2u Muslims--why do u care about Israel?
2006-08-27 22:39:41 UTC
Everyone hates each other on the Arab peninsula--Palestine is one of the poorest nations on the face of the Earth--and Saudi Arabia is one of the poorest. Yet Saudi Arabia sends no economic aid, only bombs and guns. No one shead a tear when Saddam headed a totalitarian dictatorship in Iraq--but when the US invaded many Muslims cried about civilians casualties. It's all red meat--I don't buy it. Can you defend you double standards
Twelve answers:
2006-08-27 22:46:56 UTC
2006-08-28 08:34:18 UTC
When Saddam headed a so-called totalitarian dictatorship, he's minding his own business of running his own country. US thinks that it's their business to invade and tell people what to do and how best to run a country. BTW, what makes you think that no one sheds a tear. You obviously have been watching a biased news channel. What makes you think that you have been receiving the correct non-double standard information? Saddam is the strongest leader in the middle east. Once he's being eliminated, it would be easier for Israel to invade....
2006-08-28 05:46:53 UTC
Well, you have to understand a lot of what we see is controlled by the media and most of the people who are against the war in those countries like to use the bleeding hearts of the world to their own advantage. It's sad but true and if you notice anti war demonstrates are the most violent people on the planet, go figure. Peace comes with a punch to the face.
2006-08-28 05:53:50 UTC
You are completly uneducated and should be asking these questions! If you really want to know whats going on over there open up a history book.

World War 2, you may have heard of it! The Palestinians were on the side of Germany. After everymajor war winners gain land and losers lose land. We got land from Britain after the Revolutionary War. They tried to get it back in the war of 1812 and lost. After WW2, in the Oslo accords, it was determined that the nation of Palestine was to be divided in two, giving the Jews a home. A few years later, Palestine said they wasntedtheir land back and went to war, and lost to Israel. Israel got more land after that war. Palestine tried it again a few years later and failed again thus losing more land. So they had 25% of what they were given after the Oslo accords. Palestianians were tehn spread out into Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Iran, Iraq, and Saudia Arabia living in refugee camps. Only after this loss, Palestine said we were just kidding and please give us our land back. Israel refused. A few years go by and kidnappings and other terrorist activities start happening.

Read A BOOK!
silas h
2006-08-28 06:10:28 UTC
Alright, this is it, I have finally found the end of ignorance: slightly researched, a judgment assuming the form of a question, you are not "asking" because of curiosity, this is want for conflict. Problem is, your foreshortened consideration as articulated in this question is why the US is backsliding as a cultural beacon for the rest of humans and I hate having to feel like I should have to apologize for you. This is a poorly conceived opinion, at best. Dumbass redneck...
mukesh padhya
2006-08-28 05:48:03 UTC
and 2u Christean -why do u care about Israel, Iraq, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Russia, Philippines, Pakistan, Indonesia?

to me -a non Muslim and non Christian - it seems both of you have double standards, I don't buy you either.
Sun Sonic
2006-08-28 05:43:43 UTC
why anyone care about future terorists ?

Irak, Israel, and whetever it's lie on this side of the wolrd is a future terorists organisations - well - i think 1 or 2 good nukes in right moment shall spend alot of future problems ...

go ahead USA - u have enought plutonuim - give them some too :P
2006-08-28 06:47:36 UTC
wow, sanity rules
2006-08-28 06:45:05 UTC
stop talking
2006-08-28 06:30:04 UTC
is this part of phylosophy?
2006-08-28 05:42:55 UTC
shut up. Your an idiot.
afrasiyab k
2006-08-28 05:58:30 UTC
George W. Bush - Terrorist in the White House

America Is No Longer a Democratic Nation:

Zionists Have Seized Control During The 2000 ELECTION COUP D' ETAT,

Installed Puppet Regime

The Invasion of Lebanon Was Planned By Isramerica Long Ago

Magic Number 6 Million

World War I and II were started by Jewish interests. (Balfour Declaration) In both cases Jewish people claimed that 6 million people died. Jewish prophecies in the Torah require that 6 million Jews must "vanish" before the state of Israel can be formed. Nobody believed 6 million Jews died in WWI. They did believe it after WWII thanks, in part, to gas chambers being built after the war. So the nation of Israel was created.

What is anti-Semitic?

Semitism refers to a group of languages used by various tribes of what we call the Middle East. Zionism is a political movement founded by Ashkenazi Sabbateans in the 1800s in Europe. The Ashkenazi, of Turkic/Mongol/Caucasian descent, are mostly Russian, Hungarian, Lithuanian and Polish. They are Jewish by conversion. Roughly 95% of the population of Israel is Ashkenazi.

Sephardic Jews, those of true Semitic lineage, are second class citizens in Israel. Israel was designed by Zionists to function as a racist, Apartheid state.

Zionism is nobody's friend, least of all to true Jews, whom Zionism hides behind. Israel is, in fact, an anti-Semitic state, in that it daily murders true Semites. Max Huthinson PDF

Zionist plan for expansion

1992 "Defense Planning Guidance"

In 1996 an Israeli think tank headed by Richard Pearle drafted "A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm". They outlined the plan to reshape the middle east. The first step is to be the removal of Saddam Hussein in Iraq. A war with Iraq will destabilize the entire Middle East, allowing governments in Syria, Iran, Lebanon, and other countries to be replaced.

