Let me prove to you god exists. If you disprove god to me, I shall change my entire view on life, god, everything.?
2014-04-07 21:12:05 UTC
Ok first of all I am a 17 year old student wanting to become a doctor, I am 110% convinced god exists. Here is why, I will give you many reasons. :)
-There are over 9 million species on earth, really what is the CHANCE the you happen to be born human and be the most intelligent species on earth, and the only species that can go to the moon, and dominate over every other species in every possible way?
-Life does not make sense without a creator. You can go into as much biological science as you would like, but how is it even POSSIBLE that rocks, gas, and star dust can create biological conscious beings? Even through all the atoms in our body change every 5-10 years, we remain human. Really how is that even possible?
-How can science disprove god when god is the sole creator of all the science in this universe? We can study physical laws, chemical properties, but we can never understand WHY this properties? Why not a different model of the atom, or different physical laws?
-The chance of existing are mathematically impossible without god. The complexity of our molecules and life is beyond imagination. And when did YOU choose to exist? Why did you choose to be born on this planet, why a human-being? When did you choose to be conscious? I know I never choose any of this.
-How can love even be possible without god? I know how much me and my 4 year old twin cousins love each other. Not even the most brilliant scientist can explain our unconditional love through science.
Fifteen answers:
2014-04-07 22:23:33 UTC
There are over 9 million species on earth, really what is the CHANCE the you happen to be born human and be the most intelligent species on earth, and the only species that can go to the moon, and dominate over every other species in every possible way? THAT IS ALL WE CAN DO. THERE IS NOTHING ELSE WE CAN DO. TALK, THINK, SO ON... BUT SOME OF US CAN'T BE ABLE TO SOLVE FINANCIAL PROBLEM SUCH AS DEBT.

-Life does not make sense without a creator. You can go into as much biological science as you would like, but how is it even POSSIBLE that rocks, gas, and star dust can create biological conscious beings? Even through all the atoms in our body change every 5-10 years, we remain human. Really how is that even possible? WHY WOULD A CREATOR MAKE US FOR NO REASON? I CAN'T DO THE THINGS THAT I WANT. WHAT IS THE POINT? TO MAKE CELL PHONE?

-How can science disprove god when god is the sole creator of all the science in this universe? We can study physical laws, chemical properties, but we can never understand WHY this properties? Why not a different model of the atom, or different physical laws? BECAUSE WE NEED THOSE TO CURE OURSELVES, TO PUT GAS IN CARS...

-The chance of existing are mathematically impossible without god. The complexity of our molecules and life is beyond imagination. And when did YOU choose to exist? Why did you choose to be born on this planet, why a human-being? When did you choose to be conscious? I know I never choose any of this. YOU ARE HERE BECAUSE YOUR MOM AND DAD MADE YOU.

-How can love even be possible without god? I know how much me and my 4 year old twin cousins love each other. Not even the most brilliant scientist can explain our unconditional love through science. WHY ARE THERE HATE? CRIME? AND PEOPLE KILLING ANIMALS AND POLLUTING THE OCEAN, ABUSING OTHERS.... GAYS, PEOPLE WITH DEFORMITIES, PEOPLE DOING DRUGS...

Esoteric Order of Dagon
2014-04-08 04:04:59 UTC
- Chance? So what. Yes, a chance. But so what?

- Life does not need a creator. It has been proven that living matter can arise from non-living matter.

- Nobody created science. Science is not a thing but a process. It was never invented.

- Now you bring in math? Okay, prove that "chance of existing are mathematically impossible without god". You're making that claim, back it up.

All I hear for you are these questions, questions stemming from your own ignorance. You can't see how it's possible or how it works so therefore God. For all your seeming intellectual essay there it's one big argument from ignorance. I can replace God in your paragraph with any deity I like. So let me do that... now do you believe in Zeus? Of course you don't.

I implore you to get an education and stop your delusions. If you are going to use your current understanding of science to become a doctor I'd be surprised if anyone would be stupid enough to ask you for an aspirin.
2014-04-07 22:32:19 UTC
I marvel at your faith and would not change it, but you have given me the challenge.

firstly I find it just as unlikely that a single supreme would be responsible for the huge variety of life on earth could a single mind be responsible for giraffes hyenas mosquitoes and the ebola virus, and how much more wonderful does life seem if it is a kind of evolutionary struggle from beginning to end. I find much more pleasure and sense in the idea that we have somehow pulled ourselves out of the dust than the notion that we are.

Perhaps life and consciousness are impossible without a God, but surely it is equally impossible with God. If God created us, then who created God?

