2016-04-05 23:30:36 UTC
For example, if you are just looking at my life, wasn't every event scripted since my brain was built to act this way since I was born? Even me asking this question on yahoo answers is because of events and thoughts that started when I was born leading up to this isn't it? Theres also no loophole around this since if I were to jump out of my window right now, it would also be part of the script since the birth of me led to billions of events which somehow led to me thinking of this and then led to me asking this question which then led to me jumping of my window.
Other people can't change the script either since their life was also scripted since the start of the universe and what they do to effect me is a part of the huge overall script... (lol)
Is there a certain paradox that is similar to this, or a theory?
Thanks to anyone who answers :)