In September of 2000 the Project for a New American Century (PNAC).published "Rebuilding America's Defenses: Strategy, Forces and Resources for a New Century" gave the details of how their plans are to be carried out. Some key points are:

* Reposition permanently based forces to Southern Europe, Southeast Asia and the Middle East;

* Modernize U.S. forces, including enhancing our fighter aircraft, submarine and surface fleet capabilities;

* Develop and deploy a global missile defense system, and develop a strategic dominance of space by employing spaced based weapons;

* Control the "International Commons" of cyberspace; (The internet)

* Increase defense spending to a minimum of 3.8 percent of gross domestic product, up from the 3 percent currently spent. (Dubya did increase defense spending to exactly 3.8% after he took office.)

"The process of transformation", the plan said, "is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event - like a new Pearl Harbor." (Which we got on 9-11)

Aside from putting weapons in outer space, the most disturbing and ambitious element of the PNAC foreign policy blueprint was the plan to “democratize” the Middle East through military conquest. The project’s dream scenario called for running the table in the Middle East by first imposing regime change on Iraq and then proceeding to take out the regimes in Iran, Syria and eventually moving on into Central and East Asia, culminating with regime change in China.

In July 2002, Laurent Murawiec presented a powerpoint presentation to the Pentagon. The last slide was titled "Grand strategy for the Middle East." It abandons the outrageous for the incomprehensible. It reads:

Iraq is the tactical pivot

Saudi Arabia the strategic pivot

Egypt the prize

Think about this next time the Zionist controlled media reports that Islamic extremists are trying to take over the world.

--Webber Aug. 2, 2006

Related Articles:

THE ISRAELI NEOCON AGENDA IN AMERICA How Zionists Made the White House Their Butt Boy Video from

Alex Jones predicts WW3 Before 25th of October Local .MP3 File (Right-Click to save) August 10, 2006

Nuclear war starting on August 22, 2006?

Jewish Group Says Israel Should Not Exist - See Blame Israel?

Holy Holocaust! PDF by Edgar J. Steele December 19, 2005

Counteracting a Century of Zionist Disinformation PDF by Matt Giwer © 2001

The Neo-Conservative Imperial Agenda: A Perverse Project for a New American Century PDF by Keith Brekhus - Aside from putting weapons in outer space, the most disturbing and ambitious element of the PNAC foreign policy blueprint was the plan to “democratize” the Middle East through military conquest. The project’s dream scenario called for running the table in the Middle East by first imposing regime change on Iraq and then proceeding to take out the regimes in Iran, Syria and eventually moving on into Central and East Asia, culminating with regime change in China.

Secret 2001 Pentagon Plan to Attack Lebanon PDF Bush's Plan for "Serial War" revealed by General Wesley Clark by A Concerned Citizen July 23, 2006 - "[The] Five-year campaign plan [includes]... a total of seven countries, beginning with Iraq, then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Iran, Somalia and Sudan"

America "Pearl Harbored" PDF by Christopher Bollyn Updated April 12, 2004

The July, 2002 PowerPoint That Rocked the Pentagon PDF

The Return of the Neocons PDF by Justin Raimondo July 31, 2006


'Lebanon is the Scene of an Historic Test, Which Will Determine the Future of Humanity'

..Iranian President Ahmadinejad PDF

The August 9 Chomsky Interview - Apocalypse Near PDF By Mark H Gaffney 8-10-6


60 Syrians killed by Israeli bombing PDF Syria-Israel, Politics, 8/5/2006


Israelis Rain Down Deadly DU On Lebanese Civilians PDF Paul Joseph Watson/Prison July 29, 2006

US DU Bunker Busters Arrive In Israel PDF 8-5-6

Israel to get U.S. "bunker buster" bombs - report PDF Jul 24, 2006 [These bombs are nukes. Giving them to Israel violates the nuclear non-proliferation treaty. Countless millions will die as a direct result of Israel using nuclear weapons. The fallout from these bombs will be carried throughout the planet.

Glasgow's Prestwick airport Aug. 4, 2006: GBU-28 laser-guided bombs (bunker busters) containing depleted-uranium warheads destined for the Israeli Air Force PDF


These B61-11 EPW nuclear bunker busting bombs (Picture) have a "dial-a-yield" feature. A single warhead, set on 1 kiloton, will penetrate just 80 feet into the ground and spread 60,000 tons of radioactive debris into the atmosphere. The radioactive fallout will spread throughout the planet and lead to many more casualties. Pentagon models project, in the 1 kiloton scenario that 3 million people would die and 35 million people would be exposed to cancer causing radiation. If the same warhead is set to 100 kilotons, it will penetrate 230 feet and spread 1.5 million tons of radioactive debris into the atmosphere. They can penetrate up to 1000 feet and spread proportionately more radiation. They will be using multiple warheads.

Depleted Uranium Situation Worsens Requiring Immediate Action By President Bush, Prime Minister Blair, and Prime Minister Olmert PDF Dr. Doug Rokke, PhD., former Director, U.S. Army Depleted Uranium project July 24, 2006

Olmert can't wait for his puppet Bush to reshape the Middle East so Israel is kicking off the 'reshaping' themselves. Look for the Israelis to set off a small nuclear bomb on themselves. This will allow public support for the U.S. and the U.K. to enter the conflict to 'defend' Israel and to allow justification for nuking Lebanon, Syria and Iran. After all, Ehud Olmert is connected to 9-11 and knows how effective these false flag operations on your own countries can be. He makes his predecessor Ariel Sharon look like Gandhi.

Webber July 15, 2006

Are we going to stand idly by as more sovereign countries are attacked? This farce has nothing to do with getting rid of nuclear weapons in the Middle East or the US would shut down the billions of dollars of aid that Israel receives each year. Money that is funneled into its massive chemical, biological and nuclear arsenal, which is turning Israel into a dominant superpower. Their military & political might remains unchecked. They are in firm control of the world's remaining superpower, the United States, and it's massive military force.

