Do you think more about your past,present or future?
2006-04-07 10:44:16 UTC
Why do you think that is?
26 answers:
2006-04-07 10:46:05 UTC
The present.

I already thought about the past, and I'll think about the future later.

For now, I'll stick with the "now."

Yoda put it best...

"Allways looking off to the horizon, he is. The future, the past. Heh...never his mind on where he was! What he was doing!... You are reckless!"
2006-04-07 17:56:04 UTC
Past has gone. What we are now is just a mixture of our past. And future is not so obscure if we can maximise our present...because the same present will determine our future and will become past again...

Better don't think but live your best in present.. Be always happy and do what is positive for a better future..

Very simple answer
2006-04-07 17:46:58 UTC
I think more about the present and the future. The past had already being lived!
2006-04-07 17:46:33 UTC

While I wouldn't change anything that happened in the past, there were a whole lot of not-so-happy things that happened and you don't really accomplish ANYTHING by dwelling on the past.

I don't think about the future excessively either because you can't plan for tomorrow when you don't know who you are and what you are doing today...
2006-04-07 17:51:12 UTC
I mostly think about the present/immediate future. Probably because of all the stress in my life at the mo; too far ahead is a bit scary!

I used to think a lot about my past, not so much recently. I hadn't noticed that until I read your question! I'm not sure why I haven't been thinking about it so much... probably a mixture of stress (again!) and maybe I have dealt with some issues.
2006-04-07 17:46:10 UTC
Future! Im always planning for the day ahead or next week or next month! I fully believe in preparation and being ready for anything that can happen! Living in the past is a horable idea because u cannot go back and fix it so why bother? its ok to remember the great times but dont live there!
2006-04-07 17:59:57 UTC
I used to spend an inordinate amount of time worried about past mistakes, or people who were unkind to me in the past. Then I realized how absolutely unproductive that can be.

A lot of people keep talking about how important it is to "live in the now", to always have one's head in the present instead of the past or future, but frankly, I find that difficult. These days, I'm usually ten steps ahead of myself, plotting strategies for future actions. And I don't see anything particularly wrong with that. I have a friend who keeps raving on about "living for today", but he hasn't got the slightest clue about what he's going to be doing for his retirement (which is coming right up). Living in the "now", for some people, is like an ostrich putting its head in the sand...they don't think about the future, because it's just too scary. But any sane, rational adult MUST think about the future.

Having said that, don't get too consumed with the future, because fate is unpredictable and can throw out obstacles you never expected.

To utterly forget about the past is also an act of escapism. One doesn't have to dwell in the past (which is definitely unhealthy), but the past cannot be forgotten, either.

So my answer is to get on good terms with all three--past, present and future. They're all a part of your life, and must be coped with and addressed on their own unique terms. Each has its own lesson to teach, if we're wise enough to be good students.
2006-04-07 17:47:04 UTC
I reminisce about my past because I had some great times and I have great stories to share

I live in the present because that's the only way to really experience life

And I look forward to and wonder about my future because I don't know what it holds for me.
2006-04-07 17:47:08 UTC
present cos you can't change the past and you don't know how much future you have left
2006-04-07 17:46:24 UTC
past cann't be changed any how.

so, I will dream more about the future and decide what to do at present to make the dream come true.
In God We Trust
2006-04-07 17:54:35 UTC
My family and I think most about our future and what bountiful things are awaiting our loved ones. All of us seek spiritual, mental and physical strength. We have put God first in our lives. Thus, we will have a worthwhile future.
2006-04-07 17:49:43 UTC
I think more about the future.
2006-04-07 17:48:23 UTC
Present is what i think about more than anything else i suposse,why??.....cos my actions in the present contribute to my actions in the future :-)
2006-04-07 17:47:07 UTC
I think more about the future. I think i do because i keep thinking if my bf is going to break up wit me or not.
2006-04-07 17:47:18 UTC
When you are young you think about future...

When you are older you think about past.
2006-04-07 18:09:04 UTC
2006-04-07 17:48:36 UTC
I am a worrier. I worry about the future. I am trying to train myself to stop this behavior.
2006-04-07 17:47:52 UTC
i think more about the past

we are a chain of memories so to me, the future is important but i just haven't developed those memories just yet
2006-04-07 17:45:12 UTC
Too much about my past. I really don't know why. I have a lot of regrets and that isn't fun to live with.
2006-04-07 17:46:15 UTC
Too much about my past. I really don't know why. I have a lot of regrets and that isn't fun to live with.

2006-04-07 17:51:23 UTC
all 3... try to learn from your past mistakes/regrets. use that to live today, and plan for tomorrow. if you love someone, tell/show them how you feel - if it isnt love, tell/show them in such a way that they know you care. comlpiment your wife/girlfriend.
2006-04-07 17:47:11 UTC
i think about the future more. mabe it's because i want to do so many things.
2006-04-07 17:47:37 UTC
I think about Jesus and Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and all is important to me =)
Tangle Elfshimmer
2006-04-07 19:26:02 UTC
Today. Right now. That's really all that counts.
2006-04-07 17:45:22 UTC
2006-04-07 17:49:37 UTC
i try not to do either. you can't control what will be and you can't change what already has been.

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