Somehow, having the word "lose", "losing" or "lost" in the same sentence with the word "love" does not seem right to me. For me, to love is to GAIN - not to lose something, least of all yourself. To lose oneself for love would somehow cheat the other of the very thing that he or she should be in love with - YOU.
And we've heard stories and legends of so many poor souls who had lost everything they had, not only themselves - in the name of love. Just look at what Helen was willing to lose for Paris - her throne, her family and even her daughter Hermione. Ultimately leading to the downfall of great Troy.
And in the real world, I've also seen people who had forsaken family, home, morality, principles and even husbands in the name of what they believed is love.
As a daughter of a psychologist and counselor, I've heard sad, sad stories of wives steadfastly standing by their bullying, cowardly husbands - with eyes still black and swollen from the last beating. Not being able to pack up and leave because they, despite everything, still hoped for the love that would come back into their lives.
Yes. It is all so possible. It happens all around us.... everyday.