What is the source of thought?
2015-02-12 18:22:20 UTC
Where do our thoughts originate?
137 answers:
2015-02-13 16:31:23 UTC
This is a complicated question. I have revised my answer a lot.

Basically, the following points will allow you to make up your own mind:

1. In terms of the determination of the source of thought, what genuinely determines anything is a free choice. Otherwise, we are saying that a thought might as well be a purple cantaloupe.

2. Now, there is another sense of the origin of thoughts, which is: what is the origin of a thought's SIGNIFICANCE? Here we can imagine an infinite progression of earlier forms of a thing. But at what point do we decide that it has none of the properties? Should we decide that the earlier thing is 'more pure'? Or that the later thing is 'more evolved'? We don't necessarily know how history works, so it is a big puzzle.

3. At this point you could argue that the source of thoughts is psychological: they arise from the justification that something (some mental event) was significant enough to be a thought. However, it could be argued that this view is not objective enough. For example, how is the origin of an interpretation the origin of the thought itself? They might have different origins.

4. Another view is that thought is a kind of object like any other object, with a significance based on what it IS, or perhaps HOW IT FUNCTIONS, and other such theories. Some of these theories see meaning as ALIENABLE FROM THE OBJECT (or thought), whereas others see meaning as INALIENABLE.

5. Some of these theories, in their efforts to discover the INTERPRETATION, actually lose track of WHAT WAS ACTUALLY MEANT BY THE OBJECT'S SIGNIFICANCE. In other words, it is cheating to think that there was a source for a thought, if we do not know what a thought is.

6. At this point a philosopher would argue that the source of a thought must be the source of an ABSOLUTE THOUGHT. Some philosophers would decide this is too difficult a question, and decide to be relativists. Others might take a religious view, or decide to become coherentists or materialists.

7. So, in short, it is complicated. One view of thought is that it is contingent, and essentially interprets objects which are already present, or even possibly occurs 'ex nihilo' like a divine creation. In this sense, the origin of thought is the process of interpreting whatever objects --- or no objects at all --- which already exist.

8. There are also other interpretations which favor essence, possibly providing a more universal answer than interpretation, or other views of inherency---yet another word---which favors concepts of how thought is formulated to qualify as a thought in the first place. I would say the second of these views is somewhat more popular now, but there may be other theories as well.

9. For example, the objective-coherentist view might favor the idea that thoughts can fail to exist simply out of the system that is being used to judge whether the thought exists. Under this view, there may even be thoughts which are not thoughts---a rather useful tool, when you think about it.

10. But even this view may be open to interpretations such as essentialism or materialism.

11. Let me play "devil's advocate": If someone insists that free will is all that exists, one cannot deny that free will is the source of thought. So, in this way, there is no doubt that there are multiple logical perspectives, because there is more than one explanation for the universal. What if the universal is complicated? Then we're even further up the creek. Simply because we live in the age of science does not mean that we get a simple explanation on every subject! I find this to be a good principle (although I hope you have found some clarity by considering my writing).


----I agree with the answerer called Mr. Purple somewhat, that a thought is it's own source, but I also think it deserves some clarification. I also agree with the answerer called Simply Dreams in that the Cogito ("I think therefore I am") has some subjective properties, and I agree with some of the unstated gist of Nameless's statements, namely that there is a need for modernism.-----
2016-02-27 10:02:27 UTC
11. Let me play "devil's advocate": If someone insists that free will is all that exists, one cannot deny that free will is the source of thought. So, in this way, there is no doubt that there are multiple logical perspectives, because there is more than one explanation for the universal. What if the universal is complicated? Then we're even further up the creek. Simply because we live in the age of science does not mean that we get a simple explanation on every subject! I find this to be a good principle (although I hope you have found some clarity by considering my writing).
2015-02-13 03:24:41 UTC
The thought-power and willpower are generated in the mind. ... Paragons are born by awakening of these hidden source. Numerous mind boggling examples of the immensity and trenchancy of these mental powers are available in the history of mankind. Paragons are born by awakening of these hidden sources of inner force. Many demonstrations of willpower are recorded in different parts of the world; some are even entered in the Guinness Book of World Records; these often appear astonishing to the masses. While most of us might have experienced willpower as the strength of determination, only few would know that thought-power and willpower are manifestations of the same subliminal force of the higher mind and are implicitly the same. Mental concentration is an effect as well as a generator of this power. Every impulse of focused mind is also a refection of this power. Enlightened and deep thoughts are more evolved expressions of this power, which is also regarded by the modern researchers of metaphysics and parapsychology as a source for deciphering the extrasensory psychic force.
2015-02-13 02:28:24 UTC
Thoughts are coming from the spirits living with you. Human beings are just listeners. Spirits are separate elements. A human being is not a single spirit. All knowledge, skills, feelings, emotions, interests and everything are spirits or invisible elements. Even thoughts are not your own. When you want to take a decision on a subject, one after another the spirits think and you just listen, choose or reject the ideas which they transmit to your mind through your brain in the form of thoughts. A human being is just a robot made of flesh, bones, tissues etc., and a toy of the spirits for their games. A mind is just like a computer mind. You cannot search it's mind anywhere after the computer is destroyed completely. The same is the case with all human beings.
2015-02-13 09:13:00 UTC
The simple fact is it is we, the sentient human beings, who think, as for instance, it is I who thinks. Then, let us believe, ‘I think therefore I am’, and go on to argue this that without the thought I remain unaware of my own existence, however may I exist without doubt. Then it is like when I look into a mirror I see my own reflection, and just as I see my reflection from a mirror the mind receives that of the being it represent, but always only partially, as in this house of mirrors that the physical world for the mind is, there is nothing that could show to the mind fully what the being it represents really is.

