While this is a socialogical problem, it is aphilisophical issue. That is to say that ones world view is what determines ones prejudices, likes, dislikes, predisposition, etc. Racism is a HUGE problem, but not a big as its causes (racism is a symtom and not the disease). The problem the systematic and incesant errosion of our moral foundations, what Sen. Patrick Moynahan cals "Defining Deviancy Down." Although I rarely find occasion to agree with liberal democrats, he's hit the nail right on the head.
We are even "deviant" enough in our society to let staments like "only whites can be racist" or "only men can be sexist" go unchallenged and even accepted as "pop" wisdom. All peoples are racist and all genders are sexist - equally. They only differ in their abilities and/or facilaties to impact others through thier deviant behaviors. Islam, for example, is engaging in the most abhorent social deviancy since The Third Riech yet most weterners can't even decide if it's their fault or ours (assuming their racist sectarian behavior to be only a reaction to some imaginary exploitation suffered at our hands).
Now before anyone out ther goes off the deep end, let me point out that I am a black man! I have family in the American Muslim Mission (formerly known as the Black Muslims) and I am a very conservative independant (not republican - they are too liberal for my tastes also).
No Islam hates infidels - period. First and foremost the Jew, second and next most the Christian, and lastly but by no means least, the Sikh, agnostics, atheist and non-montheistic sects.
They are more virulent in their hatred of the Jew and Christian because they represent the greatest intellectually sound repudiations to the claims of Islam. I'll stop here as this issue has little to do with ISLAM in particular, it is just a timely example of the confussion and intellectual fog that prevails in our society. I'll just add this, were I a Muslim I to would hate the Western World (And if I were white I'd probaly hate blacks also).
Why is this? Because while we easily see the perversion, weakness, deviancy and depravity of others, we rarely turn that keen accumen inward on ourselves (Jesus had much to say on this). Fact is we are all scum (just ask any Naturalist) and without any moral compass or bearing. The dichotomy is that these same naturalist who have debase human value with their relativism and nihilism are also the same ones who hold them selves out as our sage saviours! And most of you are stupid enough to keep listening to them.
GOD help you all.