Science can never disprove God, because God is simply an untestable hypothesis. It is the old conundrum - if you asked me to prove that there are no elephants under my table I could explain to you that the laws of physics and biology show my table is too small to hide any elephant known to man but I can not scientifically prove that your elephant or your God does not exist.

Similarly I cannot tell you why the universe is the way it is, why stars and atoms and teapots take on certain shapes, but as a human I remain curious, I ask questions and think about possible other universes.

As a doctor, stepping into the world, I hope you begin with this spirit of enquiry, whether or not you choose to believe in a God. I hope you step into the world knowing that there is much to be learnt and science and religion don't always have readymade answers.

To sign off I have no desire to question your faith in love, but know you will learn what a precious fragile, wholly conditional
2014-04-07 22:29:49 UTC
First off if I wanted to prove God didn't exist you would never believe me because you are MORE than absolutely convinced.

If I am king, or I am a toad how does that prove anything?

We brought bacteria to the moon, maybe they are running us.

Do you know any beings who can create stars? The thing which creates stars is as different from you and me as we are from our overlords the bacteria. So you prove that you have no idea WHAT could create the universe, not which idea is more likely.

No dolphin ever measured the speed of light. To say that MAN MADE science is given by God is to waaay inflate the virtues of science. If science is God-given Einstein should be shot for his anti-Newtonian heresies. science changes. If it were God-given it would not.

-The chance of existing are mathematically impossible without god. The complexity of our molecules and life is beyond imagination. And when did YOU choose to exist? Why did you choose to be born on this planet, why a human-being? When did you choose to be conscious? I know I never choose any of this.

The chances of rolling a certain number on a vast number of dice (like all ones) might be exceedingly improbable, but with or without God improbable does not equal impossible. And why does GOD CHOOSE such an improbable scenario? If you can't answer that then improbability suggests NO GOD rather than God. Unless you have a REASON why God loves the improbable.

As for love, as Cole Porter said, "birds do it, bees do it, even educated fleas do it." Animals love their own kind. If love defines God then either all these animals are "higher" lovers too, or God hates asexual organisms. And what about hate and evil? Why does God allow those things?

I believe in God, I believe I have an idea why evil exists and why God favors complexity, but I cannot prove these things without sounding like a fool. Any God that you can "Prove" is just another science project and not the Lord of all creation. God cannot be proved, and anything that can be proved is not God.
Atheistic Buddha
2014-04-07 23:57:57 UTC
The first problem is you dichotomize the world into inanimate and animate things. Thats wrong. Everything is part of the same whole, includes us...

With that in mind...

1. Invalid to consider living things as something more special than non living things.

We dont dominate, for example, lions in terms of physical fighting. So clearly not dominant in every possible way.

2. You try to say complexity is the defining reason for the necessity of a creator. If we are so complex and need an even more complex thing to create us, tell me again why that EVEN MORE COMPLEX thing doesnt need a creator?

3. Asking why these specific properties is the same question is number 2.

4. Remember how dichotomizing is bad? Rethink who you are bud.

5. Unconditional love is a feeling of care/respect towards all, not just certain people you meet.

I can say for sure that you lack even the basic understanding of the concept of responsibility. Go read buddhism, learn that philosophy.
2014-04-07 21:32:15 UTC
1.Given that your parents are human, it would be pretty hard to imagine that they'd bear an inhuman offspring. There's no probability of being born to other species from human parents.

2. Next you commit the fallacy of incredulity. The fact is that life was made possible in the furnaces of suns, which created its ingredients. Science nowadays has abstracted three essential ingredients for life :

a. An energy source

b. Complex organic molecules

c. A liquid in which the complex molecules can interact

All these are observed in the universe at large and it is more likely than not that the universe is teeming with life. There is no evidence of some vital spark in life.

3. Science from various fields of investigation is converging on the reality of a multiverse where there are an infinite number of universes which have every possible type physics.

4. You find it incredible to be conscious and therefore assume that God did it. You are again committing the fallacy of incredulity. Consciousness can be seen to be emerging from a long process of evolution. In any case, you have no evidence that it not of this world. It's total presumption on your part.

Good luck with your quest to become a doctor.
2014-04-07 23:42:51 UTC
Your reasoning is based on nothing but vanity. The existence or nonexistence of a omnipotent spirit doesn't actually change the "odds" that a human was born human or exists at all. You want a supernatural creator to force the world to make "sense" without ever asking whether the creator itself "makes sense". It is true that God can't be disproved by science. That's obvious. After all nobody can define a certain way that anything would be different without God.
2014-04-08 23:08:44 UTC
1.) You have the 100% chance of being born human, because both of your parents (I assume both human) contributed half of the genetic material to you, in which you inherited the base DNA that makes you an anatomically modern human. Any combination of their DNA would not result in a different species.