Then the mind having its thoughts is like the mind conversing with its world, from each reality, figuring concepts, conceiving ideas. I think therefore I am, and therefore, gathering information, trying to complete the picture of its self, this all is what we come to know as the mind.

Along this way of reasoning the source of thought it seems is neither the mind on its own – for there cannot be anything as just the mind, and nor the entire physical world, but the fusion of the two, the coming together of a being and its world. It is just as there has to be a twosome for a conversation, there has to be something aside one for thought to be born, even for the need of a thought to be realised.

We can say instead of the mind it is the being that is the source of all thought, since it is I who thinks. The mind is a conceptual entity of a virtual expanse, a process, in which as it seems a being realises its presence in the world. The mind may be where it all seems to happen, where thoughts are born, where they are shaped and refined, to assume forms of notions, ideas and opinions, but it is the being that is the center of the play, round which all thoughts are knitted, round a singular being in existence. I am, therefore I think.
2015-02-15 03:43:33 UTC
The source of thought is interaction with life or life interacting. There are different kinds of thougt and although initially they are dependant on new stimuli, they will be internalized and produce a semi automatic response or subconscious pattern. Awareness plays a role in impacting those responses or shaping them at will, although some may have a better grasp at this than others.

Thought comes from the senses that receive external information and internalizes it in the form of neurons or neural connections in the body and brain. Some of it becomes automatic or subconscious patterns, other may be molded at will by our awareness.
2015-02-12 22:34:58 UTC
The Brain

Your Lame

It's UR Claim 2 Fame

With No One 2 Blame
2015-02-13 19:13:54 UTC
Thoughts originate in the brain more specifically in the neurons ( nerve cells ) within the brain and if by source you mean why did you think a particular thought than for that IU suggest you to pay attention to your own mind, thoughts and analyze how and why did you think a particular thought , was it influenced by someone or something or if it arose from memory ? .......and if it did arose from memory what was the source of the memory .........self investigate and you will get the answer to your question .
2015-02-14 03:56:30 UTC
The source of 'thought' resides in the Cerebellum as the Cerebellum is the seat of the Spiritual Ego... this is what gives us the 'I AM, I EXIST' sensation. There are two lobes to the Cerebellum-- the Anterior Lobe gives thoughts of virtue... the 'higher' thoughts... such as goodness, loving kindness, charity, integrity, honesty, dignity, fairness, compassion, etc. The Posterior Lobe gives the 'baser' thoughts... lying, cheating, stealing, vengeance, arrogance, superiority, etc., and the worst of all 'carnality/lust'.

Quite often, all these 'thoughts' are quite unconscious on our part... they just run through our mind.

It is the conflict between these two lobes that is the bane of the world. When one takes control, and consciously turn their thoughts towards the higher, one will find their life also getting better. This is so because we are, basically, electro-magnetic beings-- our thoughts are projected out into the world (this constitutes the 'electric' portion of our being), and what we project we then see reflected back to us in our experience of the world (this constitutes the 'magnetic' part of our being)... hence, the cliché of 'what goes around, comes around'. It all begins and ends with our own thoughts.

