2011-06-09 20:40:59 UTC
Fun times those were, and we got to talking about the stereotypes associated with the hero. The hero is always strong, the hero is always noble, the hero is always masculine, the hero always is in support of the current state of government, the hero always gets the girl and the happy ending.
And the villain? The villain is often an intellectual, the villain often displays traits that are not what the general consensus of masculine is, the villain always wants to bring down the status quo, and the villain will never ever get any kind of happiness. Sad, isn't it? And yet I can't seem to help myself, I find myself rooting for them anyway. I'm like a Red Sox fan.
Who do you root for in your works of fiction? Do you think it says anything about your moral character? Is fiction a mirror that shows the beast within us or just simple entertainment and nothing more? Am i wrong to root for Lucifer's ideas of democracy in Paradise Lost? Am I mad to support the state of anarchy that the titular V in V for Vendetta advocates? Am I looney to agree with Agent Smith when he says that humanity is a virus that would never appreciate a paradise?
Or maybe I'm just a man who sees a work of fiction's arguments for what they are; simple arguments that advocate the author's point of view, and my contrary nature by default agrees with the strawman dressed as a villain.
So in true dramatic villainous fashion I ask you this my friends; What do you think?