Why are we here in this world? No religious answer please :)?
2015-10-05 03:55:27 UTC
Why are we here in this world? No religious answer please :)?
122 answers:
2015-10-05 04:01:56 UTC
To live as happy a life as possible. How you achieve this is up to you. Some want to make an impact, change something, leave their footprint in history. Some simply want a wonderful family and share all the joys of life with them. Some want to help others, and improve other people's lives. That's the beauty of it. YOU get to decide why you are here.

"The meaning of life is to give life meaning" - Ken Hudgins
2015-10-06 15:51:57 UTC
If you are atheist like me then you should accept that we have no reason to be. We are a random occurance in a chaotic universe, but that doesn't mean we can't be happy and lead important lives. If you can't accept this as the truth then you should probably do some soul searching and figure out why you believe we are here. Perhaps you will find a religious belief or a.deity? Perhaps not. Either way don't let a meaningless.existence cause you an unhappy life
2015-10-06 00:43:22 UTC
You ask " why are we in this world? " You do not want a religious answer. Have you meditated on this question you have? What sources have you searched? (besides the internet) I ask you this : If you take apart a watch with all its parts,big and small and lay it in a bowl,never to be touched again,will it put its' self back together?

Ask yourself "how can the liver in human regrow when a portion has been cut off?" (just like a lizard tail)

Ask yourself " what really is the truth and facts as to why I am here ? " To start, look at the earth,the seasons,the life covering the earth and the knowledge we now have as to space and the planets and then read as much as you can on how the human body is made,the eyes,the heart,the lungs,the muscles,bones,the brain,etc. and how very in depth our make up is and how we function.Do you believe you were once in your mothers' womb,starting out as an embryo,then grew to a human being? Think,question,search for the answer and if all else fails,look to the Bible for answers. You will be amazed what was written thousands of years ago.Remember how humans thought the earth was flat? The answer was in the Bible thousands of years ago.Just because it is the Bible doesn't make it a religion.You read the internet.Is it a religion?
2015-10-07 05:42:06 UTC
I believe that just like all other life on this Planet, that we are simply here to preform a basic survival procedure and continue our race. We are born to breed, and everything we do that is not for the good of out race is completely illogical. What we do, is completely irrelevant. And is for our own concinouss to consume as happiness, or pleasure, or achievement. You should do whatever pleases you, with the little time we have. Our mind is a real puzzle, why evolution burdened us with a higher state of mind and intelligence is astounding. It would be much simpler if we didn't have brains like this. School is irrelevant. U spend 12 or more years of your life, studying to get a job, than u work, hopefully become a parent, then eventually die. Our existence is a mistake, and our own planet would do better without us. And your not human, if you cant admit that. -14 years old-
2015-10-05 23:25:05 UTC
If religious theory doesn't fit in your world you can always try evolutionary comprehension.

Humankind emerged from the tiniest life forms. The process of evolutionary growth began from the theoretical possibility for us to be existent. For every new generation wave there is a possibility to gain information and knowledge achieved by humans of all the previous generation and make a step further.

According to this way of thinking, the golden era for mankind comes when human will achieve certain level of intellectual and social development, where understanding of life fundamentals by every person on the planet will allow to step beyond the personal ego needs in order to give everyone an ability to live and progress.

In simple words: Humans are able to gather and share information with new generations so the mankind could achieve global equality.
2015-10-07 03:27:35 UTC
To be honest, this is something I've been questioning for years now and right now, I believe there is no true reason for why we are here... I think that we are here because we simply evolved out of other life forms like everything else has. I don't think there's any real or "correct" reason/answer to why we were put here. In my mind, humans are just another life form that developed from "Mother Earth" and we will eventually die out or become extinct through either a nuclear, biological, or some other form of apocalypse or event. We are just another species that will live, create, destroy and cease to exist. Sorry if this isn't the answer you were looking for.
2015-10-06 17:59:34 UTC
Forgive me if i ask why???? No religious answer. Alright. Let's be philosophical. Isn't all vanity. Look what you chose as best answer (no offence meant!). While it is true that the meaning of life is to give life meaning, but tell me, what meaning is life if we will end up dying at the end. What use will the meaning of life be, when you are dead??? there has to be a higher power. We are so wonderfully and beautifully made, to just make a meaning out of life.. if the entire meaning of our existence is to make life meaningful, then surely the 'life we live as to be engineered by someone.... every coincidence has a cause behind it.
2015-10-06 19:59:10 UTC
Why are you being so biased about It ."No religious answers", do you have something against people who actually have a view of a perfect world or are you too caught up in the moment to do anything good for your future. You knew you were going to get hate about it of you put, "No religious answers", so you either don't put it don't ask the question next time because now your going to get more religious answers because you said that.
2015-10-09 04:00:52 UTC
To ask philosophical questions on Yahoo, of course!