So, when an unconscious, (hence 'unbidden'), negative, unvirtuous thought enters our mind, we 'catch it' (become aware of it), and say to ourselves, 'cancel that' and replace it with a virtuous thought. This is what it means to be 'conscious', to be awake, aware. We take control of ourselves, take responsibility for ourselves, (thus our experience of life), by consciously changing the nature of our thoughts.
2015-02-15 07:22:36 UTC
Thoughts originate in the brain more specifically in the neurons ( nerve cells ) within the brain and if by source you mean why did you think a particular thought than for that IU suggest you to pay attention to your own mind, thoughts and analyze how and why did you think a particular thought , was it influenced by someone or something or if it arose from memory ? .......and if it did arose from memory what was the source of the memory .........self investigate and you will get the answer to your question .
Christopher F
2015-02-13 05:25:21 UTC
(1) Thought is a function of the brain

(2) There are different types of function. For example, the character of the light you see while you are inside an old medieval church is a function of the material qualities of the painted windows. But ...

(3) None of that answers your question. The SOURCE of the light you see while inside the church is from outside the Church -- it is from the sun.

You might wish to think the rest of this parallel through for yourself.
2015-02-14 17:06:14 UTC
My guess of the source of thoughts would be the conscious and unconscious. From the brain.

Based on how our brain is made and the experience's throughout life. That teaches us how to react to similar situations.

What our parents have told us and cause and effect. From the animal part of our brain to keep us safe from danger like to keep us from say, jumping off roofs or jumping off a boat.,

Your question is an interesting one and is very complex...

I bet a neuroscientist would know the answer to that too.
2015-02-13 06:14:19 UTC
The source of a thought is a table.

and what is the source of a table?!

a tree.

and what is the source of a tree?


and what is the source of the source?


what is the source of everything?


what is the 1st one?


what created existence?


did it exist before nothing exist?


Now here is the answer..

The source of a thought is a thought, it has no source cause it's the original 1st.

What is the source of anything? anything IS the source of anything, it has no source cause it's the 1st one, everything is a source and everything is primal.
2015-02-12 23:15:08 UTC
You're obviously referring to consciousness: "Cogito ergo sum. I think therefore I am." as Descartes wrote. But is that enough to explain it? Humans are able to have a subjective and interior look on the world and on themselves. But monkeys, elephants, or dolphins are also aware of their existence. A peculiar observation to consider as an example would be the grieving of elephants after the death of their own kind. The only answer that could fit in your question would be the brain. Without the brain, we can't really do anything. Try to watch Vsauce's video: "What can we do without a brain?".
2015-02-16 03:05:38 UTC
There are two distinct sources of thought......

As a reaction to a perception (perception itself could be due to some external experiential input or simply a recall from our memory of past perceptions)


As a proactive process arising from a desire, want or will.

That is the long and short of the Source of Thoughts.
2015-02-13 10:09:48 UTC
Most are prompted by impressions created by the model of the world we form with input from our senses. It's a little like forming a hollow shape and the "thought" is the thing which is created to best fill the shape. A construct to add to our mental model of the world to improve our ability to project what will happen given any particular circumstances, and the changes our senses are constantly updating the model with. The better we are at it the more likely we are to survive and improve, it's a constant process to deal with the diversity we experience. We are pretty good at it, including many forms of conceptualisation of academic theorising.
2015-02-12 23:38:49 UTC
A little neural activity here and a little neural activity there refracting the stimulus from extrinsic and intrinsic things causes the brain to reflect that activity in a way that relates to the need to coordinate in the least with reality. Reflecting is something the brain also does. Although some like to call it thinking.
2015-02-13 09:08:05 UTC
The source of my thought is mind in a state of memory consciousness experiencing the now moment.
The Inquisitor
2015-02-13 08:33:40 UTC
Thought comprises as, as opposed to the word, a consideration process in which motive and absence of prejudice and discrimination gives you a clean sheet on which to construct the (usually three) subjects with a view to betterment for the subjects considered, thought is basically golden yet the superior (tagline) arrogant crass selfish inconsiderate lay claim to thought which is to compare the poetry verse it equates to as a pool of clear drinkable water with a nugget of gold (inert) within whereby ill effects from dishonesty about thought equates to undrinkable leaded contaminated similar.
2015-02-13 23:23:14 UTC
The source of my thoughts are the pre-existing memories I have of life.