While the Zionists claim non-nuclear Iran is a potential nuclear target for Israemerica for insisting on building a nuclear power station, the truth is Iran is but the next step in the Zionist plan to conquer the entire Middle East. Iran's real 'crime' is it's plan to sell oil in Euros on its new oil bourse, scheduled to open later this year. The threat to the U.S. dollars' hegemony is forcing America to attack Iran or sit back and watch the U.S. dollar tank.

Webster Tarpley: Staged attack to precede war The next Zionist staged attack on America will happen as soon as they can do it without their plans being exposed beforehand.

The Zionists will print huge amounts of U.S. dollars in advance of the staged attack. They must in order to keep the dollar from collapsing after the event which is the reason for the Federal Reserve Now Printing Dollars In Secret PDF

Zionists will then launch a 'retaliatory strike' which will in reality be a nuclear "first strike" attack against Iran. They will probably nuke Iranian nuclear facilities and their new stock exchange. It may start out with Isramerica using B61-11 EPW nuclear bunker busting bombs (Picture) that have a "dial-a-yield" feature. A single warhead, set on 1 kiloton, will penetrate just 80 feet into the ground and spread 60,000 tons of radioactive debris. The radioactive fallout will spread throughout the planet and lead to many more casualties. Pentagon models project, in the 1 kiloton scenario that 3 million people would die, mostly in Afghanistan, Pakistan and India. 35 million people would be exposed to cancer causing radiation. If the same warhead is set to 100 kilotons, it will penetrate 230 feet and spread 1.5 million tons of radioactive debris into the atmosphere. The fatalities from that scenario are unknown. But there are a number of active duty generals and admirals stating that they will resign if ordered to carry out military strikes against Iran. The strikes on Iran are expected to use multiple warheads on each target in order to achieve the required penetration, and there are multiple targets. When Iran retaliates against Israemerica is when the real slaughter of Iranians will begin.

The Zionist war crimes just keep getting bolder and bolder.

They think nothing of dumping tons of depleted uranium and killing over 250,000 civilians in Iraq. As the computer simulations of the attack show, the 'collateral damage' to Iran is going to make Iraq look like a picnic.

Related Articles:

The Pentagon's "Second 911" PDF by Michel Chossudovsky August 10, 2006 - "Another [9/11] attack could create both a justification and an opportunity to retaliate against some known targets"

Red Alert For Staged Government Terror Attack PDF Paul Joseph Watson/Prison | August 10 2006 - Alex Jones has now gone on record with a second prediction that a staged government terror attack will occur before the end of October unless a gargantuan effort to prevent it is launched.

US/Israel Selecting Targets For Cruise Missile Attack PDF Global Network Against Weapons 8-6-6

Simulated nuclear explosion planned in Hawaii for Aug 14-16, 2006 [Simulations have accompanied state sponosred terror events in the past. -ed.]

9/11 Comes in August This Year PDF by Edgar J. Steele August 1, 2006

UK Govt Sources Confirm War With Iran Is On PDF July 24th, 2006

US to plant WMDs on Iran PDF - Pretext for war with Iran: Michael Leeden and the White House plans to move chem-bio weapons from Iraq into Iranian side of this desolate border.

Bush Plans to Use Illegal B61-11 PDF April 09th 2006

Israel in its best position to mount air strike on Iran By: Rowan Scarborough on: 18.07.2006 - Israel buying 500 'bunker buster' bombs from U.S.

Mossad and Israeli diplomats meet regularly at Langley with the CIA to exchange information and find ways to assist each other PDF Voice of the White House July 14, 2006

Nuking Iran Is Not Off the Table PDF by Jorge Hirsch July 6, 2006

Larry Silverstein buys the Chicago Sears Tower PDF By Tony Soldo [See: MetLife Will Sell Sears Tower PDF By Dean Starkman March 12, 2004 - Lloyd Goldman and Joseph Cayre, New York investors who are among Mr. Silverstein's backers in the Trade Center, are part of a group that agreed to buy the Chicago landmark]

You are looking at the reason for the war against Iraq. This war was initiated by Ariel Sharon for Israel's strategic benefit!

Thats what Israel does. It has its intelligence organization, Mossad, carry out false flag operations and deceives others into attacking their enemies. In short they get others to fight their wars for them.

Israel is in the midst of its plan to use the United States military, which it controls, to conquer Iraq and divert Iraqi oil to the Haifa refinery via the Mosul to Haifa pipeline. The U.S. has built airbases at H1, H2 and H3 (which stand for Haifa 1, 2 and 3) to protect this strategic pipeline. The pipeline is used to send oil to Israel. Paid for with the blood of American soldiers that die in Iraq. See: The Reason Bush Is Pushing For Syria's Invasion PDF

Iraq is being turned into another Palestine state for Israel.

This war was fought in order to secure Israel's future. Israel, being a parasite nation, needed to create an income stream that would continue if funding from the United States should dry up. They have been working on the plan to steal Iraqi oil for years. Read Israel's Blitzkrieg on Middle East Oil PDF by Joe Vialls for more on this.

To quote Mr. Vialls article, "... they are already planning to steal 1,825 million barrels of Iraqi oil per annum. Taking a nominal price of US $25.00 per barrel ... the Israeli-Jewish terrorists stand to make a cool US $45,625,000,000.00 each year .... " [Thats over 45 1/2 Billion dollars a year or $125 million each day!!!]