You define your purpose for being here. Some take a religious approach... In fact I'd venture to guess almost most people under one faith or another. But you still define your purpose. I believe in God, Jesus, all that... But I define my purpose. My reason for being. And that has changed several times. At one time my purpose was to serve my country and protect my countrymen. Another my purpose was to help homeless people and addicts.

Currently my reason for existing is love. I have two kids and a wife who's been my best friend since we went to school together.
All hat
2015-10-05 06:27:10 UTC
Well this is a tough question for two reasons, imo. First, we don't know why we're here. Second, when you limit how people should respond, you may inadvertently be excluding the correct answer, so - I'm not sure it's entirely honest to ask a question then limit how people should respond.
Special EPhex
2015-10-06 00:45:48 UTC
You're asking a question you don't know the answer to, but are selective about what type of answer is acceptable to you. That is not how you gain knowledge and acquire wisdom. I'm not say it is so, but how do you know that a religious answer is not the only one? Just saying.
Doug Freyburger
2015-10-05 09:16:47 UTC
Science answers the "how" questions. Religions answer the "why" questions. When religion is done right there is no conflict at all between the two. Sorry but you have asked a question that only has religious not scientific ones. Philosophy has made no progress on this point otherwise.
2015-10-06 07:39:32 UTC
No Religious answers? Thats like saying Excluding the Red Sox, Yankees,and the Dogers whos the best baseball team of all time
2015-10-05 06:52:46 UTC
I think that we are here in this world simply to work as a team to achieve happiness. Happiness is achieved quite easily. (not religious)

1.) Be able to experience anything.

2.) Only do things that others can experience easily.
2015-10-06 14:56:36 UTC
Funny how you ask that. I'm an atheist myself but asking why we are here in the world as if we had purpose would lead to some sort of supernatural answer. So in my case I can't answer your question :)
2015-10-07 03:59:15 UTC
2015-10-05 04:19:03 UTC
For the godless, it is to eat, drink and be merry, for tomorrow they die.

A very wise man, known only as "the Teacher" and who lived about 3,000 years ago, observed that man's efforts on earth are meaningless apart from God. He understood that God has set eternity in the hearts of men, even though they cannot fathom what God has done from beginning to end.

Because the living know that they will die, but the dead know nothing, he advised us to do everything to our very best ability while we have the strength and while we still have life because nobody knows when his hour of death will come.

He explores the profitlessness of working to accumulate things to achieve happiness. Since old age and death inevitably come to all, we should enjoy life in our youth, remembering that God will judge us: "For God will bring every deed into judgment, including every hidden thing, whether it is good or evil."

"Remember God - before the silver cord is severed, or the golden bowl is broken; before the pitcher is shattered at the spring, or the wheel broken at the well, and the dust returns to the ground it came from, and the spirit returns to God who gave it. Meaningless! Meaningless! says the Teacher. Everything is meaningless!"

His conclusion is to trust in and obey God if our short life is to have any meaning or significance.
2015-10-06 10:42:20 UTC
for a test that we must complete to live for forever for the other

trust me that question can is more of religion type qquestion that some 1 will ask and you are clearly looking for some thing that says live like crazy u only live once dadadadadadas then end regretting then you see a words that say live no regret then live like idiot does just do something that make happy but if it forbidden then dont do that because it is clearly for good reason if you go on try it u will end up pretty messed up
2015-10-06 05:08:53 UTC
There is no answer, no right one, no wrong one. There's just no answer to that question because not one person walking this earth knows. You'll only receive opinion based answers built on acquired personal experience and knowledge, but no definitive answer, because none exists.
Yahoo user
2015-10-05 16:32:01 UTC
To learn all we can about the world before our time is up. Meet as many people as possible. Spread the most smiles. Promote something good. Travel and explore while you still can. Just try to make the world a little bit better than you found it!
2015-10-05 05:32:18 UTC
We are here to experience life and in the process gain wisdom and evolve into finer forms of existence.