The source of thought is what we all have our share of - Life.
2015-02-14 19:42:58 UTC
Thoughts originated from nothing

They dont have a sources
2015-02-14 21:01:13 UTC
The source of thought is the mind, which while residing in the brain is something else altogether.
Jake No Chat
2015-02-14 14:18:07 UTC
The source is the natural functioning of our brains. The motivation is learning, surviving, and making babies. At some level, we could all survive, and as we are encouraged to use out brains more and more, the other aspects of life can be more exciting.
2015-02-13 03:39:53 UTC
2015-02-16 06:55:57 UTC
One dictionary define thought as "Idea produced by mental activity: an idea, plan, conception, or opinion produced by mental activity. This means the source of thought comes from the brain and the one who created the brain is Jehovah God. He gives us the free will to control our thoughts so we do not harm ourselves and others.

God’s Word tells us that “there is not a creation that is not manifest to his sight, but all things are naked and openly exposed to the eyes of him with whom we have an accounting.” (Hebrews 4:13) Neither humans nor demons can read our thoughts, but God can. That being so, we want our very thoughts to be pleasing to him. So we do well to ask ourselves: What do I like to think about when not required to apply my mind to the work at hand? What is the pole, as it were, to which the needle of my mind’s compass naturally swings?

We might also ask: Do I like to build castles in the air and dream of enjoying wealth, fame, or praise because of my exploits? Do I think negatively, such as dwelling on grievances, going over them again and again? Do I tend to let my thoughts dwell almost continually on the pleasures of sex? Or am I always filling my mind with plans and schemes to make money?

Now consider: Can we be “fully pleasing” to Jehovah by filling our minds with such thoughts? Of course not! So through earnest prayer and with God’s help, drive them out by filling the mind with good, positive, wholesome, chaste, and lovable thoughts. (Philippians 4:8)

For more information on this subject and others, please go to the source below for free downloads, publications or read on line
2015-02-16 16:28:17 UTC
That which we sense is evolutionarily prescribed. In fact, Plato was right; the world is not real or as imagined. On a sub-atomic level we exist in an endless continuum; each and every part in unity with all. The ultimate vehicle of existence then is the mind or spirit. The influences of elements of the continuum on this "vehicle of existence" generate our thoughts.
2015-02-12 20:07:39 UTC
Thoughts came from a thought, which in turn comes from instances of many thoughts. Thoughts is different from Consciousness. As thought can reason without real thinking, while consciousness cannot exist without being conscious. Thoughts requires a brain to think, which in turn have many synapses. Consciousness exists even without the brain, and is unified with everything and anyone seen and unseen, as a collective consciousness of One.
2015-02-15 09:03:23 UTC
Well, this begs the real question, but thought comes from frustrated action. One wants something in the world (be it as simple as food or as complex as 'peace of mind'), one can't get it immediately, and so one has to think in order to create actions that will lead to it.

'Wanting' and 'action', of course, come from our awareness of our condition of life, and there is great and furious debate over the source of our awareness, but that's a separate issue.
great knight
2015-02-14 10:26:10 UTC
"And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul."- The Word of God.

That is why you see atheists desperately trying to say there is no good or evil, which is evident through history and life, and that there is no free will because it all disproves evolution. A rock cannot gain free will no matter how long it sits there. Every time you make achoice you disprove evolution.
2015-02-12 20:27:19 UTC
Our consciousness.

Another recurrent question concerns the seat of consciousness. Where is the self, our sense of "I-ness", located? Is it in the brain? If so, where? Despite much thought and discussion, no one has yet come up with clear answers to such questions.

As with some of the other problematic issues we have looked at, this one too stems from confusing the two realities. The question that is actually being asked is "Where is consciousness located in our image of reality?"

There are two answers to this question.

On the one hand, consciousness is not located anywhere within the world; the whole world -- our entire image of reality, including our bodies and brains -- is itself a manifestation within consciousness. Consciousness is the container of our world; it is not contained within it.

On the other hand, we do clearly experience ourselves to be located somewhere within that image. We have created this image of reality and have quite naturally put ourselves at the center of this image. The whole world we have constructed is constructed around a central point, the center of our perception.

The central point of most of our sensory experience is somewhere in the middle of the head. We see ourselves to be somewhere behind the eyes, and hear ourselves to be somewhere between the ears. This is where we quite naturally place ourselves within our image of reality. Since the brain is also located in the middle of the head, it is easy to assume that consciousness is somehow located in the brain. But this need not necessarily be so at all.

Imagine your brain being located in your pelvis. This would not change your experience of being somewhere behind the eyes and between the ears.

