Dr. SC1ence
2014-07-22 14:36:09 UTC
(2) In other words, it isn't the Liberty per se that Libertarians care about. It is the Property that they care about, Private Property and always more of it. Liberty for them is just a means to an end, the end being Private Property.
(3) Libertarians do what equal Liberty for all, but not equal Private Property for all. They want Private Property distribution to be very, very unequal, or as equal as it turns to be be (they want the "invisible hand" of the free market to decide this, not the hand of government). To me this shows that it is Property that they really care about. Liberty is simply a condition of society that they believe will enable themselves, a minority of the people, to attain and retain an ever greater amount of private property, and allow the majority of the people to forever live in squalor, desperation, and dependency on whatever job they may be able to get. Its like a group of very tall students proposing that the game of basketball be used to determine who gets the best food in lunch in the cafeteria at lunchtime. They claim to believe in the game of basketball, but its just a means to an end.