Sky is the limit and one day the self may reach such universal plane where it fills the entire universe and becomes one with universal consciousness.

Religious people call it salvation.
2015-10-06 22:03:17 UTC
There is no reason.

There is no purpose, friend. We re here to "find purpose", people say, or such.

What bologna!

You re alive, but where do you think that s going to lead you? Is it going to lead you to some big finale, or to something that has some meaning? No! You re just going to die. It doesn t mean anything.

People like to suggest that s terribly bad, but in reality, we re just here to play: we don t have to do anything at all. We don t have to go on living, nor to keep on working. It s a good idea to, but that s not the point!

We like to suggest that we ve got to work, or we ve got to get places and do things because they re terribly important, but you re just here to enjoy yourself. There is no meaning: it s like music.

Consider: is music purposeful? Is it getting somewhere?

If the aim of music were to get somewhere, people would rush to the symphonies as fast as possible to hear one single crackling chord, because that s _the end_, and then they would go back to their lives as fast as possible working (not playing: we shouldn t "work" music) for some end result that means just as little as that final note.

Note then that the best conductors would be those who pushed their symphonies to the final bar the quickest!

This is the distinction between work and play. We work to _get things done_, but we play just to play. It s just the same with life. Any "reason" we must do something fails in the face of the question "why do we have to do that?", or the simple realization that you re never getting anywhere because _you will die_.

It s okay! You re alive, and it s beautiful. It s like the waves splashing on the shore, again and again, forever. There s no meaning. It s not less beautiful for the lack of one. It just is. Enjoy it.
kamaljit Singh
2015-10-08 01:28:54 UTC
To leave your mark and be remembered. Individuals do this through both good and bad and are marked in history and never forgotten. One brave heroic man will be remembered for all eternity, his name is our lord our saviour the greatest man to walk the earth Sir Adolph Hitler. Others make up stories about imaginary people who others believe in such as some guy named Jesus who was born to a woman who lied about how she got pregnant.
2015-10-05 18:41:56 UTC
Well there is always religious stuff to back thing up... For a lot of people's cases. But not for all.
2015-10-05 08:31:30 UTC
I don't know why we are here on this world and I will tell you one thing I do know - neither does anyone else.

you will get all the correct answers under the sun, sometimes it seems like everyone knows. the theists of all shapes and forms have an ability I lack in that the can comprehend the will of a supreme being, and can deduce from 2000 year old books (amended/translated/lost countless times over the centuries) exactly how they, their children and even random strangers should live their lives.

then you have the atheists, they know there is nothing, they have an ability unlike the theists, they can look into the abyss, scanned every corner and can see clear as day that there is nothing there, the buck stops here on this limited plane of existence.

obviously I selected the extremes as my examples there, or the people from each group who can use the internet to spread their polar opposite views. in real life, most people are more accepting of other peoples views both theists and atheists, they might disagree but are more polite and respectful of each other, I am making this point because the internet isn't the best place for straight answers. it should be, it should be as tolerant as if you were speaking to people in the pub or supermarket, but its not. don't, however, take this as a sign that people are all the same, they aren't. Just take note that, the internet offers some sort of placebo shield to peoples views. this shield not only protects them from other peoples views but it emboldens them to believe only they are correct.

that, mixed with the fact that the loudest people are online BECAUSE no rational people will give them the time of day in real life, is why the internet is so rife with people who "know" the answer arguing and insulting other people who "know" a different answer.

think about this for yourself, do you believe anyone actually knows??

before reading anything else I (or anyone else writes) ill re-iterate the one thing I definitely know and that's that I do not know.

maybe more than that, maybe I CANT know, not in this life.

this does not mean you cannot continually try and work it out. I do, that what brought me to yahoo in the first place. I have my ideas, I have my theories but the most prominent one is this.

this existence can be related to being in the womb. what do babies know of the outside world? they can see bright light but how can they understand it? they can hear sounds, but they cant reproduce them. imagine they had the intelligence to interrogate their surroundings. they could figure out many things from their limited perception but would they figure out what was going to happen??

would they know or recognize the mother from the outside?? would they know that they would need food? water? air??? could they imagine growing up, growing old, talking, running, kissing, loving???

