2011-05-31 10:44:14 UTC
scientists used to believe that the world was flat but it is 3d I think.
Could you science and physics genuises please clear this up for me.....
I believe that people can do more damage and that our egos can lead us astray and makes us think we know best, we don't need a God, we can have whatever we want, we can explain everything through science or physics but anything which has not been proven for example near to death experiences, predictions, 6th sense, seeing enery actual energy or our loved ones etc has to be invalid, explained, needs facts to call it real, can't be done by faith alone, your believes must be backed up with facts etc and people haven't covered people or our world yet but have some theories and know some things but amazing events such as God etc need to be proven and if it is not proven then it is not real or possible, yet open -mindnes means believing in the impossible and so does mind over mater or mind over mind or the law of the mind and in the bible it says "ask and it is given, you can do anything as long as you put your mind to it, there is the placebo effect where the mind believes that an object can take away pain, water is morphine, the virgin mary heals people etc.
I don't know what reality is anymore or what is right and what is wrong and what is important and what is forbidden.....
Thank you!