everythings gone all funny lolol oh my god oh my gid oh my god this is so weared like I'm in a dream exept its not a dream but it is at the same time i had much more than i normally do and now every thingm looks like a picture frame tid tidadily do loly lol lol this is so strange i cant stop laughing but at the same time its scary and when I listen to music i can see it instead of hering it but the question i wanted to ask is i forgot what the question was oh dear lol lol oh no well this is an awkward situation ive got myself into but why do dogs have clogs in there logs? but it doesnt' matter cuz Ive thought of a plan okay here me out here we give a rabbit a carrot but its not really a carrot its a peace of letis hahahaha the rabbit will be all like why does my carrot tast like letis lol lool lololo sol bol i watched a video on you tube of baby ducks walk up an escerlater when it was going down hahahaha it made me laugh so hard OH MY GOD the po po just drove past my window that gave me a shockilrock that reminds me what would you do if you found out you cat was actualy a undercover police i that would be so funny its funny how the walls are going in an out haha in and out in and out in and out like a roundabout lolz on toast wow my phone started playing music all by itself do u think phones can think just like we do i think i migh have somthing to eat in actal fact wow i cind of want this to end now because i'ts starting to freak me out i can here a voice in my head that sounds like a sheeps voice in my head that i can hear when will this end? everythinhg reminds me of a 3d game pencils are useful because you can draw things with them i wonder who invented pencils what if our lives were a tv show for people in an other dimention kidddly widdly siddy boo if u stare at the cealing for long enough it looks like its falling down hahahahahhahahaaaaahhahaha the word yahoo is all funny sounding because it rymes with washing machine i think i ma=ight make myself a chip hahahaha iv just noticed that ive been rocking back and forth on my chair for ages without even knowing my cat has just walking into my room what if he knows im triping and tells the po po if he did i'll have to go go away from the show show looooool Im' so funny i should be on that thing that people watch. can some one please give me the times of the next bus that leaves outside the bustop outsid my house please ok why is my bin talking to me HAHAHAH I just fooled u I the bin isn't really talking to me haha did u think i was beem serious im not that ****** i jst noticed that im not waring matching socks hahaha rickaty rackerty reckerty do cheese on top of my speaker have you noticed that your finger are like legs for you hands i feel like im going into a a spirel oh my god oh mygod og my god theres smomething stuck to the walls do you think my cat knows that im acting different it keeps given me strange looks there was a girl called finger, she had a saw finger, so she went to ask someone for help, but she still had a saw finger hahahahaha did you like my little poem how much mony do i have? i might go to the chip and fish whoop over the road so i can buy a chip hang on i've got a joke for you okey here goes what did the poo say to the wee? Hello hahahahahaha could you imagin if poos could talk okey i'be got anouther one what did the moon say to the chess bord? Hello hahahahahaha isn't it funny how cars go on roads yet trains go on train tracks can you spend plastic money oh my god i can here sirens. do you think trees talk to each other and whats the difference between starfish and real stars what colour is water and what sound does a jeraff make when its dying?