I doubt it, sure, given enough hyper intelligent inquisitive babies, some of them might stumble on the right answers, they have legs, why couldn't they run? they have hands, why couldn't they imagine a pen or a sword or a iphone 6s, but what is the chances??

people will tell you that we have the bible, the Koran, literature that gives the voice and will of god - myself and my wife spoke constantly to our unborn baby, he definitely heard us, he definitely reacted but did he understand his name (we called him elmo at the time)? did he understand the meaning of the songs we sang (she sang, I was banned for being rubbish as I might inflict damage on his tiny ears. Hmph!!). he heard our voices every day, he heard our loving, our arguing, our jokes, our insults but could he grasp their meaning??

to say that we understand gods will (if he exists) is crazy but to say that nothing exists after death is presumptuous. we do have clues, the fact that the universe exists at all in a miracle that science isn't even close to explaining. sure we have the big bang theory but that's only how it started, not where it came from.

the world around us might very well be those sounds and lights through the womb, the disasters and miracles might be the singing and arguing of god knows what on the other side.

I know, its a rubbish analogy once you go to far. does a baby understand even the barest concept of a mother who he lives inside, or a father who he has never touched, or brothers, sisters, aunties, uncles, sister all the way down to midwifes, all of which will play a massive part of the next stage of his existence. highly unlikely and even if it could make rational guesses the chances of it being close to right with the evidence at hand is miniscule.

so bottom line, nobody knows why we are here, nobody knows at all.

but keep asking. keep trying to figure it out.

I know when I sing the same song to my 11 month old son that I sang when he was in the womb, he is comforted (even with my horrible voice) so who knows what you can take with you to wherever we go.

I think we are all going somewhere and we just need to prepare the best we can.

that's my plan.

I sure hope someone is singing to me and that they aren't smoking.
2015-10-05 21:53:49 UTC
You are very ignorant. There is no way to give a definitive answer of why are we in this world without going into the Bible and telling you why. Don't ask a question if you so not know what is going on and how you can get answers of why you're here if you don't want the truth.
2015-10-05 16:28:57 UTC
To learn to discern between the valued and the worthless. Related: "Return to the One: Plotinus's Guide to God-Realization" by Hines (not a religious but a philosophic approach to the real).
2015-10-07 06:48:41 UTC
Bc we were part of an experiment, an unfinished plan that got abandoned. A plan to give us a nice life. But we got corrupt and master gave up on us. Or science developed us and there is no meaning.
2015-10-05 08:45:59 UTC
The question is, why am I here??? I don't understand why I have to live on the same planet with people who are so very beneath me! They're not good enough to breathe the same air as I do.
2015-10-06 21:52:56 UTC
If no religion then no science either. Then it is to make a difference in this world. Were all born knowing the world is scary. We have to reinvent ourselves and not change to the pattern of this world.
2015-10-09 09:42:16 UTC
Because be a better man at least one stage better than your past.thats enough.meter for measurements being good is your nature.
2015-10-09 05:01:40 UTC
The one who created you can answer your question if you really want to know. Whats the point you are asking a question and you have already answered it yourself from your philosophy.
2015-10-08 13:44:40 UTC
pay taxes and give money to people who don't believe in work.
2015-10-08 12:23:02 UTC
No religious answer...lets enjoy this life while it lasts
2015-10-07 23:17:38 UTC
No reason... literally.
moshe m
2015-10-07 22:58:06 UTC
life is given so yoy must live the, in happiness to look good to share events to love and to be loved and to take to your health

pls share those links might help some bodu
2015-10-07 22:15:20 UTC
well, if you don't want the religious answer