Mr. Vialls claims that the 45 billion a year jackpot is more than just a lot of money, it's a matter of survival for Israel.

The reshaping of the Middle East by America's military will allow Israel to:

(1) Control the strategic oil reserves in this region which will ensure low cost oil to Israel and ensure their economic survival.

(2) Ensure Israel is the dominant military force and the sole nuclear equipped military power in the region for many years to come .

(3) Neutralize Israel's enemies in the region.

(4) Expand borders per "Greater Israel". The Nile forming the border on the West through Egypt, and the Euphrates on the East through Turkey, Syria and Iraq.

(5) Allow even further expansion of borders to encompass surrounding countries.

Israel has become the 3rd largest exporter of weapons in the world, selling everything from Uzis to PHALCON airborne early warning systems. Defense Ministry figures show Israeli weapons export contracts were worth $4.1 billion in 2002. Only the United States with $13.2 billion and Russia with $4.4 billion sold more weapons that year.

Israel's possesses the fourth largest army in the world.

Israel is the only nuclear enabled country in the Middle East. Israel has overtaken England to become the worlds 5th largest nuclear power, roughly equivalent to France and China in the size and sophistication of its nuclear arsenal. Recent reports indicate that Israel has deployed five different nuclear weapons designs. It is estimated to have 2000-5000 conventional nuclear warheads and many micro nuclear devices like the bomb that destroyed the Sari Club in Bali. (These new nuclear devices only emit alpha radiation that is invisible to a standard geiger counter). In addition they have the neutron bombs, (that can kill people and leave the buildings intact) and hydrogen bombs. Hydrogen bombs are currently the most fearsome and intimidating weapon on earth, capable of causing over 60000 times the damage of a nuclear bomb like the one used on Nagasaki. The Hydrogen bomb is so intimidating that most nations vow never to produce it, though it is really not much harder than producing regular nukes. When we are talking WMD, this is the big Kahuna.

Israel has the capability to take out every major city in Europe. Israel refuses to sign the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT), the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention (BTWC) or to allow inspections of its nuclear facilities by International inspectors.

Israel stands in defiance of 69 United Nations Security Council Resolutions. A further 33 resolutions against Israel has not seen the light of day thanks to the United States vetoing power on the Security Council.

Nuclear disarmament must begin with Israel. Until that time, Arab states in the region have an inalienable "right" and "obligation" to develop similar weapons (of mass destruction) to counter this overwhelming threat to their nations and peoples.

[Read entire "War For Israel" article]

[Meet the NEOCONS, (you might as well, they are running your government!)]


Australia Following Zionists On Road To Ruin

Sailors sort blue-tipped depleted uranium MK-38 25mm machine-gun shells while another fires them out to sea in exercises at Shoalwater Bay. Notice the protective clothing and gloves.

John (Mr. Lies) Howard was re-elected to a fourth term in 2004. This was after a last minute 'swing' to his party of 3% of the votes. This last minute 'swing' was achieved, no doubt, by his friends in America that specialize in election rigging. Since then he has been devoutly following the Zionist agenda for the New World Order. Here is some examples of what he has done:

* Created a nationwide drought and health risks by allowing Chemtrail spraying in Australia

* Made Australia the leading ecstasy addicted nation in the world (Mossad controls the ecstasy.PDF)

* Passed Workplace relations reform laws stripping workers of their rights in the workplace.

* Passed media consolidation laws which will consolidate all news media into the hands of a few companies.

* Introduced a national ID card. Since it was voted down he snuck it in as part of a requirement for receiving medicare benefits.

* Passed legislation allowing lobbyists to donate much greater amounts of money to legislators without the need to declare it.

* Placing coalition senators as heads of committees to ensure bills pass according to party lines.

These measures are designed to keep Australia in step with America on the same road to ruin. We are seeing the same loss of liberty happening in Australia as has been happening in the United States. The manipulation of elections on an unsuspecting public, the railroading of New World Order legislation through the legislature and the decline of personal freedoms and the eventual enslavement of it's citizens.

As if this is not enough, Howard and the other Zionist controlled politicians are carrying out willful destruction of the environment:

A 20-year agreement was signed in 2005 between the United States and Australia, the specific terms of which are secret, but which allows the US military to train and test its latest weapons in Australia. This involves bombing ranges in the pristine Shoalwater Bay near Rockhampton in Queensland and at Lancelin, the lobster fishing village 150kms north of Perth where there would be ship-to-shore bombing from nuclear powered and capable US navy ships.

Also in the Northern Territory a 'test' bombing range has been designated where B52s and Stealth bombers will, as of January 2006, and as you read this, be dumping their payloads on their flights from Guam. The US Navy uses DU in its shelling, and the B52s will be most likely (presumably they will be testing the weapons they actually use) carrying bunker buster bombs with their 2.2 tons of DU each. Retrospective legislation was passed to remove the need for any Environmental Impact Study (EIS) before or after the duration of this agreement.

When asked in the Australian Senate about whether or not the US would be using DU in its bombing of Australian sites, Defence Minister Senator Hill said, 'In relation to Depleted Uranium (DU) used by our allies we have said that, if they believe it is the most appropriate element to use in their particular munitions in certain circumstances, we do not think it is appropriate for us to press a different view upon them.' Senator Hill has since retired from Australian politics and has taken up residence as the Australian UN Ambassador in New York.

