Is racism a problem in America?
Sally Pepsi
2006-09-01 10:41:34 UTC
-Big problem
-Litte problem
-No problem
55 answers:
2006-09-01 11:03:38 UTC
Mmmmmmhhhhh, we just had a mayorial election here in New Orleans or should I say the "chocolate city" and even with racist remarks the incumbent or "Chief Chocolate Drop" as he is regarded by some was re-elected. Of course, the media didn't play it up as racism. Why? Because he is an African-American. A few other of his tidbits:

I don't want a bunch of mexicans running around in this city.

(With regard to Katrina) If it were white folks in Orange County the government would have responded better. Then after receiving criticism he said it was a matter of class (i.e., poor people). Well, he said,"white people" not "rich people."

I think it is a huge problem in this country and there are racist among whites and African-Americans. It is not a one-way street as the media would have you believe. We need to start calling a spade a spade (no pun intended) and knock this stuff off on both sides of the line. It only continues to divide this country.

Oh I forgot too mention another one here in New Olreans several years back where a gang of African-American youths kicked and punched an old white man to death. Was it racism? The media said "No!" Sad to say but if it had been a gang of white kids that killed an old African-American man we would have the Right Reverend Jesse Jackson down here doing his spinning..
Texas Moe
2006-09-01 11:25:26 UTC
While this is a socialogical problem, it is aphilisophical issue. That is to say that ones world view is what determines ones prejudices, likes, dislikes, predisposition, etc. Racism is a HUGE problem, but not a big as its causes (racism is a symtom and not the disease). The problem the systematic and incesant errosion of our moral foundations, what Sen. Patrick Moynahan cals "Defining Deviancy Down." Although I rarely find occasion to agree with liberal democrats, he's hit the nail right on the head.

We are even "deviant" enough in our society to let staments like "only whites can be racist" or "only men can be sexist" go unchallenged and even accepted as "pop" wisdom. All peoples are racist and all genders are sexist - equally. They only differ in their abilities and/or facilaties to impact others through thier deviant behaviors. Islam, for example, is engaging in the most abhorent social deviancy since The Third Riech yet most weterners can't even decide if it's their fault or ours (assuming their racist sectarian behavior to be only a reaction to some imaginary exploitation suffered at our hands).

Now before anyone out ther goes off the deep end, let me point out that I am a black man! I have family in the American Muslim Mission (formerly known as the Black Muslims) and I am a very conservative independant (not republican - they are too liberal for my tastes also).

No Islam hates infidels - period. First and foremost the Jew, second and next most the Christian, and lastly but by no means least, the Sikh, agnostics, atheist and non-montheistic sects.

They are more virulent in their hatred of the Jew and Christian because they represent the greatest intellectually sound repudiations to the claims of Islam. I'll stop here as this issue has little to do with ISLAM in particular, it is just a timely example of the confussion and intellectual fog that prevails in our society. I'll just add this, were I a Muslim I to would hate the Western World (And if I were white I'd probaly hate blacks also).

Why is this? Because while we easily see the perversion, weakness, deviancy and depravity of others, we rarely turn that keen accumen inward on ourselves (Jesus had much to say on this). Fact is we are all scum (just ask any Naturalist) and without any moral compass or bearing. The dichotomy is that these same naturalist who have debase human value with their relativism and nihilism are also the same ones who hold them selves out as our sage saviours! And most of you are stupid enough to keep listening to them.

GOD help you all.
2006-09-01 10:52:57 UTC
Sure it is. It always has been and it always will be. But the Racism is directed in the wrong direction.

Whites and blacks, blacks and whites.

Somehow the ones that should be discriminated against seem to slip through the cracks and sit back and enjoy the fact that they are the one that are in this country illegally and should be the ones that are discriminated against.

There are still places in the south (Per CNN) where a white bus driver made the black kids sit in the back of the bus!

That bus driver should have been hung from the nearest Cypress tree. All of that still goes on while the black and white races should be uniting. 9/11 as horrible as it was drew everyone together. That is where we should have stayed, together.
2016-10-01 08:30:00 UTC
After the twister that hit New Orleans i don't think of it grew to become into realised in th uk only how enormous racism grew to become into interior the U. S.. White English holiday makers trapped interior the Superbowl have been advised to stay at the same time in packs,pass to the rest room in communities,keep something accessible that could want for use as a weapon using blacks.After observing interviewed holiday makers arriving on the airport , i might definately say that the U. S. had a racism project and particularly frankly i might in no way heard something like it.
2006-09-01 11:24:06 UTC
Racism is still a big problem in America. As a white elder who rode the back of the bus; used the "colored only" drinking fountains, restrooms and cofee counters; was clubbed and tear gassed during marches & sit-ins in the 60's to defeat racism, I see that many small minded individuals prefer the misery of hatred and bigotry still. MLK summed up our achievement when he said "It may be true that the law can't make a man love me, but it can stop him from lynching me, and I think that's pretty important." Are we willing to settle for this?
♥Brown Eyed Girl ♥
2006-09-01 10:47:04 UTC
where have you been?

its a big problem.

if you watch a reality television show and an african american gets voted off or kicked off or what not people start saying "That show is racist" or "people in america are racist".....umm there have been 2 American Idol winners and a few others in the top 5 finishers that were African Americans. Last Comic won the whole thing....and so did an Asian.

