Is it the end of the world as we know it?
2008-09-07 01:02:08 UTC
There's been a lot of talk lately that sounds like real end of the world kind of stuff. We have hurricane Ike, Hanna and Gustav raging across America, and check out those devastating flood warnings here in the UK. You look at anywhere in the world there's either stupidly large storms or needless war (Iraq, Georgia, not to mention talk of a new Cold War).

Now we have Obama as well. I think it's amazing how many people on the internet are convinced he is the antichrist, but if you look at the evidence it's not that far-fetched if you believe in that kind of stuff. The bible tells of someone who will rise quickly from anonymity to become the most powerful person on earth, gaining the trust of the masses. I think there's even something in there about a "dark man in the white house", but that may just be talk.

Finally, we have the large hadron collider to be switched on next week. With storms raging, wars being fought and a possible antichrist here how fitting is it that a machine is about to be switched on that cold very well destroy the universe.

Look at the evidence. Is armageddon in our midst? Opinions please.
36 answers:
2008-09-07 01:39:25 UTC
Well, every day that passes we get one day closer to the "End of Days". But when will it be? I doubt anyone can tell and I'm sure it will come as a surprise to everyone.

Regarding Obama being the antichrist; I think he has as much chance of being the antichrist as McCain or even Bush for that matter; why do you assume that "dark" mean "of African Decent", why not "dark" as in "he has a dark and evil side to him"!

Is Armageddon in our midst? Of course not, when it happens we will know, besides it's going to happen in the Middle East, remember! Are we closer to it? Sure, we are closer today than we were yesterday - exactly one day closer!!!
No Idea
2008-09-07 01:41:58 UTC
The end of the world may well be nigh. Scientists in Europe are doing an experiment on wednesday 10 Sept (I think) when they will re create the conditions 1,000,000 th second after the Big Bang when unuiverse was formed. Other scientists are worried it may create a black hole that will suck the earth in... seriously.

Personally i was into the doom and gloom when i was a kid. Nostrodamus et al all seemed to suggest that world would end in next 20 years or so, my benchmark was if we make it to 2040 we should be ok.

I thought it was round about then the oil ran out and there would be a big fight for last drops, but seems more of environmental or asteroid situation that will do us in. There is a BIG momma out there passing CLOSE round that time that we know about, and some volcanoes are waiting to explode bit like Krakatoa. Also all of yellowstone is a crater of a super volcano due to go bang sometime, google it and have a fascinating read :)

The increased strength hurricanes are from climate change, which clever Mr Bush said didnt exist but now does as he is leaving office and its not his problem. He refused to sign up to Kyoto as it would cost too much to implement, there is a saying that USA makes 5% of worlds population and 25% of the pollution... But I wont go there. lol

As for Mc Cain and Obama .... I cannot understand the logic of the American people allowing a 72 year old man try and become President !!!! That would be of far more concern than Obama and being an antichrist. So what if he skipped Sunday School a couple of times when a kid?? :)

I would respect all politicians a lot more if they actually wrote the speechs they read. They are just mouthpieces of pressure groups and scriptwriters who know how to manipulate language to get the desired response at a rally etc. One of the main problems with Mc Cain is he cant read an autocue :)

Dont be too concerned, mankind will prevail and survive. It is good to be concerned but dont let it influence your decisions in life, what happens happens. I expect lots more things happen every day we never hear about. Sleep well and dont worry too much.
2008-09-07 01:26:42 UTC
The thing is, there's always some bad sh1t going on somewhere in the world and you have just listed a few. There are always hurricanes' earthquakes, floods and other nasty stuff (although i agree that the LHC probably shouldn't be switched on as they're dealing with power and forces way beyond their comprehension). And as for Obama, how long is it going to be before he's assassinated, should he reach the White House. Their are far too many nut jobs and racists in the good ol' U S of A to let him stay for long. And if the bullets pass through him without harming him then we'll know you were right about him. Oh and good luck when the apocalypse comes in a couple of weeks
Julian C
2008-09-07 09:42:55 UTC
If you have been watching or reading the news, then you know things are building up to something.