Legacy of Treason: Depleted Uranium and the Poisoning of Humanity PDF Alok O'Brien

Link to Article


1982 Israeli Plan to Divide Iraq into Separate States

In the article A frightening "Strategy for Israel" PDF, Linda Heard reveals the Israeli plan to reshape the Middle East:

"The dissolution of Syria and Iraq later on into ethnically or religiously unique areas such as in Lebanon is Israel's primary target in the long run, while the dissolution of the military power of those states serves as the primary short term target," writes the Israeli journalist Oded Yinon as far back as 1982. "Iraq, rich in oil on the one hand and internally torn on the other, is guaranteed as a candidate for Israel's targets," says Yinon. Its dissolution is even more important for us than that of Syria. In the short run it is Iraqi power which constitutes the greatest threat to Israel."

The Mossad/CIA have been sending death squads into Iraq. These terrorist cells bomb innocent civilians to ferment civil war. The idea behind this war crime is to keep the Iraqis so busy killing each other that they won't have the time to kill American soldiers or "Jews" as they are called by the Iraqis. The Isramerica manufactured Iraqi civil war has led Senator Joe Biden to suggest that Iraq be split into 3 different regions.

So we have the Iraqi oil still secretly flowing to Haifa, paid for with the blood of our soldiers, billions of dollars of "aid" still flowing to Israel each year, the Constitution being shredded by the Bush regime and Israel making out quite well, thank you very much.

Webber May 1, 2006

Related Articles:

Iraq is disintegrating as ethnic cleansing takes hold PDF By Patrick Cockburn in Khanaqin, North-East Iraq 20 May 2006

John Pilger detects the Salvador Option PDF 8th May 2006




The war on terror is not really being fought against Al Qaeda.

Al Qaeda is a creation of Mossad/CIA to be used as a propaganda tool.

The real war is being fought for control of the minds of the people. It is being fought to try and get the people to embrace Zionist / Illuminati / New World Order causes.


For articles on the AIPAC spy scandal see the Israel Running the Show Section

Voice of the White House PDF August 10, 2006

Israeli connection to New York City subway Fourth of July terrorist hoax PDF Aug. 12/13, 2006 - Rimon Alkatri indicted.

Report: US sailor spied for Israel PDF By DAVID KEYES Aug. 9, 2006

Navy says sailor in brig stole laptop, gave out classified info PDF By KATE WILTROUT - The Navy's charges depict Petty Officer 3rd Class Ariel J. Weinmann as a sailor who stole a Navy laptop computer, deserted his ship for more than eight months and traveled the globe, both attempting to give and actually delivering classified defense information to an undisclosed foreign government.

Is Mossad Hand Behind Mumbai Train Blasts? PDF Mumbai's Urdu Daily 3 August 2006

Dentist claims Mossad is behind scientist killings PDF By Basil Adas 07/29/2006

IDF: Mossad “has significantly infiltrated Hizballah” PDF July 20, 2006

Top Israeli Spy Murdered In US As American Faction Split Hits UK With Murder Of Enron Banker PDF


According to court documents filed in Alabama, (From Left to Right) Benjamin Nathan Moseley, 19, Russell Lee DeBusk Jr., 19, and Mathew Lee Cloyd, 20, say they set five small, isolated churches about 50 miles southwest of their Birmingham homes ablaze Feb. 3. They appeared to have used specially-designed, military-grade thermite bombs for this. These men then set four similar churches on fire Feb. 7 some 100 miles west of Birmingham to try to throw investigators off any clues. Their defense attorney is claiming it was only a "joke" after a night of hunting and drinking.

In june, 2004 Almaliach Naor and Shmuel Dahan were arrested near King's Bay Naval Nuclear Facility: PDF (See Clandestine Israeli Ops below) The news reports describe the fact that the dogs alerted to the scent of explosives and there was a remote control robot in a suitcase in the van. As it turned out, one of the suspects was a Son of a Top Likud Official PDF The beheading of Nick Berg occurred to distract the media from these arrests and these 2 men were quietly deported to Israel.

Now we have Benjamin Nathan Moseley, 19, Russell Lee DeBusk Jr., 19, and Mathew Lee Cloyd, 20, using specially-designed, military-grade thermite bombs to burn down at least 9 churches in Alabama. Once it became clear these men were Jewish, the media stopped covering this story. Alabama Governor Riley has written these men off as "pranksters". It is obvious that there are very powerful groups behind the scene that want to see these terrorists released.

They might plea bargain their way to freedom to avoid a trial. Failing that, a huge media event would provide the perfect cover to quietly wisk these men off to Israel, until things cool down for them.

Related Articles:

Update: Alabama Church Burnings PDF by Victor Thorn - the Jewish Lobby doesn’t want these three little satanic monsters to stand trial because they don’t want any details to emerge about the coordination and behind-the-scenes pre-planning of these crimes to emerge before the public.

Mossad: RSA Security & Ptech Run US Govt Computers PDF by CHRISTOPHER BOLLYN (AMERICAN FREE PRESS)

Mossad terror suspect confesses PDF 14 June 2006

Lebanese man confesses to killings on behalf of Israel PDF By Reuters 3/06/2006

Is the SPLC An American Arm of the Mossad? PDF Sunday, April 09, 2006

Four Israelis killed in NJ plane crash PDF Comments Jun. 1, 2006



Mossad murdered 530 Iraqi scientists PDF 5/9/2006

Israel, caught again with its hand in the cookie jar PDF May 09, 2006 - Among the projects on which Volz worked was securing a contract for Foxcom Wireless, an Israeli communications company, to improve cell phone reception in House office buildings.

