Is everything in our universe scripted?
2016-04-05 23:30:36 UTC
I don't know if this will make any sense to you guys, but I've recently thought of something. Was our life already scripted back when this universe was created? All the events that formed the universe and our solar system were scripted back when the universe was created since all these rocks flying around in space were bound to hit each other and form our solar system right when the "big bang" or whatever created our universe sent them flying at each other. And this lead to life, which led to reproduction which lead to this very moment.

For example, if you are just looking at my life, wasn't every event scripted since my brain was built to act this way since I was born? Even me asking this question on yahoo answers is because of events and thoughts that started when I was born leading up to this isn't it? Theres also no loophole around this since if I were to jump out of my window right now, it would also be part of the script since the birth of me led to billions of events which somehow led to me thinking of this and then led to me asking this question which then led to me jumping of my window.

Other people can't change the script either since their life was also scripted since the start of the universe and what they do to effect me is a part of the huge overall script... (lol)

Is there a certain paradox that is similar to this, or a theory?

Thanks to anyone who answers :)
Seventeen answers:
2016-04-10 00:38:39 UTC
Yes, I understand exactly what you're saying. I've also had a hunch that everything is set in an order, an order that can never, and WONT be disturbed. Everything in this universe goes through the steps of -about to happen, happening, then happened. Everything is, was, and is going to be, becuase it did, it is, and it will.

Go ahead, try to stop something that you didn't think of to stop. Even if you did think of it, you can only stop something that is MEANT TO BE stopped. If you do end up "disrupting" a course of action, its only because the thought occured to you to stop said action, and the conditions have to be right, or else it won't happpen. In short, it was meant to be.

Like billiard balls following a predictable course of action, everything will affect everything else, in a predictable result. Planets,and anything we can measure, move in a easily predictable way. Then, now, and at all points in the future. The math is never wrong. As long as we are aware of all the variables, we can see how anything will play out with absolute certainty.

Even our minds work this way. Don't believe me? Try this "thought experiment"- Try not to think a thought that you're going to think in the future. Try to unthink a thought that you thought. Try to disrupt the order of thought by any means possible. Only unconsiousness will break the pattern, but even that was preditermined to happen by physiological results set in motion at the beginning of time.

In summary, we are on a ride. Probably set up eons ago by something we can never comprehend- or would want to. A lonely, pointless ride with only awareness of various degrees keeping us company, and occasionally telling us the score. Everything is out of our control. Things are gonna be what they're gonna be.

And there's nothing we can do about it.

Sweet dreams.
2016-04-06 22:14:33 UTC
Is everything in our universe scripted?

I don't know if this will make any sense to you guys, but I've recently thought of something. Was our life already scripted back when this universe was created? All the events that formed the uni

~~~ You repeat an error; 'creation' is impossible!

Every moment of Universal existence already exists!

There is no option, there are no alternatives, there is no 'changing' any moment, ever!

All we can do is to pay attention to the ever unfolding Self!
2016-04-07 13:12:18 UTC
"Is everything in our universe scripted?"

Possible. How could you disprove that? What difference would it make either way?

"Was our life already scripted back when this universe was created?"

Wouldn't it also have been scripted that we could not know this?

"wasn't every event scripted since my brain was built to act this way since I was born? Even me asking this question on yahoo answers is because of events and thoughts that started when I was born leading up to this isn't it?"

Right. So it is a meaningless waste of energy to proceed any further.

"Is there a certain paradox that is similar to this, or a theory?

Thanks to anyone who answers :)"

Shakespeare touched on this in a couple of plays.

Science is all about Determinism, and seeks to tie the hands of the Future, to the hands of the Past. It has so far failed.
2016-04-07 01:29:18 UTC
I don't think so.

God cannot watch each and every human being at the same time. That's why He had created the spirits to watch, guide and determine the destiny of the human beings from their daily activities, talks and thoughts too. Your past determines your present and your present determines your future. God has given freewill to all creatures including human beings. According to this, all human beings have all right to live a life as they wish. But if it happens to be bad and hurts someone, they have to face the consequences. These consequences are created by spirits. It's a natural system. After death no one lives in any form. Heaven and hell are only for spirits. Spirits are separate elements. A human being is not a single spirit. A human being during his/her life time is living with many spirits which have joined one by one since birth. They are knowledge, skills, feelings, emotions, interests and everything. Even thoughts are not your own. When you want to take a decision on a subject, one after another the spirits think and you just listen, choose or reject the ideas which they transmit to your mind through your brain in the form of thoughts. A human being is just a robot made of flesh, bones, tissues etc., and a toy of the spirits for their games.
2016-04-05 23:41:50 UTC
Nothing has been scripted. The entire universe may exist just because of random fluctuation in the quantum foam.. You have free will. if make bad decisions or choices and then claim it was because your life was scripted, that's denail. which sometimes works as mental self defense mechanism, until you find yourself going over the the metaphorical cliff with all the other lemmings. sink or swim, Survival of the fittest.. Do your hormones control you behavior or do you? Your choice. Nothing has been scripted.

Yes, there IS a. theory, several of them.Schroedinger's cat can be alive and dead at the same time..
2016-04-06 12:15:59 UTC
Yeah. But if forgot to let me in on exactly how it did it. That is probably why I have a hard time remembering where I am from. Too many weird adventures left my DNA scripted but skewed. Always with some sort of discomfort as to how and where I am from. Always seeking my past to help me understand myself more. As if I were searching for a missing link that will show me everything about myself and humanity.
2016-04-06 22:39:58 UTC
If it makes you feel comfortable to think that everything is scripted, go ahead.

There is no way to prove it or disprove it, and whatever we belief does NOT make it be reality. It is just self-entertainment ... and seeking security through thinking we "know what it is all about".
2016-04-06 22:23:27 UTC
The big bang created all the matter an energy that would ever exist, AND determined how it all interacts and behaves. We are made of that same matter and energy, just in different forms. as such, we're bound by the same laws. One thing causes something else to happen which causes something else to happen which causes something else to happen. Our choices cannot be truly ours if basic causality is at play. if it's not at play, then our brains operate on magic, defying the laws of physics and generating something from nothing.
Mr. Interesting
2016-04-06 19:09:12 UTC
No. It is NOT predestined, predetermined, or "scripted".

The question you must ask is "do we have freedom of choice or not".

I feel that we do. Nothing to do with religion, which I have chosen NOT to believe in.
2016-04-05 23:44:12 UTC
No, chaos theory and quantum mechanics show that the future is not "predestined".

Your brain was not "built" - it grew, developed and you mind - your "you" - is an emergent property of that brain and the influences received.

You follow the old, tired dogma of predestination - something many monotheistic religions throw up as an excuse for peoples evil.
2016-04-06 17:34:24 UTC
Yes. Some of them have been lost. Some have been destroyed. Some ideas have still not been written because of lack of suitable Masters to write it.
2016-04-06 18:56:13 UTC
You might enjoy this: and also "The Path of the Higher Self," "Man, Master of His Destiny," and "The Physics of the Soul."
2016-04-06 01:42:39 UTC
yeah it is all scripted :)
2016-04-06 06:54:11 UTC
You are describing the theory of pre-destination.
Atheist Christian
2016-04-06 01:32:35 UTC
Very good. We call that "determined."
2016-04-08 00:38:35 UTC
Maybe, no one may know. i would like to think it is though..
2016-04-06 02:07:31 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.