you're here because your dad came inside your mom and your mom got pregnant and gave birth to you.
2015-10-07 20:30:09 UTC
To eat, poop, and sleep. :) :)
2015-10-07 20:01:54 UTC
Enjoy yourself !!!! Pro create !!! Have meaningless sex !!!!
2015-10-07 20:00:45 UTC
To enjoy and experience life in preparation for our second one
2015-10-07 17:53:38 UTC
In reality, there is no reason we are alive. We are alive because we are alive. It's up to you whether or not you give your life a purpose:)
2015-10-07 16:14:27 UTC
there is no reason for life itself we are put here for some scientifically by evolution for some religiously by god, but either way the fact that we have the opportunity to live is great there itself, and we live for ourselves no one else. enjoy life while you can
2015-10-07 14:21:28 UTC
God created man/women ..............................
2015-10-07 14:16:59 UTC
Why are we here in this world with no "religious answer?"

Okay then. We're here because of some freakish chance out of multi-trillions of chemical reactions that had taken place as the earth cooled down over millions of years one of them happened to spark a basic type of self-replication which over many more millions of years by another freakish chance after multi-trillions of replications happened to replicate as a multiplicity of double-conjoined replications.

After more millions of years a conjoined replication replicated as an anomaly which had a distinct characteristic which for example might have given it the ability of limited self-propulsion enabling it to garner a greater degree of nutrients from the mostly non-organic nutrients around it and replicate itself even more frequently and with occasionally differing anomalies. Some of these anomalies, like self-propulsion, might have included such features as a basic ability to sense nutrient-sources therefore making its replication even more frequent. As different anomalies increased infrequency, some were beneficial in aiding replication and some were not. Those that were not would then fail to replicate and those with more beneficial anomalies would.

Over the course of many more millions of years these anomalies took on more detailed forms, like propulsion appendages and nutrient induction and assimilation processes which after more millions of years eventually became fins, mouths and digestive systems.

Millions of years later a replication with possibly particularly well-developed fins somehow accidently crawled out of the Paleozoic slime and was able to assimilate free O2 as part of its nutrient consumption. Free assimilation of oxygen was obviously superior than the break-down of H2O. That accidental superiority gave it an advantage over its H2O processing predecessors and over many more millions of years with billions of more chance anomalies developed into many variations with differing anomalistic characteristics.

Eventually after enough anomalies and changing characteristics that original purely-by-chance freakish chemical reaction developed into Man. And so we exist purely as a random coincidence, similar maybe to the rolling of an infinite number of dice being rolled an infinite number of times and eventually coming out all seven-combinations.

And so there is no reason at all why we are here. We just are.

That's the non-religious answer.
2015-10-07 09:16:07 UTC
I'm following this question
2015-10-07 08:40:10 UTC
To get our hustle on.
Iron Wolf
2015-10-07 07:44:57 UTC
To be born, live, then die.
2015-10-05 03:56:46 UTC
We are the vehicle that our DNA developed in order to replicate itself more efficiently, and we're on this planet because it just happens to be in what scientists refer to as the 'goldilocks zone'
2015-10-05 03:57:50 UTC
Do you really expect atheistic science to give an adequate answer to this question?
Matthew T
2015-10-05 03:58:54 UTC
Unless you assume a Creator, purpose is meaningless. Without God, nothing has any real meaning.

We all have to have some reason for living. Atheists, having no real meaning, simply must invent something and they do. And they must believe that they didn't make it up.
2015-10-05 03:59:02 UTC
To have sex
Hi T
2015-10-05 03:59:44 UTC
DNA is not self developing. Religious or not, God created us, by His word - that's information, such as is contained within DNA. Information does not come about on it's own. It has to have been written.

There is no reason for us to be here at all, apart from God's purposes. I am allowed to have this opinion and to share it. As the Bible tells me to.

God has a reason and a purpose for each one of us. He gives value to our lives.

We are here to show something of His character in our own lives. Just as a potter makes a pot to show something of his abilities in his artwork. My body is a vessel for God the Holy Spirit.