In short, consciousness is not located anywhere within the world, it is that within which the world is located. But we create a sense of location for ourselves within our image of the world by placing ourselves at the center of our perceived world.
2015-02-14 08:32:44 UTC
Fact: What you think of as thought is your framework of thought attempting to distinguishing itself.

Even all the answers that other people write, those answers will be interpreted by the framework of your thoughts, so you will not understand the answer as they perceive it with the framework of their thought.

The framework of your thoughts biases how you perceive anything; therefore, how thought views itself is not what thought is. Similarly, how a kaleidoscope views light is not what light is because of the filters in the kaleidoscope diffracting the light.

As our frameworks of thought are the only measuring tools we have to observe thought, and as thought is not the mechanism to view thought without bias; therefore, thought is the only instrument we have, but it is not the instrument to ask the question.
2015-02-12 23:55:42 UTC
The source? The ether, the zephyr , the winds, carrying the seeds that pollinate in the brain.
2015-02-13 08:07:13 UTC
GENESIS 6:5 And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth that every imagination of the thoughts of his HEART was only evil continually We do not have to follow these vain imaginations God gave us the wisdom to reject them In John 14:6 He provided an example in Christ who said I am the way the truth and the life, but my favourite one is LUKE 1:79 To give light to them that sit in darkness and in the shadow of death to guide our feet INTO THE WAY OF PEACE. Connected to all the parts of our body is the Brain its work is functional and like every part of us is wonderfully and marvellously made
2015-02-14 08:39:33 UTC
Let's compare the brain with a master computer .

thoughts are respond of the computer to the question or command that it's given .

Thoughts are combinations of whole lot of information absorbed by seances ,trough to the ,hearing ,vision,smelling,tasting and temperature.Even type of the food or water that we use it can determinate path of our thought .That mean information trough to the system are minerals , acids and water or combination of all . Depend on how these information are bonding in the system Nero cells will save the information for secondary respond ,people in one culture mostly they think same ,that mean source of their information are limited to what they have .There's section that it make back lash images in the brain call imagination ,which is analyze,edit,add or delete the information depend on connection that you can crate your self depend on your memory information (vision and hearing it play most part in that section).

Reality it's that they are just information that are contain in minerals ,acid ,water and proteins and bonding that they make during chimerical reactions ,each new bond it is a new information that it can be add to web of the information and create a new path of information (thought).A thought can be visualize in imagination part ,then can be speak out .When you speak with your self ,it's result of the reflect of imagination and respond back of the analyzed information ,they can be wrong connections or right ,unless you did not act to them they are just a path of the information ,as soon as you start to speak out or act ,then other analyze systems(people) will show respond and their analyzers will start to organize ,compare,measure and imagine the new thought to scale it as right or wrong and they will show reaction as commands their brain will send .

Thought after get stronger in the brain it can be transfer to the radio signals ,call brain frequency and these frequencies can be received by another receiver that it's in same level of the frequency (cybernetics or ability that most animals have for communication) .

Thoughts are shaping since brain it start to organize and analyze (childhood)So any given information in the family or society are play most strongest rule in chain of the though of each person ,Second element it's type of food that you use better food and water have better result and stronger brain it get.

After a memory (file it's create) any time you experiance same your brain cells will connect to the submitted file to recognize the information and result of the respond would be the same unless a new information be experiance by brain in same experiance but different responds at that moment a new sub file will be added to the main file (exception and extended files under the original file).Now we say that are understanding it's change or we have more knowledge to same matter.

Summery : Thought are colony of the all seances available and information absorb by earthy minerals and components.
2015-02-13 13:31:21 UTC
Great question, Without going into the working of our brain, most thoughts come from external seeds that are constantly planted in our brains. Also of course they can be brought to mind by our sense of smell or somthing that we hear. Our brains were are first on-line experience !
Abu Hasanath Dipu
2015-02-13 11:21:04 UTC
Need is the source of all kinds of thought....
2015-02-14 15:28:47 UTC
They come from my wife. On the other hand a police officer thinks. Invokes thought and a person is murdered and the officer removes all thought. So from the person who thought they were in control but has no control.
Sasry.S.M M
2015-02-13 04:30:04 UTC
Thought is a consequential process of memory and logic. With out memory and logical thinking , no thoughts will be there. There will be only reactions after the event. For example, a baby is nor afraid of fire or flame.
2015-02-15 13:56:39 UTC
Thoughts first originate from our mind/memory - but through our senses (suggestion!). When we see a picture of ice-cream, we think about how tasty is it. immediately we reach for it in the frig. If we don't have it, then we may drive out. If we are full, we put that thought in our memory-list. Then this thought links us to other memories - we hadan ice-cream with my lover or relative, then we think about that person - depending the bad or good experience - then if possible we ry to call them..... this just loops.... all these are stored in the memory cache - in the order of occurence or priority of our needs or feelings. The same loop of thoughts and memory caching happens with evry sensual feed - listening, reading, food ,news etc.

