2012-09-22 03:27:59 UTC
"I think therefore, I am." is a philosophical Latin statement proposed by René Descartes.
Professor Lakshan Bandara extended it using the "Game Theory" of John Nash, as follows:
A mind-blowing question: How I update I and I update you?
(just take the idea out of symbolism used)
I-1 think (about I-0), therefore I-0 [I zero] am
// I-1 who think of I-0, define a new I-3
I-3 think (about you-3), therefore you-3 [you are] are
// I-3 defines I-4 by thinking about you,
// U-0,U-1,U-2 are imaginary to I-3, but may not be to I-0,I-1,I-2
I-4 think, that you-3 think (about you-2), therefore you-2 are
// I-4 defines I-5 by thinking you think about you,
I-5 think, that you-2 think (about I-4), therefore you-2 are
time = 0 1 2 3
I = I-0 I-1 I-2 I-3
you = u-0 u-1 u-2 u-3
This can be applied reversal as: you think that I think that you think that I think about you/I
Mind boggling isn't it?
The interesting point to notice is, if what I think and what you think, including the options(width & length)+depth and what you observe by senses do not match, one or more conflict(s) occur.
This the core of Buddhism, about Dhukkha (suffering/happiness), which caused by the gap of static self/definition (athma) and static permanence(nithya) or dynamic impermanence (anithya).
How do I think of I & you, compare to, how do you think of you & I, relative to sensible reality?
Guys and Gals with Brainwaves, the stage is set for you to answer...
Source: GodofGods'Eyes