If you don't want to hear religious answers, don't ask questions about religion, in the religious section.
2015-10-05 04:00:01 UTC
us specifically because our parents decided to give birth to us

humans in general because we evolved

existence itself - no answer to this question and logically never can be
Richard Dawkin's worst nightmare
2015-10-05 04:00:25 UTC
To worship God and Fear him. That wasn't a religious answer just the true word of the most high.
2015-10-05 04:01:09 UTC
2015-10-05 04:08:50 UTC
To help each other.
2015-10-05 04:23:12 UTC
Because it boils down to the fact that we're all just chemistry. And it was physically possible for us to evolve in these conditions, so we did. That's about all the "meaning" there is to it.
Enough Trolls
2015-10-05 04:34:18 UTC
There is no "why" - to presume that there is a "why" presumes an over arching intelligence.
2015-10-05 05:30:37 UTC
to meet and connect with the people who for some reason they are to meet and connect with you in the end it all works out for some reason? does this make sense actually yes
2015-10-05 05:33:34 UTC
We're just passing through on our way home.
2015-10-05 06:48:14 UTC
For the anthropic principle: "we just are in those places with the right conditions to produce us."
2015-10-05 07:15:47 UTC
To be disappointed with what we witness.
2015-10-06 10:13:47 UTC
Well it's difficult to tell! Just enjoy life anyways!
2015-10-06 07:36:24 UTC
Aliens from another planet brought us here as an experiment. So far it' gone all wrong. We are that ant farm you used to have as a kid.
2015-10-06 02:21:31 UTC
We're here, whether you like it or not. Whether you're religious or not. You're alive and have the privilege to live it the way you want too.
2015-10-06 00:01:18 UTC
Without religion it is impossible to give the answer correctly. If we want to give this answer religious theory must be adopted.
2015-10-05 22:21:43 UTC
If you discovered 'why' we are here, would that change anything about how you live?
2015-10-05 11:26:51 UTC
As opposed to where?

You are going from the misguided assumption that you, personally, are here for someone else's reason. Your basic premise is false so your argument is invalid after that.
2015-10-06 14:16:29 UTC
It's a test to see what spiritual world we fit into.
2015-10-06 14:26:27 UTC
You need to ask God to answer this question for you perhaps?

Any human answer without reference to God will only be religious or philosophical babble, and you are right to be sceptical about these responses.
2015-10-06 17:36:35 UTC
Because we are alive by God. Or we here in this world as we hope. Sorry, I only can answer like this.
2015-10-06 18:07:20 UTC
No one owes you a reason. You make the way and the goal of your life. Which is amazing! Better then being a fly or a flower. At least we get to watch game of thorns.
2015-10-05 19:23:51 UTC
Each are here to help keep our species alive & help others. Each is born with a gift & guided into useing it at the right time. While your hear you'll go to schools & learn all you can & think positive & help each other. ave a nice day. Mike
2015-10-05 20:25:16 UTC
To see how all human beings can coexist and how much of an effect it will have on our beliefs if religion is incorporated into society. Clearly religion is a bad concept some idiot came up with.
2015-10-05 09:18:40 UTC
What are we looking for? What is our most main important psycholigical need and desire? Can we get them by the help of science or technology?

By knowing these three questions you may arrive to the answer.
2015-10-05 18:23:12 UTC
I'm offensive and I find that religious.
2015-10-06 10:25:46 UTC
Science can't answer why. To find why you will need to look into philosophy and/or religion.
2015-10-05 20:19:09 UTC
I think the answer is beyond our knowing. Like I don't think it is possible to understand how we got here.
2015-10-07 05:12:59 UTC
To treat all as our bretheren and treat them as such. To serve others.
2015-10-07 04:13:56 UTC
We are here to find the answers for our questions , and develop the life cycle of humans

2015-10-07 02:06:42 UTC
To enjoy life. Just being alive is something awesome
2015-10-06 22:39:13 UTC
Just to live then die.
Lulu Slader
2015-10-06 20:21:30 UTC
We are here because we are victims, born without our own consent. Unless, of course, it was by our choice and our choice alone... Nobody should pretend to know.
2015-10-06 19:12:02 UTC
To be yourself
2015-10-06 18:24:35 UTC
The purpose of life is to end.