When we are idle, thoughs from from our memory... the most important or the most recent memory - something more pleasurable, something un-resolved.

Third, the recurring thoughts are deep in our sub-conscious mind. something bothering to get anything accomplished. Unless we resolve that, we can't proceed to other thoughts or actions any further.These un-resolved thoughts/actions, loop for-ever and are in the up-front, that takes precendence to even sensory perception.

Consiousness, the aggregate of all experience - past-lives, until the last moment, though these are not like showing up hear or there, these are all embedded in our senses, mind and structure of our body/mind. So, all that individuality, we are made up of, comes from this consciousness. So, our consciousness shows up as senses, mind - memory, intellect, reasoning.

One with a higher level of intellect, develop good awarenes skills , and over-time build great qualities - hence can use better reasoning abilities and set higher goals of solving problems - from all the thoughts taht arise within, and are also aware of what is happening around in people's lives. These people's thoughts are not driven by sensory perception nor memory. These people's thoughts come from the self/soul.

One lacking self-knowledge, resort to memory based thoughts, next lower-level just react to emotions that arise from sensory-perception. Moreover, poor eating habits trigger these sensory/emotion based mind-less actions.
2015-02-14 17:39:59 UTC
The Source is the source of course of course...
2015-02-17 03:32:58 UTC
the source of thought is the the way you are mainly depends on the society and the situations.good thoughts are always arises from calm environment.
2016-01-24 05:16:43 UTC
7. So, in short, it is complicated. One view of thought is that it is contingent, and essentially interprets objects which are already present, or even possibly occurs 'ex nihilo' like a divine creation. In this sense, the origin of thought is the process of interpreting whatever objects --- or no objects at all --- which already exist.
2015-02-12 18:26:13 UTC

More exactly, what you call "thoughts" originate in the Cerebral Cortex.

Birds and Lizards do not have Cerebral Cortex.

They can react and have pre-programmed abilities.

They make poor philosophers.

Even Owls
2015-02-15 07:59:09 UTC
The Chaotic System (see chaos theory in mathematics) of electrical stimulations by sense organs, internal bodily sensations, and various sectors of the brain, all interacting with memory and the environment.
2015-02-14 23:03:18 UTC
An inner desire to go beyond where you might be to seek a better understanding of the world around you and maybe where your place is in it, as well as seek out and explore what your full potencial may be as a way inwhich to better yourself,.It's a human prossess that one desires to cultivate, sculpture, shape and give meaning to one's self in order to be accepted by society as an equal, or simply to be human,,,
2015-02-13 09:03:21 UTC
Neurotransmitters in the brain communicate the movement of thoughts and feelings connected to the thought. some theories claim you cannot control your thoughts and others claim some limited control.
2015-02-14 11:44:52 UTC
Not currently known, just as where, exactly, consciousness is represented is not known. The current tools being used to study this sort of thing (mostly fMRI) are quite crude and only detect general patterns involving many millions of neurons.
2015-02-14 09:49:36 UTC
You're brain.

You're lame.

Get a dame.

Done by the babes.

Enjoy the rest of the day
2017-04-08 12:36:58 UTC
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RE :What is the source of thought?

Where do our thoughts originate?

6 following 139 answers
Gopala Krishna
2015-02-13 04:55:41 UTC
The "I" within us, the soul..the consciousness..which we often say " I think...I see...I hear..."

It is not the body that is thinking, seeing or hearing. It is the soul or consciousness from within that is using the sense organs and experiencing the thoughts, sights, sound, etc.

If "I" from within want to go out, I go out taking a vehicle or walking. If "I" don"t want to move, my body just remains where it is.

That dynamic soul "I" which is beyond the body and directing the body from within is the source of all thoughts and actions.

