Here is the thing.
If you can not control your perception/reality (as you indicate that these two term are equivocal or basically the same thing) then you do not actually have any free will unless you can simply think something into existence.
That is to say that everything you encounter is subject to the will of something else, that is the only way we would be able to explain why you can not manifest things by the power of thought alone.
Because if perception is reality then you should be able to think things into existence by effort of cognition alone.
If it is not possible for you to simply think something into existence (like right now I am thinking of a two headed dragon) then we are forced to conclude that perception and reality are NOT equivocal terms and there is at least in some part a distinction that must be made from what is called real and what is called perception.
If you are asking how to resolve the problem of philosophical zombies.
Then I would say that if others were in fact automatons designed to simulate consciousness, then you would not be able to learn anything from because they are only programed to simulate consciousness, if they are all designed uniquely and it is possible to obtain information because they are each unique simulations of consciousness then it is really no different from claiming that they are conscious entities.
Also if you are able to miscalculate or have doubt about what a philosophical zombie is thinking or how they behave then it is reasonable to assume that they are unique simulations if they are simulations and if they are unique simulations then it is really no different than saying that they are unique conscious entities.
If you are talking about the secret...then oh
Here is the thing, while it is true that wave particle duality is demonstrable.
And that theoretically everything can be reduced to a finite basic variety of constituent parts.
Then it consciousness would have to be an physically undetectable force of super agency that is not bound by physical laws if it is supposedly possible to willing initiate a wavefunction collapse.
Not only that but there would have to be an infinite number of possible collapse arrangements and an infinite number of wave states for this to be possible.
Because we can demonstrate the universe is at least to some degree finite (evidence indicates that matter and energy in our physical universe has not existed for eternity and is limited by a set of discrete magnitude densities) , then we can readily falsify the alleged "science" that is used to prop up this almost absurd notion that people can think things into existence.
While it may be true that we can direct some of the events in our lives and this is a result of the fact that we are seemingly able to direct and be aware of different possible course of actions we have to chose from.
It is a huge leap to suggest that the universe is just a projection of our own personal imagination.
However there is really now way to prove this to you unless you adopt an epistemological standard.
That is to say, you have to have some burden of proof, before that burden of proof can be satisfied.
And further it is not really my job to convince you that reality is not the same thing as perception as there is plenty of reason to suggest that this is not the case.
So if you are going to make the most incredible claim that you manifest things into reality simply by consciously directing your will and expect that it should be respected as anything even remotely close to truth.
Then you should be able to demonstrate to the skeptic that it is true.
And believe me such an incredible claim would have to have some incredible evidence before I am convinced.
You know considering how much my previous experience seems to indicate otherwise regarding this suggestion that reality is the same as perception.
I am a perception, no, no I am not, and if I am then show me why I should believe that I am.