All Antichrists may rise to power on Wit, Charm, and Personality rapidly, but not-all people with Wit, Charm, and Personality are Antichrists.
1) I believe it's partly due to technology-advances and the 24/7 coverage that is now standard to most media that cover such events..
2) Back in the 50's or earlier....... our window of awareness was squelched by half if not more of that of the capacity it has increased here and now in the 21st century..
3) JFK, supposedly was similar in experience, charm, and wit of Obama... where were the nay-sayer's of his day accusing him of demonic activity? I point out not to discredit or poke fun... but there is a common premiss believed among Christians who subscribe to a literal interpretation of the book of Revelations..
4) Supposedly after the chaos of 'Armageddon' ensues there will come a period or time of peace.... then souls will be judged and Satan finally cast and destroyed somehow..
5) It would appear that everytime Americans are on the verge of creating any amount of 'Peace' some Christians get wind of it and stir up chaos to bring us back down to 'Wars and Rumors of Wars'...
6) They do this not Overtly, but its a defense-mechanism in their Psyche's that seems to be Counter-Active to anything constructive in the world of the Here and Now...
7) Between the new window's of Awareness w/ Technology, Our perceptions of Change in the World, and our Worldviews that conciously or subconsciously cloud or enlighten those very perceptions.... contributes to the subjective judgement of the "End of our World"
8) When in Fact, as a closer look at your question warrants, is Simply the "End of the world as WE KNOW IT.."wouldn't it be wonderful if we could know it in a better, more peaceful light, that Obama isn't the devil we suspect him to be.... and that we could all just get along..??