International Israeli Internet Spying & Fraud PDF April 4, 2006 by Michael Bagley, Financial Editor

Israelis Warned Before Blasts To Stay Away From Sinai PDF April 24, 2006

Alabama Fires Had Appearances Of Military Strike PDF Monday, April 03, 2006

Journalists blackmailed by Israeli embassy in Mauritania PDF 30-03-2006


Judge Approves Bond Of $50,000 For Alabama Church Fire Suspects

Dubai Ports World uses Zim connection in US deal PDF

Israeli Agents Operating in Iraq, Iran and Syria savagery through Iraq guided by MOSSAD PDF By: Orbana on: 23.02.2006

Venezuela - US-Backed Opposition Blew Oil Pipeline PDF By Wayne Madsen 12-5-5

Who died, and who didn't, in Jordan PDF Friday, November 11, 2005

Russian experts see Israeli, US links in Jordan blasts, Lebanon murder PDF November 13, 2005

Photo Suggests Bombs In Ceiling Of Jordan Hotel PDF [If you believe the lady that confessed to being a suicide bomber, I have 2 melted towers to sell you cheap. -ed.]

Israeli Mossad establishing Trinidad & Tobago base against Venezuela PDF November 14, 2005 Bylined to: Bob Chapman

Bomb in ceiling caused Jordan hotel blast - source PDF Nov. 9, 2005 [This is how the Mossad does it. They plant the bombs under the floors of trains or buses during maintenance, or in this case planted the bomb in the ceiling, probably under the guise of an electrician working on the wires in the ceiling. -ed.]

Israelis evacuated from Amman hotel hours before bombings PDF 10/11/2005

Trinidad Bomb Suspect Arrested PDF - Dahtang Mik Agarunov

Who Are these Snipers Killing Marines In Iraq? PDF

Possible U.S. and Israeli Connection in Assassination of Rafiq Harari, the Former Popular Lebanese Leader PDF By Greg Szymanski 4 Nov 2005

Bombing victims transferred to Newcastle PDF 5 October, 2005

Bali "Suicide-Bombers" Caught On Camera..*Pic* PDF By: on: 04.10.2005

Mossad Kills 195 In Bombing Spree PDF - What Israel wants is a civil war where the Shiites and the Sunnis kill off each other's leaders ... Once Israel has established their leaders, identical to the 1917 Bolshevik revolution, then the bombings stop.

The occupation forces are the real perpetrators of bomb attacks in Iraq? PDF 9/14/2005 - Iran’s top military commander accused the United States and Israel of planning the non-stop bomb attacks that killed thousands of civilians in Iraq.

[Read more articles on "CLANDESTINE ISRAELI OPS"]

[Or see our Israeli Atrocities Section or Israel Running the Show Section ]



The Neocon/Illuminati plan to conquer the entire Middle East and put it under Zionist control is proceeding quite well. These Illuminati, one world government types make plans and they stick to them, no matter how many decades it takes.

The plan to divide Iraq up into 3 states under Zionist control was formalized when it was published in World Zionist Organization's periodical Kivunim February 1982 by Oded Yinon, an Israeli journalist. This is but the first step in putting the entire Middle East under Tel Aviv's control. Then in 1998, the Project for the New American Century, or PNAC published it's blueprint for global domination, which begins with the reshaping of the Middle East. In order for that to happen, the Zionists will order the United States to attack Syria, Iran, Saudi Arabia and Egypt. A presentation given by Rand Corp. analyst Laurent Murawiec on July 10, 2002, to the Defense Policy Board, a Pentagon advisory group outlined the road ahead:

Iraq is the tactical pivot

Saudi Arabia the strategic pivot

Egypt the prize

So when you see news reports that tell you that Iran has nuclear weapons ready to strike the US and Saudi Arabia was behind 9/11 you know that these are Psy-Ops (psychological operations) intended on brainwashing you into supporting attacks on these countries.

Michael Moore's Fahrenheit 911 showed Saudi Arabia in a negative light. There have been other 'investigative reports' since then that have done the same. First they try and win you over to their side by showing the Bush family ties with the bin Ladens. Then they show how the bin Ladens were supporting Osama. Then they try to convince you that Osama was behind the World Trade Center bombings and other terrorist attacks. Don't be fooled! George Bush and Ariel Sharon were behind the world trade center attacks! Just see who gained the most from these attacks. Osama, like Saddam Hussein were CIA assets that they turned on and made into villains to further Illumininati plans. Just as Saudi Arabia was an ally of the United States and is becoming the scapegoat. Whenever you see any kind of news story and it mentions Osama, you can bet it is a load of crap. Just the fact that the last 3 Osama bin Laden recordings have been faked makes it doubtful that he is even alive. In fact anything after this interview given on Aug. 16, 2001 is highly suspect. But just like with Elvis, that won't stop new recordings from being released.


LINK to article

Also See:

JINSA/PNAC Neocon Hack Cheney Preparing Us for War on Iran?


Why We Should Be Concerned That Israel Possesses Nuclear Weapons

1> Israel has a goal to expand their borders and they have a history of expansion.

2> Israel has a history of aggression toward neighboring countries

3> Israel has a history of getting the United States to fight their wars for them.

4> Israel does not allow inspections of their nuclear facilities.

5> Israel is not a signatory to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) or the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention (BTWC)

6> Many Israelis feel that they are superior to others and that their lives are worth more that others lives. PDF

7> The notion that God is on the side of Israel and Israel's allies is pure hogwash.

8> Israel has the capability to deliver nuclear warheads by land, by air and by sea. They have the capability to target every capital city in Europe and the Middle East.

9> Israel has a history of human rights abuse including slaughtering thousands of innocent civilians and demolishing thousands of homes.