2015-02-15 00:38:11 UTC
It's from the brain and in which is effected by experiences around us. Those are what create our thoughts. So be careful who and what you surround yourself with. For they are the basis of your thoughts.
2015-02-15 09:04:42 UTC
The source of thought comes from your **** into brain something to find the philosophy to cover up the insecurity of life
2015-02-15 12:12:01 UTC
There are two kinds of thoughts, firstly those which are inspired by other thought which are apart of a chain of our thoughts and second are those which are originally originated, to understand this you need to know that Knowledge is present in the universe in the form of pure consciousness which is independent of mind.

- our mind is a tool which gives shape to a thought and operates it.

- our mind is just a vessel and knowledge flows like water in it and occupies the shape of vessel.

- otherwise there are other kinds of thoughts which are simply a part of chain which functions according to the mechanism of mind, ie mind only knows whatever it went in touch with earlier and collects data to make something new out of it or to solve puzzles...

i hope you understand my answer!!
2015-02-14 21:15:54 UTC
B.F. Skinner has a good theory of consciousness. most of it is cause and effect relationships with the person and the environment.

consciousness, perception, conception, volition and form is a process [used in buddhism's ichinen sanzen] to show individualization.
Big Spider on Your Pillow
2015-02-12 21:28:29 UTC
stimulation by something whether benign or painful or Deju-Vu or a mystery, a problem to be solved, a dream , a conversation, a joke you do not get, - until you are sitting in the pew at a funeral when the punchline becomes clear and "hmmmffff HA HA HA HA"
2015-02-14 04:55:49 UTC
You and your personality along with your imaginations tends to your thoughts that come out of you. What you think, what you imagine and in what sense you takes things, lead to your thoughts. And also your personality is too responsible, in my opinion, for your thoughts.
2015-02-15 01:57:28 UTC
I really think it's simple....God. I'm not religious, I am spiritual. Every time I ask myself the same thing, all that comes to me is God. Whatever, whoever that means to each individual person. Take Care.
2015-02-13 14:46:37 UTC
Every single thought is a combination of different brain chemicals.
2015-02-14 00:42:16 UTC
The Buddha said " Mind is chief !! Mind made are they . If one speaks or acts with a kind mind then happiness will follow him - just as the plow follows the horse !!"
2015-02-14 13:22:44 UTC
I think;thinking is nothing more than an educated guess with the facts at hand,that is wrong a %age of of the time,

