2013-12-22 22:03:14 UTC
Are you guys mad cause you can't be able to kill yourself?
why living a life til old age is cowardless?
"Man was a coward"? you mean like he should suffer and be torment while living on this earth?
Should it be you guys are too coward to kill yallselves?
"Facing real life takes courage"? We have to be brave to live in this life?????
"He took the easy way out."? We all have to take the hard way out???
What is wrong with taking the easy way out? If I can't handle life... and tired of it... tired of suffering... and want to leave...
It seems like people get angry at the person for taking the easy way out... like he suppose to slowly dying of cancer or suffer from diseases
I don't get it. It doesn't make sense.
You don't even know the person, so why does it bother you that he took the easy way out?
Are you jealous?