2012-02-25 09:33:15 UTC
Example:- Marriage. Is it a lifelong, sacred bond between two people, or is it just two people standing in a church, putting metal hoops on each other's fingers, making a few empty utterances then going about their lives? What has that affected in the universe really? The people involved might act differently towards one another, but the reason for that is all in their heads, imagined.
I've spent the last 10 or 11 years getting an education in physics, and it's led me to view everything in terms of inanimate matter, energy transfers and so on, but nothing more. You can take anything and pick it apart until it's just this objectively meaningless "stuff" that we attach value to. Money is a good example - this material we call "gold" is what we use as a point of reference to judge how much something is worth, but what is gold really? It's just an atom whose nucleus contains 79 protons, there's nothing special about it beyond it's scarcity and it's apparently desired aesthetic aspect. It's arbitrary as hell, its value is completely imagined.
Virginity is another thing people attach significance to, but what does it really mean? It's that someone's penis hasn't been inside a vagina, or someone's vagina has not had a penis inside it. Nothing more. Yet so many people build it up to be this massive, significant thing. Sex is nothing special either, certainly nothing naughty/shameful - it's just a natural evolutionary drive. It's as normal as feeling hungry or thirsty, it's not something to "shield" children from knowing about, even if it's damaging for them to participate in it. It should be talked about as freely and openly as anything else, without taboo attached. Infact, NOTHING should have taboo attached.
I don't respect percieved "status" either. I would offer the queen no more or less politeness or respect than the man in the street. I would not go out of my way to acknowledge a "celebrity" I saw in public. We're all just people, we just eat and sleep and $hit and fvck like anyone else. I have no belief in the "women and children first" rule. Pointless, empty social norms irritate me - fashions, handshakes, false politeness, whatever. Needless to say, I have a very low opinion of religion, although I believe/assume nothing about how everything came to exist in the first place. We can only peer back as far as the big bang, so perhaps there was some sort of supernatural entity responsible for the whole thing, or perhaps there wasn't. I don't know. Nobody knows or has even the slightest idea, those that live their lives pretending they do should really stop it. I always try to have a reason for what I think or how I behave, I always try to identify what I really "know" (knowing 100% anything is impossible, but you understand what I mean), and what I have merely been told. Knowing the supposed facts of something is nothing to me, understanding is the reasoning behind something is what is important, as well as having assumptions backed up by evidence.
Even life has become "insignificant" to me - I mean, the complexity & perfection of it is amazing, but the death of anything from a bacterium to a chimp can occur without us batting an eyelid. Why then is a human death such a tragedy? Why is a human life the only sacred thing? Is anything really sacred?
Having a more advanced brain or level of consciousness is irrelevant here by the way, we are no more or less sentient beings than say, a dog, or a dolphin, despite our differences. I don't even think free will really exists, it just seems that way, but my reasons for this are too long to explain here. I do feel that we're all just observers though, just reacting the way our evolution and life experiences (ie. the uncontrollable sensory info fed to our brain) have programmed us to.
You can reduce life to being nothing more than chemistry. It started out as some sort of automatic chemical reaction involving self-replicating molecules and grew more complicated from there. It just happened because it was always going to. For this reason I have no opposition to doing anything with stem cells, any abortion, any genetic manipulation, cloning - anything that does not cause something to experience unnecessary suffering. I'm not a psychopath in any sense by the way, I'm a generous, friendly, social guy who wouldn't intentionally do anything to hurt anyone - I just don't buy into all this stuff we're programmed with from being young children. I g