10> The Zionist controlled media won't report anything that is damaging to Israel including radiation leaks in Dimona and human rights abuses.

Related Articles:

James C Moore: Why shouldn't Iran have nuclear weapons? Israel has American warheads ready to fire PDF 30 April 2006 - At least three mainstream publications in the US and Germany, however, have confirmed the vessels have been fitted with US-made Harpoon missiles with nuclear tips. Each Dolphin-class boat can carry 24 missiles.

See the Israel's Nuclear History for more.



Gotta get down to it

Soldiers are gunning us down

Should have been done long ago.

What if you knew her

And found her dead on the ground

How can you run when you know?

..Neil Young "Ohio"

Amendment I

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise therof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press, or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievences.

Amendment IV

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

Amendment VI

In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed; which district shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation; to be contronted with the witnesses against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his favor, and to have the assistance of counsel for his defense.

Amendment XV

Section 1. The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude.

For those of you that have sworn to uphold the Constitution, now is a good time to do something. The Constitution has never been in such grave danger.

Related Articles:

Lyrics to Neil Young's 'Let's Impeach the President' PDF

Neil Young's New Album "Living With War" Free for short time

Neil Young sets his sights on Bush Impeachment PDF By: Andrew Buncombe on: 19.04.2006

Shocking Diebold conflict of interest revelations from Secretary of State further taint Ohio's electoral credibility PDF by Bob Fitrakis and Harvey Wasserman April 6, 2006

109 Years in Prison Sought for Peaceful Speech in America: The Dr. Elsebeth Baumgartner Case PDF - The specific criminal charges against Dr. Baumgartner are intimidation, retaliation, falsification and possession of a criminal tool (the criminal tool being a laptop computer) for her criticizing Ohio government officials and accusing them of corruption, such as against retired Judge Richard Markus.

Watch This Video, it says it all:

VIDEO: James Spader's "Boston Legal" U.S. Liberty Stick It Closing Arguments Airdates Mar 14, 2006 PDF



Make no mistake about it, power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Now that the Illuminati/New World Order have absolute power over the voting process, together with their partners in crime, the mainstream media, look for them will seek to pull off more and more bogus elections.

Look for all sorts of things to be put to vote that will further their cause. Like abolishing separation of church and state, ban on handguns, hell they might even figure its quicker to let the people 'decide' to change the constitution to let foreign born citizens become president rather than go through the lengthy process that the constitution requires to change it. Although putting Schwarzenegger into the oval office is high on their agenda, they may want to extend the Bush Dynasty by placing Jeb Bush into the oval office in 2008.

This farce will continue until the warrior class regains control of the government as outlined in P.R.Sarkar's Law of Social Cycles

Related Articles:

US War with Iran? Would US Military Carry out DC Coup Instead? PDF



You may be buying into the hysteria over radical Muslim groups causing terror, Arabs taking over our ports, Al Qaeda operating in major airports. Terrorism taking hold here there and everywhere. What does it all mean? Do these people hate us because of our freedoms? .....Not hardly.

The whole idea of branding Muslims as terrorists was probably dreamed up during a retreat at Jacob Rothschild’s estate. There needs to be an enemy so America can carry out the Zionist agenda of putting the entire Middle East under Israel’s control and ushering in a New World Order. So an enemy was created.

The power of the press is awesome. It is said that a good district attorney can indict a ham sandwich. The American press can do far better than that, they can indict a whole religion. The same people that control the central banks of the world and the mainstream media are backing Zionist Israel. They have the power of the press at their beck and call. Working in conjunction with the Mossad and the CIA, they have the American people convinced that Arabs were behind 9-11, the Bali bombings and all of the recent terrorist attacks.

The Zionists are trying to turn this into a religious battle between the Judeo-Christians and the Islamic people. It is ironic that Christians support Israel today, being they are not even the descendants of biblical Joseph. They are Ashkenazis, a warlike nomadic people from Eastern Europe that converted to Judaism. Talmudic Jews do not even support Zionist Israel. True Christians are not unlike devout Muslims, both are religious people trying to be kind to their fellow men and serving their gods. If they were smart they would team up against their real enemy, Zionism. It is important to realize that Zionism is not a religion, it is an ideology started in Basel Switzerland in 1896.

Mossad is the Al Qaeda!

When I say the Mossad is the Al Qaeda, I am not saying that figuratively. I mean they are literally the masterminds that are causing the terror in the world today. Forget about searching the caves in Afghanistan for Osama, go after Meir "The Gun" Dagan, that heads up that terrorist organization. The CIA may be planting some of the bombs like the ones in the Philippines, but the Mossad are behind the scenes directing the agencies. When the CIA/Mossad is trying to destabilize a region, trying to rig an election to get their party elected or preparing to invade, there are frequently rallies. These rallies often turn violent. You can bet those people throwing the first molotov cocktails are being paid from some intelligence agency’s black budget. Speaking of black budgets, any idea where all the heroin from Afghanistan is going? It is being used to fund those same terrorist organizations. No it isn’t the Mafia. Again it’s the CIA/Mossad. The CIA controls the Heroin and the Mossad controls the ecstasy. PDF

If you’re in the United States and just waiting for the next election so you can vote the bastards out, wake up, you're dreaming. The CIA/Mossad is also in the business of election rigging. They are the best in the world. Your vote in the U.S. doesn’t have a chance in hell of being counted accurately.

The same people, like Jacob Rothschild, that control the federal reserve bank and the central banks of the world, and the television, radio and newspapers where you get your ‘news’ also count the votes in the election. Isn’t that special. Guess what, they are also the ones that choose which candidates that will run in the first place.