2.) All things follow a series of cause and effect endlessly. In short the oldest high mass stars created heavier elements (as opposed to H and He) through nuclear fusion. In time these stars experienced supernovas in which these heavier elements were scattered. In time newer stars would form in nebulae, and as they form so do accretion disks. In these disks we have the material to form planetesimals, which form from gravity, and these planetesimals collide with each other forming larger objects and eventually planets. Now Earth formed with a strong gravitational field and was able to keep an atmosphere. This gave shelter to our planet and allow chemical compounds to form, until by chance a compound with the ability to duplicate itself formed. It eventually got better at its job and changed over time to become what we recognize as a cell. And so evolution took its course allowing multicellular organisms to form, and for life to change.

3.)Science cannot prove that god does not exist. But from observing the universe we determine not only how the universe works but why it works. We developed the current atomic and subatomic models by observing atoms and subatomic particles. Even so the atomic model has changed as we have improved our grasp of understanding the universe. We developed these laws by observing the universe and testing theories repeatedly. Not all theories are right, Ptolemy suggested a geocentric model but his theory was proven wrong by Copernicus and Galileo. We assume that god does not exist by fact checking religious texts and beliefs with science. The Earth is 4.54 billion years old, not several thousand. Genesis is wrong ",And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night" (Genesis 1:16), the Moon does not emit light it reflects the Sun's light.

4.) What models prove that it is mathematically impossible to exist without god? No one chooses to exist, be born, or what species they are born. The truth is life happened by chance in the process I explained above in 2.

5.) Love in its most basic unconditional form, formed as a survival tool and as a mammalian drive. As a survival tool a group is more likely to survive than one who is alone. Additionally Humans are dependent on parental help for a large portion of their lifespans compared to other mammals. Love has therefore been seen as a mechanism to promote parental support of children for this extended time period. As a mammalian drive love can be seen as a psychological extension of the need for reproduction, following the overlapping stages of lust, attraction, and attachment. You also seem to use the word love liberally.
2014-04-09 19:25:56 UTC
Lets say I have 1,000,000,000 blocks. Every single block is different. That means a block has a 1/1,000,000,000 chance in being chosen, right? Well one block has to be chosen right? I happened to be that one block.

Amino acids can and will create life from lifeless objects.

Our brain cells do not renew. They die.

Our universe happened to have these properties. (As of now we do not know exactly why, but don't just assume this means god is out there. This supports neither side.)

Luck and chance my friend.

Love is a chemical reaction inside our brains. The number of connections between neurons in our brain give us our consciousness and our emotions. This is why we can love, and many animals can feel emotions as well.
2014-04-07 21:46:17 UTC
The concept of a God and BELIEF in the existence of a God are complex issues. First, if you are going to prove something, you need to define what you are attempting to prove. What is God? To many in the past and NOW, God is just a term to represent what we don't understand. The infinite cosmos is way beyond human understanding, and whether a god exists is a function of FAITH rather than proof because God is outside the realm of scientific inquiry and proof.
2014-04-08 23:30:51 UTC
As you have a scientific mind I'm sure you can appreciate how gradual incremental adjustments using natural selection can form complexity from simplicity. I know, when chemistry became biology is very difficult to explain even by the ratcheting mechanism of natural selection. Even though the evidence for the spark of life is missing, the Darwinian process of natural select is the best explanation to date. It's a far better explanation than one of the thousands of religious explanations born of primitive people. There is extremely good evidence for evolution, and there is none whatsoever for 'God did it'.
Your The Best Friend
2014-04-07 22:16:47 UTC
God has always been here he sent his son

here to tell us about Heaven and about God the Father,

then he died for our sin, on the cross,

rose on the third say

and now sets at the right hand of God.

Protestant Christian.Thank you Jesus

Thank you Dude.
2014-04-08 00:02:18 UTC
You have conviction and I want you to keep it. The best proof is joy. When you lead an amazing life others will wonder how. That's when words teach.
2014-04-07 21:15:16 UTC
You, my friend, are smart :) Keep your connection with God strong. All praise is for God. He has no partner or son or anything. It is He who we shall return to in the end. This life is nothing but a test. This right here, determines our futures.
2014-04-08 23:30:48 UTC
i love ur last line

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