Mr Smith matrix
2015-10-06 18:05:53 UTC
If you leave religion out of it then the answer is that we are here to die.
2015-10-06 17:21:41 UTC
2015-10-06 16:09:10 UTC
to produce the next generation lol @_@
2015-10-06 15:54:24 UTC
We are on this world to make it a better place!
2015-10-05 07:20:14 UTC
Because we just are.There are no reasons.It's all here. Rush. "Roll the Bones"
2015-10-05 07:22:19 UTC

That is the answer when we don't know the real answer.
2015-10-05 07:49:03 UTC
Ask your parents. They are the only ones who know.

BTW, the worst askers are the ones who reject answers before they are given.
2015-10-05 08:00:48 UTC
Earth is the only place where all the conditions are favorable for life.
2015-10-05 08:14:10 UTC
Life is possible only here
2015-10-05 08:53:31 UTC
Because we believe that we are in this world
2015-10-05 08:54:29 UTC
i think we are all here to help one another.we can't live alone so we need each others as long as we are our existence is connected and link with every soul.
Happy Hiram
2015-10-05 09:03:19 UTC
We are here to spread religion. Ha!!!
2015-10-05 09:18:30 UTC
The reason is that life has not been found in any other planets yet !
2015-10-05 09:27:03 UTC
Because our parents were born here!
2015-10-05 10:02:07 UTC
I blame the parents!
2015-10-05 12:23:24 UTC
To procreate.
Tad Dubious
2015-10-05 12:35:47 UTC
Evolution. Scientific answer.
2015-10-05 16:07:45 UTC
I ask the same question. Sentience and consciousness do come as a burden sometimes.
2015-10-06 13:02:37 UTC
we are here because this is what has happened. This planet has been here for billions of years. in that time many things have happened.. we are here because we are more likely then whatever is not here.
2015-10-06 11:16:50 UTC
To reproduce.
2015-10-06 10:30:37 UTC
because life is fun.
2015-10-06 09:21:17 UTC
ask this question here:
Sweetdaddy Rex
2015-10-06 08:16:19 UTC
We are here, because Homo Erectus stood up !
2015-10-05 18:37:46 UTC
In this world,we enjoy our life in this worth.We love each other person.
☼ GƖơώ ✞ Ѡɪηǥs ☼
2015-10-05 18:29:14 UTC
To seek our own unique being within and, love unconditionally all of life.

My goodness, the abyss has grown wide and deep! :D
2015-10-06 10:12:20 UTC
Your parents give birth to you, that's why
Leftist Texan
2015-10-05 21:01:26 UTC
There is no meaning to our existence we live we die and that's the end of it why is a grain of sand here? ...The question shows mankinds arrogance.
2015-10-06 14:40:01 UTC
2015-10-06 11:58:43 UTC
To live the life we are granted by god
2015-10-06 11:34:34 UTC
Man i think we are all supposed to refrain from all materialism and wait for our death........and death is only the beginning
2015-10-06 05:31:23 UTC
Because of the basic point of life which is reproduction.
2015-10-06 05:30:00 UTC
to learn I think.
2015-10-05 17:16:49 UTC
There are no non-religious answers to explain why we're here. Your bigotry against religion means that 1) you don't know what religion is (your model of religion is obviously Christianity, which isn't actually religion) and 2) it means that you're never going to actually arrive at any real answer because those who consider themselves to be "scientific" are simply physicalists whose "explanations" end up being quite worthless. Just listen to Stephen Hawking or to the things Carl Sagan used to say. They are first seem very "deep," but upon closer examination it becomes clear that they were simply speculating, just dancing on the surface of the issue, and that they don't actually know what life is about or why we are here on this planet ...
Abby Kyuu
2015-10-05 18:11:50 UTC
Steven. We are here for Steven Stone. We are also here for la tigresa del oriente, the pussy game, and heelys.
2015-10-05 20:05:42 UTC
I'm here to use the bathroom
2015-10-05 21:56:22 UTC
we are obviously here to explore and travel. mankind is to expand and rule where we go. label and seek knowledge. we need each other to build connection with each other to grow our knowledge.
2015-10-05 22:23:50 UTC
To have fun.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.