Is my thinkin right
2015-02-14 11:04:49 UTC
We create our thoughts. We also pickup other's thoughts. We are all telepathic. Most thoughts we think are just habit. People that believe we cannot control them are wrong.
2015-02-13 17:08:14 UTC
The thought creator.
2015-02-14 08:25:18 UTC
The brain
2015-02-14 15:58:25 UTC
Somewhere in the brain I'd assume.
2015-02-14 21:18:05 UTC
I could draw this out into a big confusing explanation, but basically it starts with sleep, you sleep to store memories, with memories, you have thoughts, without thoughts, no one would remember ANYHTING!
2015-02-16 03:52:49 UTC
Thoughts depends on the atmosphere we lives in, family environment, friend circle; our nature and behavior towards all this..
2015-02-13 02:26:16 UTC
Our thoughts originate in our subconscious mind. We behave according to our thoughts. Thoughts determine our actions. The surest way to purify our thoughts is to undertake spiritual practice. In the current era chanting is the ideal spiritual practice. Chanting works to destroy the incorrect impressions in the subconscious mind.
2015-02-13 09:11:31 UTC
The brain of college kids, apparently.
2015-02-14 03:53:40 UTC
It is your point of view and understanding to the related concern you are about to explain. You can say it is clear idea regarding the subject you are dealing to.
2015-02-13 08:29:03 UTC
there are some bi logical activities at the brains cellulose from hardware point but mind is something like an operating system to our brain from software point.
2015-02-14 03:49:04 UTC
Electrical impulses are responsible for brain activity.
2015-02-14 03:41:13 UTC
A thought is original, it existed from nothing.
2015-02-17 06:19:13 UTC
I thought it would be in the mind
Adrian C.
2015-02-16 18:19:51 UTC
The subconscious. A mysterious place that we couldnt ever fathom to understand yet.
2015-02-15 09:39:19 UTC
No-one really knows! There are many theories, so you may as well make up your own and exercise your thought process. BUT-Does it really matter? Will it make any difference to your thoughts? Or do you prefer to intellectualise everything and think nothing?
2015-02-14 23:01:41 UTC
It originates in your mind as a reaction to your feelings, emotions, realizations etc.
2015-02-13 16:50:21 UTC
In the brain
2015-02-13 00:46:34 UTC
our thoughts originate from our brain and our past experiences
2015-02-14 07:49:21 UTC
The brain.
José Sidenei
2015-02-15 17:38:29 UTC
Glucose, oxygen, electrical impulses through the neurons, synapses, glias, dendrites, axons and neurotransmitters.
2015-02-14 00:52:17 UTC
The cerebral cortex.
2015-02-13 13:46:48 UTC
knowledge is a subset of know, and belief is a subset of knowledge, as my perception of future is shaped with information from the past. knowledge=free will=memory of know. know=Physical experience of now. belief=be lie, as i have to imagine it
2015-02-14 16:37:59 UTC
In our minds from curiosity. Mike
2015-02-16 01:54:48 UTC
I happen to think that no mortal man could ever know. I don't think it's possible to answer that question but it sure is a great one.
2015-02-16 05:07:19 UTC
central part of the body Brain
2015-02-14 22:16:53 UTC
In mind
2015-02-14 23:46:27 UTC
I'll have to thunk about that , and got back to you later .
2015-02-14 08:00:47 UTC
after messing up my relationship id say they come from some twisted place
2015-02-13 16:53:15 UTC
Of deep
Special EPhex
2015-02-12 21:58:20 UTC
These short video should provide some insight on the subject. They are very informative and profound once integrated into one's life.
2015-02-15 22:54:39 UTC
2015-02-14 16:46:55 UTC
You, the spirit. You are not the mind or the body, you control it.
2015-02-14 05:18:32 UTC
thinking is an attribute of our minds , it happens when we focus & direct our mind abilities into something specific
2015-02-16 05:01:43 UTC
In our mind, from our experiences, perceptions, inspirations.
2015-02-13 14:20:03 UTC
Just by thinking and being aware.
2015-02-13 08:15:09 UTC
Marijuana! I have some of my best thoughts when high!
2015-02-15 02:19:36 UTC
2015-02-14 15:13:33 UTC
the thoughtmaker is the rajah of the senses
2015-02-13 09:46:42 UTC
Sean Na
2015-02-14 22:22:47 UTC
the unconscious drive to answer questions, and evolve from the answers.
2015-02-14 15:54:44 UTC
I think it originates in the subconscious.
2015-02-12 22:48:25 UTC
2015-02-14 23:08:27 UTC
electronic hurrassment were you think you hear the voice of god making you do things
2015-02-14 12:11:31 UTC
No clue. We still don't know anything.
2015-02-15 15:10:47 UTC
insid ethe brain
2015-02-12 21:53:18 UTC
In our brains
2015-02-14 02:00:03 UTC
the brain
2015-02-14 00:05:35 UTC
2015-02-13 12:25:43 UTC
2015-02-13 09:01:21 UTC
brain and mind
2015-02-12 18:23:43 UTC
Try this site;
2015-02-13 14:15:59 UTC
neurons in the brain.
2015-02-13 20:26:04 UTC
for me It comes from mind.
2015-02-15 07:51:38 UTC
2015-02-13 09:56:16 UTC
my brain
2015-02-13 13:44:18 UTC
Nature is everything!
2015-02-13 09:30:52 UTC
2015-02-16 00:38:31 UTC
you can the best information in google.
2015-02-14 06:55:25 UTC
for men its the penis. for women the purse.
2015-02-12 22:31:35 UTC
own brains
2015-02-14 14:30:12 UTC
2015-02-15 11:36:35 UTC
hello moto
male in the USA
2015-02-14 18:23:05 UTC
Our minds, perhaps.
2015-02-17 08:38:53 UTC
book warm
2015-02-14 00:06:53 UTC
education and good teachers.
2015-02-14 08:00:46 UTC
experience and inspiration .
2015-02-16 02:08:24 UTC
2015-02-15 15:47:04 UTC
i will have to think about that one
2015-02-13 10:08:42 UTC
discover anything, earn anything, love anything, gain, loss, failure, success, dipreetion etc........
2015-02-16 22:42:00 UTC
on my mind.
2015-02-15 10:40:09 UTC
Imagine that....
2015-02-16 03:53:38 UTC
eyes, ears...
Big Al
2015-02-15 23:10:20 UTC
sexy women
2015-02-15 10:07:40 UTC
ur mind..
2015-02-17 05:41:21 UTC
my ***
2015-02-15 18:06:44 UTC
2015-02-14 19:16:05 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.