2013-03-14 10:06:51 UTC
Ok, so your father dies and suddenly you find out he had been living a double life to be away from your selfish/controlling mother. He has been living with another woman and her four children for seventeen years. He is almost as much their father as he is yours. You now realize the man was a saint for coming over three times a week to see you and staying married to your mother for your own sake so you could have a chance at a normal life.
It comes up that you will inherit the other woman's home. It is your only inheritance because your mother will keep all of your dads belongings and bank accounts due to a loophole created by the state you live in. You and your wife are in desparate need of a home, you only need 25k more to put down on a place of your own. The one you live in isn't in your name and falling apart. Your furniture is torn up and ragged. You sleep on a mattress on the floor with no bed of your own. Their is no heat or cooling where you currently reside.
What do you do? Sell the house the woman lives in and kick her out? Offer to sell it to her for a fraction of the cost? Or just give her the house knowing that your father loved her and had bought it for her, her children (all now grown and moved out) and her mentally disabled sister? The woman is one of the kindest people you have ever met.