..Webber Feb. 20, 2006

Related Articles:

Who is this Israel, and what's all this talk of an "Israel Lobby"? PDF April 14 2006



Easy... His lips move. When he says troops will be reduced in Iraq this year, that means they are going to be escalating the war. New troop deployments being sent to Iraq are really going to end up fighting in Iran. This is evident with Israel's plan to strike Iran. The feds are increasing the M3 money supply like they know a massive event is approaching. March is also the month the Feds stop reporting the M3 money supply and the month Iran starts selling oil in Petro-Euros on its new bourse.

Dollar Imperialism PDF Jan 10, 2006 - In Case of Emergency, Nuke Iran

Day One - The War With Iran PDF By Douglas Herman 1-9-5

The Fed's Money Supply Armament is Underway PDF by Robert McHugh January 08, 2006 - M-3 has been launched into outer space, up another $56.3 billion last week, up $92.4 billion over the past two.


Who's In Charge?

Now that Ariel Sharon has died, who is to assume command of the United States and Israel? Will it be Wolfowitz, Pearle, or maybe Kissinger? Is Sharon's friend, the head of Mossad, Meir "The Gun" Dagan the new ruler of the United States? Is there a static order of succession to power in the United States or do the Neocons just call up Jacob Rothschild and ask him who is to be put in charge?

Enquiring minds want to know.


Sharon's Stroke...Think PDF By Barry Chamish 1-4-6



If there had been gas chambers and six million jews died then why would Zundel have been held without charges in the U.S. and Canada. In today's world when a person is denied a trial, it is because the government is trying to coverup a lie. For example, deny Jose Padilla a trial to coverup his role in the OKC bombing (John Doe #2). They use secret trials and claim national defense to deny fair trials. The last thing they want are the facts to be made public in a proper trial. In the 'trial' of Ernst Zundel this is also the case. The 'judge' in the case, Dr. Meinerzhagen , made it clear that Zundel's lawyer would be held on criminal charges for bringing up any arguments to defend Ernst Zundel. The last thing the judge wants is for facts on the holocaust to be put into court transcripts. It is very similar to the 'judge' that tried Irwin Schiff on tax evasion. That 'judge', Kent J. Dawson, would not allow Irwin Schiff to bring up any laws in the courtroom. (Irwin Schiff is possibly the foremost authority on the internal revenue code in the country). In both cases, these judicial scum are trying to cover up a lie by convicting principled men of character who stand by what they believe in. No Virginia, there were no gas chambers and there is no law that requires Americans to pay income tax.

Also read:

The Chemical & Toxicological Impossibility Of The Auschwitz Gas Chamber Legend PDF By Paul Grubach 3-3-6

David Irving goes to prison PDF 2006-02-20

Holy Holocaust! PDF by Edgar J. Steele December 19, 2005

Zionist Terrorist Attacks On PDF 12-12-5

The Zionist War On Your Freedom Of Speech PDF By John Kaminski 11-20-5

Why the Sudden Clampdown on Revisionists? PDF Rixon Stewart – November 20, 2005 - Are historical truth and the memory of dead holocaust victims being defended? Or is it one of the foundations of the New World Order, modern Zionist power?



Sharon, Bush, Blair, Howard all acting with impunity. They know that the elections are rigged and no matter what they do the election results will sooth things over.



These British undercover soldiers were caught in Arab dress, in a civilian car filled with explosives. Talk about a smoking gun!

Two persons wearing Arab uniforms opened fire at a police station in Basra. A police patrol followed the attackers and captured them to discover they were two British soldiers," an Interior Ministry source told Xinhua. link

The two soldiers were using a civilian car packed with explosives, the source said.

An "agent" over at saw early bbc reports that confirmed the car had explosives inside, and that's why the "soldiers" were arrested. They conclude it was an MI6 black op to stir up trouble between Shia and Sunni to bring about civil war, as many of these recent bombings appear to be.

These terrorists may be FRU (Forces Recovery Unit), British military intelligence, just arrived from N. Ireland, have been in Iraq for a few months. The Scotsman now reports that the men are members of the SRR, or Special Reconnaissance Regiment. The insignia shows a Greek helmet with a sword thrust through the mouth and up through the back of the skull. But, Two Undercover Agents Rescued by British May Have Been Israelis PDF

It is the plan of the CIA/Mossad/MI6 to create civil war in Iraq by using their agents to carry out these terrorist attacks on civilians. See Mossad Kills 195 In Bombing Spree PDF

The occupation forces are the real perpetrators of bomb attacks in Iraq? PDF 9/14/2005

This story will be spun by the Zionist controlled media until it looks like these 2 terrorists were trying to return a book to the library when they were attacked by the police. "D-notice" This!

Two killed, four wounded in Basra shooting; some victims reportedly Britons PDF Monday March 06, 2006

Revealed: IRA bombs killed eight British soldiers in Iraq PDF 17 October 2005

British military involved in acts of terrorism in Iraq PDF By: IRNA on: 15.10.2005


We had the kids and grand kids over the other day and my granddaughter said to me, “Grandpa, what was it like growing up in America?” I sat down next to her and did my best to tell her. This is that story:

When I was young, there was no greater country on Earth. I was fiercely proud to be an American. We were the envy of all the people of the world, save maybe the French. We gave generously to humanitarian causes worldwide and earned the respect of the world for being the principled nation that we were. We were the champions of democracy and freedom.

[Read entire article]


America's Dirty Little Secret

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.