but i think that the whole racism thing coms into context more with African Americans then any other race.
2006-09-01 10:46:40 UTC
Racism is a problem all over the world. The problem is that human being refuse to consider everyone as a brother. But we are all bothers... there is only an universal original race.
2006-09-01 10:43:16 UTC
Big problem. I've traveled quite a bit, and have found nowhere else in the world with America's particular form of racism.
2006-09-01 15:39:40 UTC
I think the problem of racism is bilateral. Separation of people that are fundamentally different. Not to say too different to live peaceably with eachother, but different. Then theres the problem that even though it appears that many of us want to move past it to bigger external problems, because it was so bad there is this backlash from it within both cultures.
2006-09-01 10:46:47 UTC
VERY BIG PROBLEM. Some things have improved dramatically like opportunity, pay and housing. But, there are still so many people (all races) with issues with each other based solely on race it's rediculous. Ignorence by choice really, because how you can hate an individual that you really don't know is really really stupid!!
2006-09-01 11:16:01 UTC
the Big Problem is that racism is seen as a Little problem that if left alone will be No Problem.
2006-09-01 11:02:50 UTC
Big problem. It's the biggest and worst problem this great country has faced for way too long and it's time to bring it to an end, but I fear that this is a social problem that will NEVER go away and we don't know who to blame but ourselves I guess.
2006-09-01 10:44:20 UTC
Absolutely, its a big problem. In some areas its more public than others, none-the-less there. Be it institutional or at the societal level many barriers still exist for people of color or gender.
2006-09-01 10:42:51 UTC
Yes. It's a pretty big problem. It's a pretty big problem most other places in the world, as well.
2006-09-01 10:45:09 UTC
Definitely not as much of a problem as it was 40 years ago.

I think people's hearts and minds have changed and most people find racism reprehensible.
2006-09-01 10:44:51 UTC
It is generally a big problem, bigger in some areas of the country than others.
2006-09-01 10:45:10 UTC
Little problem for those that pin themselves as be abused from racist are themselves keeping those they are trying to release from bondage.

2006-09-01 11:05:20 UTC
I would think it is a problem not only in America, but everywhere. Bigger problem in some countries more than others.
2006-09-01 10:51:47 UTC
Yes it is, always will be, the only difference is that now its a little more subtle, not as openly, but never the less still there and always will be.

The sad part is that most of these people are your neighbor's, co workers with a facade.
2006-09-01 10:47:40 UTC
Um, yeah. Huge problem. I was going to say just travel in the North, but there are rednecks, racists, and all sorts of ignorant people all over.
2006-09-01 10:43:08 UTC
It still is a problem in some states. but i would say its a big problem.
2006-09-01 10:42:52 UTC
Racism is a big problem globally if you ask me
The Global Community
2006-09-02 06:50:06 UTC
Big problem
2006-09-01 10:45:26 UTC

affirmative action has gone so far in the US that now anyone who ISN'T a minority gets the short end of the deal, epsecially white males.

believe me, I have nothing against anyone who is a minority. I respect people for who they are once i get to know them, never generalizing by stereotypes. i just think this country has tried so hard to even the playing field that now it's uneven again.
2006-09-01 10:45:39 UTC
Way big problem
Kevin Federline
2006-09-01 10:43:12 UTC
Sure its a big problem. The law had to come up with a specific kind of crime just for rascially based crimes. Hate crimes.
2006-09-01 10:54:18 UTC
Yes. Prejudice is a huge issue here.

Look at immigration issues and tell me it is not.

Look at the stats in prisons based on color, compare them to the populations and tell me it is not.

Look at the stats on wealth and compare that to the population and tell me it is not.

Look at how the atheists and Christians treat eachother on this site. Tell me it's not.

I double dog dare you.
2006-09-01 10:45:50 UTC
Only Americans or people who visit there knew the answer of this Question.
2006-09-01 10:43:20 UTC
Little problem compared to Bush being president.
2006-09-01 10:43:16 UTC
really cheap but hoooot looking place called " Mar " sea in English. i believe its around sheepshead bay in Brooklyn .. if im not mistaken. i really wish i could give you the address. maybe if you look it up. anyways have fun, dont eat too much lol

1 week ago
2006-09-01 10:45:14 UTC

Racism is not expressed. They fear law, but its an undercurrent that always exists in most of the minds.
2006-09-01 10:43:50 UTC
I think its a big problem everywhere.
2006-09-01 10:44:52 UTC
No problem cause if it was a problem there would be laws against it N I G G E R
2006-09-01 10:45:28 UTC
there are many who still see race and color as a way to judge people. However US is better than Europe in my experience.
2006-09-01 10:43:49 UTC
It is only a problem if you let it become one. For is no problem. I ignore the racist people. Just assume their ignorant.
2006-09-01 10:46:07 UTC
Not for you, Condie. You've got much more important things on your mind.
2006-09-01 10:44:31 UTC
Little problem.
wisdom is my signature
2006-09-01 10:43:07 UTC
biiiiiiiiiiig problem
2006-09-01 10:45:04 UTC
very big problem
Oh Boy!!
2006-09-01 11:11:28 UTC
big problem
2006-09-01 10:50:40 UTC
GYNORMOUS problem and not just in america its pretty much everywhere
2006-09-01 10:43:53 UTC
big problem
2006-09-01 10:45:21 UTC
It exists but little problem.
Pink Rose
2006-09-01 10:48:24 UTC
Little problem...
John k
2006-09-01 10:44:27 UTC
Durh dum as* i cant beileve any one with a brain would say no
2006-09-01 10:44:11 UTC
damn straight its a big problem
2006-09-01 10:43:18 UTC
big one
2006-09-01 10:43:53 UTC
Is the pope Catholic??!
2006-09-01 10:44:27 UTC
little problem
Al Bundy
2006-09-01 10:44:17 UTC
I dont think its a problem being racist
2006-09-01 10:44:19 UTC

2006-09-01 10:42:37 UTC
- HUGE problem.
digital genius
2006-09-01 10:46:25 UTC
Ha Ha Charade You Are...................
2006-09-01 10:42:54 UTC
naaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh.....ya think???
2006-09-01 10:43:24 UTC
no... stupidity is

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