2013-08-31 23:00:45 UTC
Consciousness is one of the most puzzling mysteries in this existence. My personal view is that consciousness is a phenomena produced by the human brain when neurones in the brain are connected. Each neurone in itself is not conscious, but when they connect they produce a phenomena called consciousness. Just like a single water molecule is not “wet” in itself, but when a number of water molecules are connected they produce a phenomena known as “wetness”. So when your physical body dies, and your heart stops bumping blood, your brain stops all it’s activity. Therefore the phenomena known as consciousness vanishes since pars of your brain are not connected. Your physical body parts go through natural process of decomposition and with time the body returns to Earth.
I most likely than not am mistaken for holding brain’s neurones responsible for the phenomena of consciousness, and I need to to learn more about neuroscience, cognitive science and brain science. (I’m majoring in cognitive science in school right now, I’ve always wanted to understand this mystery) Probably a lot of regions in the brain play a role in that. However, whatever are the regions; it still all brain activity, and it all stops when you’re dead. I do not believe in a soul or an metaphysical aspect to consciousness.
When you’re in a coma it’s like a really really heavy sleep, but you don’t have no sense of self, or time, or place. Your brain doesn’t respond to external stimuli, and you don’t dream. This is all caused by little brain activity in the higher level parts of the brain, like the frontal lobe, and prefrontal lobe. You don’t enter a REM or NREM sleep that’s why you never dream. Also some studies suggest that sometimes during a coma the brain goes into a state of “brain death” where you are essentially dead for split seconds at a time.
So think of death as a permeant, irreversible more severe coma to consciousness. There is nothing. You are not aware. All brain activity stops, you are gone. Your sense of self, time, place is gone forever. Just nothingness. And just like wetness vanishes as a phenomena, consciousness vanishes as a phenomena.
As for near-death experiences, I also believe them to be a bizarre brain activity. There is no metaphysical aspect to that. Just think of people on drugs or anything that alters consciousness. The brain can do really tricky things. It's all in your brain.
As I said this is the best understanding that I’ve reached so far through logic and science. And I trust science and logic. It could be wrong since I cannot prove it. All this could be a dream, or maybe I’m the only one that exists in the world, or maybe there is indeed a creator, or maybe when you die there is reincarnation, or maybe there is Heaven and Hell! However, all these possibilities are unlikely. And I try to reach the truth logically and scientifically.
We don’t know why we exist, or why the universe exists. However, that doesn’t mean that we should say, “It must be God”. If we can’t explain something, we shouldn’t attribute it to a reason until we have evidence that that reason is correct. If science can’t explain something God doesn’t win by “default”.
And even if someone said “It must be God”, then why does “God” exist? you’d say because it’s God! God must exist. And that’s a logical fallacy and just plain absurd. If you have a faith, or believe in a metaphysical God or a creature, that’s up to you. But don’t try to logicalize something that is not logical.
I'd love to hear what you guys have to say and your personal views on death.