04:55 UTC
Yeah why not,but we also have the right to face the consequences.For you kind information death is not the end but the end of the beginning
2010-08-09 01:23:51 UTC
You have right to end your own life without hurting others. But according to the government's law it's a crime.
2010-08-15 18:59:47 UTC
you can do what you want with your own life. its yours.


you have to think of who your harming if you do consider taking your own life

by ending your life you could end the lives of people who loved you in a different way

it would be selfish

if you know what i mean
2010-08-09 03:14:09 UTC
You are asking this question ‘in general’, which I presume means you want the answerer to be free from the worry lest they should be dealing with a suicidal case, someone seriously considering to end their life, as the outcome of which could be the answers more in the way of counselling, and less for the sake of intellectual curiosity and human concerns, the motive of your asking.

I would say we have a natural right to live, first and foremost. We therefore do not have an automatic right end living, for that then would be unnatural, an act against the first right. However, and more philosophically thinking, I could say, we do have certain rights in the subsequence of our fundamental right to live, as for instance the way we live, and the choices we make while living. Now, the rights we have are of two kinds: our natural rights, as for instance our human right of freedom, of speech, of respect and dignity; then we have the rights we earn for ourselves. Where rights are naturally owned are concerned they come with their responsibilities. And it is the fulfilment of those responsibilities that earns us our claim to additional and more personal rights: our right to enjoy, the right to drive a car, the right to live where we like, for instance.

This therefore is quite understandable that where the first and foremost is our right to live, our responsibility is to live in a way that is entirely conducive to life. We have a right to end life, but it come with or through our responsibility to live. We have right to end our life but through living it entirely naturally. As once we have lived through the natural duration of our life, just as long as life naturally can last, we then are entitled to accept death, once again with just as much dignity and respect as we accepted life.

We have right to end our life naturally upon once we have lived naturally, which is also a responsibility meaning we must accept death - physical death, without ever seeking or aspiring to live beyond the measures of the days of our natural life.
2010-08-09 03:37:59 UTC
When it was not our wish to born in this world, it is not our right to end it as well!!

It was God's wish that you were born in this world. He made you born for some special reasons or purposes. And ending one's life is like going against God's wish, which you don't have rights for. So, it's a big, clean cut 'NO' to your question.
Oliver Clozoff
2010-08-12 16:30:07 UTC
Absolutely we do. Government and religion will say you cant because they don't want you to. Your family and friends say you cant because they'll miss you. Regardless of any, ANY circumstance, religion, or government, you have the choice to do as you wish. No one can punish you if you're dead.
2010-08-09 04:03:58 UTC
Yes dear friend we have right to end our life but then we don't have right to reject reactions of it.

e.g. you can take ticket of any destination (decisions of life) in airport but after entering in plane u can't change route or rules of planes.

in capsule i can say u are not body u are soul see ur body was different when u were baby, 10 year old child and now scientifically it is prooved we change our body every 7 years.

u can see men without legs & hands do we call them half dead NO. because we say my hand , my mind,my shirt but do we say i am hand , mind or shirt I am different from them.

body changes and we remain same i.e. SOUL.

as per holy scriptures i know one who quits body by artificial way (sucide) he will be punish in hell badly **

i would suggest you to go through below material and understand reality of life after death.

anyway u will do what u want then why not search for reactions after end of this life

you can contact nearest ISKCON (international society for krishna consciousness) center for detail answers or login to there u'll find good answers for Q'n like

1. who am i ? what is after death ? does hell exist? different types of hell ?

2. why bad things happens to good people ?

3. what is after death ? is there reincarnation ?

4. Why different religions are there ?

5. One god or many gods ?

6. how to apply spirituality in practical life

7. what is karma (action)

8. what is religion

9. Does GOD exist ?
2010-08-10 00:17:51 UTC
All events and circumstances are predetermined in the sense that they are part of the Holy Spirit's script of our journey through time and space, a journey that has already been completed. We have free choice in the sense that we can freely give and receive miracles, which both shifts our perception of events in the script and "fast forwards" us through parts of the script.

2010-08-13 19:19:39 UTC
Absolutely. If you can't trust yourself and do for yourself then no one will, and no one knows what's inside of you but you so who are you too look me in the face and tell me not too, NOBODY. or you could put your life in the hands of the government. (HAHAHAHAHA) and only kill others if neccessary.
2010-08-09 01:23:13 UTC
No. Humans do not have right to end their own or any one else's life. There responsibility is to make the human life more sustainable, enjoyable and purposeful. The end will be taken care of by nature itself. We need not to worry.
2010-08-14 18:35:22 UTC
I don't see what the big deal with suicide is - lots of people have committed it, and they turned out alright.
2010-08-13 23:50:31 UTC
You do , but i wouldnt cuz u have a brighter life ahead of you and i wouldnt mess it up now
2010-08-14 01:21:08 UTC
there is actually a non opinionated answer... no its illegal to kill yourself... the government denies you the right to make the decision...peoples opinions vary but we do not have that right
2010-08-12 09:05:44 UTC
well its very sick to ask but u right to end your life, but its NOT right
2010-08-10 04:45:34 UTC
Do you have the right to origin your life, therefor you have no any right to end yours life.
2010-08-13 06:11:07 UTC
v dont hav any rights to end our life ... nor others.....

its a gods gift which is precious.......b careful and utilize the maximum frm it.....
Dirty P
2010-08-09 01:20:30 UTC
You can do it slowly by smoking and drinking and voting Republican. But not all at once. Even though faster and bigger is the American way.


It may be against the law, but there is no court that I know of that prosecutes successful suicide attempts.
Hawking... Master Of Everything
2010-08-12 13:31:30 UTC
I have a certain philosophy with suicide. Problems are temporary, suicide is forever.
2010-08-14 01:37:29 UTC
I feel - yes. No conditions attached.
2010-08-09 03:35:17 UTC
2010-08-10 05:11:29 UTC
of course not !!!

come on life so wonderful y will ne1 want 2 end it
Locale Infimus
2010-08-10 19:01:22 UTC
I agree with the above answer :)
2010-08-09 02:07:05 UTC
u don't have rights to do that for u & others.
2010-08-10 06:29:23 UTC
No we don't have any such right.This right lies with the creator only.
2010-08-09 12:05:40 UTC

but physically yes every one has to die at specific period but not at will.......or by RIGHT

but our sole is immortal it can not die


2010-08-13 03:54:04 UTC
I would never want to.
2010-08-09 01:58:33 UTC
No.We have no right.The life may be a battlefield,but one has to fight it out.
2010-08-09 21:40:57 UTC
No, God does NOT allow this. Don't ask legalising suicide.
2010-08-09 08:41:05 UTC
no. I would let the government do it. they are the experts on that issue.
2010-08-09 07:55:04 UTC
we can but we shudnt...its a precious gift of god n we shudnt disrespect him. show faith in him n he will finish every reason u wanna suicide for ;)

hakuna matata
2010-08-09 01:26:01 UTC

ur lyf isnt cmpltly urs..

so, i dnt find u hv right to end it whn u hv nt started it !
2010-08-09 01:20:18 UTC
you have not created yourself, so the same way u have no right to end your life, our lives[we] are such wonderful creation by the almighty.
nature lover =]
2010-08-09 03:21:45 UTC

It is not ours to end. It is ours to live. :)
2010-08-15 06:04:50 UTC
2010-08-09 01:13:00 UTC
Neither ours nor others
2010-08-11 02:58:48 UTC
No.. not at all.
2010-08-13 07:21:38 UTC
2010-08-10 02:58:24 UTC
2010-08-11 04:26:32 UTC
No we don't....!!!!

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