Is the concept of an identity enough for you?
2010-09-04 17:12:29 UTC
An identity isn't enough for me anymore. But I do wonder if maybe it's just because I'm not able to accept the understanding that an identity IS what makes one happy.... or if it is indeed not just my desire anymore to have an identity. But there are cetain aspects of an identity that I wish I could cling onto - like my choices to genuinely be over certain things, and the belief of the importance in having certain responsibilities and characteristics like humour. Do these parts of an "identity" no longer make me content, or am I not content because I don't believe I can be them anymore? In essence, I think my true desire is to feel like I can be the things I want to be, or appreciate the things I want to appreciate, regardless of the identity or image each provides. Why is that so difficult to achieve? I hope this make sense, as there are many layers upon layers in this description.
Twelve answers:
2010-09-04 17:26:57 UTC
Well, this 'identity' does not seem enough only to rare kind of people. They are fortunate in a way. Only they can 'experience' the purpose of life. Others might keep discussing it all their life, but only using their identities.

Once we are very sure and very clear about the 'owner' of this identity, then any or 'non' identity seems quite fine! Like that wonderful actor in a drama, any identity would suit that person. The director has to only name the role, and this actor would play it too well, to convince the audience that it almost seemed real. They (the audience) begin to even 'identify' themselves with this 'role-character'! (Please see, this body was given to us. Our mind contains ideas, each of them coming from outside--yes, we do the mixing of ideas here and there, but that is only a concoction. But the 'life energy' within seems to belong to us, even when we are not using anything we got, when we are in 'coma'!)
2010-09-05 09:06:02 UTC
An "identity" is much more than you are making it out to be, and if you knew your entire identity you might see that you are happy with some of it, and that you wish to change some of it.

"The concept “identity” does not indicate the particular natures of the existents it subsumes; it merely underscores the primary fact that they are what they are...

"A thing is—what it is; its characteristics constitute its identity....

"“Character” means a man’s nature or identity insofar as this is shaped by the moral values he accepts and automatizes. By “moral values” I mean values which are volitionally chosen, and which are fundamental, i.e., shape the whole course of a man’s action, not merely a specialized, delimited area of his life . . . . So a man’s character is, in effect, his moral essence—his self-made identity as expressed in the principles he lives by."

All the principles you have adopted by which to operate your life; all the meanings behind all your friendships and enemies; all the character assessments you have made about other people; in short, all the things on the proverbial and metaphoric "list" that they say St. Peter will be dogmatically ticking off when you go through the Pearly Gates, are part of your identity.

Of course, you can fix the bad things and add to the good things and make your "identity" the kind of thing that people will take an hour to praise at your funeral.

What you seem to be asking is, "Can you have certainty over the values in your life, the values that create and maintain your identity?" Yes, you can, but first you must decide what your principles are and then decide to practice them in all your affairs. The more you practice them the more confidence and certainty you will have, until one day you will know that your identity is cemented into the form you wanted it to be.
2010-09-04 21:46:43 UTC
The concept of having an ego or not having an ego is both the same. The false ego lurks behind the curtain smiling that it has again won that battle. The concepts files in the intellect are bulging with yays and nays. The devil knows that B comes before C in the filing and belief is in that file. Belief is another word for not knowing.

A comes before B and C in the intellects filling, what is in file A? Awareness and attention observations. A very thin file with much room for expansion.

Can the ego be known? No, it’s not real only belief enclosed inside concepts appear to be real.

Can I be happy without an identity? Yes it’s the only way to be authentically and permanently content.

Can this ego idea be dropped? Yes but not through reason or logic. The roots of identity have to dry up by the heat of attention observations under constant awareness.

Can I live and manage my life in a society without an identity? Yes you can even better.

The thing that has changed in life without an ego idea is there is no “you” filled with desires, self-centeredness, greed, hate and anger. On the positive side being merged with the whole of existence is freedom, freedom to be of the same qualities of nature; love, peace and harmony.

Start today by being aware by being attentively observant every time egotistic behavior is occurring. Sometimes in that moment the ugliness of that trash drops of its own accord when the light of consciousness appears. Take a look see.
2010-09-05 13:19:40 UTC
Layers is the best description I think. We cover ourselves in layers of identity and then strengthen them with egoic words and energy, that continuous forward movement towards a time when we think we will be completed by some external force. Today was a tough day, I have no business anymore, I own no property, I am divorced, I am a part time farther every two weeks, I am empty of identity and it is very very scary. But in that there was realisation that these layers we think make us who we are was not me, they were just things, I still remain. It might take time to see past the fear but after all this space is what we really are, when push comes to shove we can't complain when we have reached this place of nothingness.
2010-09-04 17:28:30 UTC
I answered your other question about ID. What you want is dissociation. So...dissociate! Who is stopping you? If you want to do or experience something without being ID'd with it, then attempt it. Just go ahead and find out. Only you know what you need.

Maybe you are just being too complicated, and you need to simplify. When a problem gets "too many layers," it is time to peel the layers back until you get to the core of the problem and then simplify. So just simplify.

That is my answer to your second question here - dissociate and simplify. Back off and see the big picture and don't worry about seeing the trees from the forest.

Like I said before, you cannot become a non-entity. Your ego identifies you and society imprints you. You cannot escape even if you dig a pit and hide in it. Identity and being a human being, are mutually inclusive.
2010-09-04 17:51:47 UTC
Identity is like an onion with many separate layers messimee.

Are you what your family thinks that they see?

Are you the product of your environment and conditioning?

Are you even what you pretend to be to the world, or ar you the I that watches all of this happening and learns from it?

Love and blessings don
2016-10-20 10:03:38 UTC
you may relax assured that's yet another Brown scheme to screw greater taxes out individuals besides as political pass by using New Labour organic and easy. i'm specific somebody will impressive me if i'm incorrect yet i think of the London Tube Bombers have been all British electorate and would have had identity playing cards so the place is the prevention of crime?.
2010-09-04 20:02:23 UTC
Your identity includes what you do, don't do, do like, and don't like, and your relationships, and the people you do and don't like, also your capabilities, and appearance. Knowing those things gives you identity. What I think you are trying to do is move from one to another. As child might into a teenager, as a person might from changing careers.
2010-09-04 19:32:30 UTC
Yes I'm ok roughly.

Regarding identity

pretend it's a cat and your holding

on tight (And the cat is resisting trying to fight).

Yet when you accept the cat's Presence it purrs

and one is happy. (Does that make sense ?)

Allow the happiness to come instead of trying like above.

Best Wishes.

Mars Mission. (Earth).

14th Year Psychology Student.

4th Year Hypnotism Student.

4th Year Self Taught Music Student.

32 Years Qualified Automotive Technician.
2010-09-04 17:39:16 UTC
identity is not just visual things like appearance,

or noticable things like personality characteristics but

how you see yourself, how you understand yourself, you need

to find out who you are and understand that, once you have self awareness

you begin to understand the choices you make along with your identity,

this is what will satisfy you, so start the inner journey now :)
2010-09-04 17:23:09 UTC
Who is the "I" that is apart from the identity of I. Consider this limerick from Alan Watts:

"There once was a man who said though,

It seems that I know that I know,

What I'd like to see,

Is the I that knows me,

When I know that I know that I know."

If you drop your identify, who knows its been dropped?
2010-09-04 17:13:57 UTC

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