Here in the UK there are more and more recruitment ads on TV for the Army, Navy and Air force - which means there is another war being prepared.

The american elections are a big sham - looks like most recent presidents are members of 'skull and bones', a yale university secret society whose aim is aparently world domination.

See Alex Jones at

The media, TV, Satelite and Printed Press have been hijacked to spread propaganda, fear and hate.

Oil prices are on the rise, while alternative fuel sources are being supressed and our scientists killed.

Our drinking water is being polluted with rat poison ( Fluoride).

The credit crunch...

Nietzsche said that 'revolution would come silently' and it looks like the opening scene has already begun.

The world changed on 9 11, but how many people noticed?

New fascist laws are being drawn up every day accross the world - not just in the US with the Patriot act, which basically allows for the torture and killing of any person they see fit - efectively destroying the american constitution.

Aids drugs more lethal than aids itself.

We are living this armageddon and if anything happens in 2012 - which is officially the 'end of the world', lets hope its a big wake up call when we say no to the new world order.
2008-09-07 01:42:58 UTC
There's always been war - needless and otherwise. Many, many people have risen from anonymity to control "the masses" in one way or another. In fact Hitler may have more aptly been called the "antichrist".

For someone who isn't religious - your question has an awful lot of religious overtones...! I suspect you had a religious background. Also, if you're not religious Armageddon would mean nothing to you. Rather than ask questions on here, why don't you sit back and look at yourself and think about what you truly believe in.
2008-09-07 01:38:41 UTC
All Antichrists may rise to power on Wit, Charm, and Personality rapidly, but not-all people with Wit, Charm, and Personality are Antichrists.

1) I believe it's partly due to technology-advances and the 24/7 coverage that is now standard to most media that cover such events..

2) Back in the 50's or earlier....... our window of awareness was squelched by half if not more of that of the capacity it has increased here and now in the 21st century..

3) JFK, supposedly was similar in experience, charm, and wit of Obama... where were the nay-sayer's of his day accusing him of demonic activity? I point out not to discredit or poke fun... but there is a common premiss believed among Christians who subscribe to a literal interpretation of the book of Revelations..

4) Supposedly after the chaos of 'Armageddon' ensues there will come a period or time of peace.... then souls will be judged and Satan finally cast and destroyed somehow..

5) It would appear that everytime Americans are on the verge of creating any amount of 'Peace' some Christians get wind of it and stir up chaos to bring us back down to 'Wars and Rumors of Wars'...

6) They do this not Overtly, but its a defense-mechanism in their Psyche's that seems to be Counter-Active to anything constructive in the world of the Here and Now...

7) Between the new window's of Awareness w/ Technology, Our perceptions of Change in the World, and our Worldviews that conciously or subconsciously cloud or enlighten those very perceptions.... contributes to the subjective judgement of the "End of our World"

8) When in Fact, as a closer look at your question warrants, is Simply the "End of the world as WE KNOW IT.."wouldn't it be wonderful if we could know it in a better, more peaceful light, that Obama isn't the devil we suspect him to be.... and that we could all just get along..??
2008-09-09 05:09:04 UTC
The recent storms may be one of the effects of global warming. OTOH, we have storms every year: Sometimes several and they are really bad. It's not that surprising.

And this antichrist stuff is nonsense! The message in the Book of Revelation is very clear that the antichrist is someone with whom virtually the whole world is smitten and takes into their hearts. So Obama, McCain, Gore and W. are all out! It would have to be someone more like Dave Chapelle or Julia Roberts. Someone we all really like.
2008-09-07 02:01:54 UTC
The Mayans studied the stars and other astronomy and that is how they made up the calendar. Well, that is not all they happen to discover or believed. The Mayans say by the year 2012, it will be doomsday for us humanity. Weathers will get crazy and obsurd. Scary right? Says all of California will soon be covered by body of water only will be due to a disasterous and enormous tsunami. And other unimaginable results that we don't even want to know. Yes it is scary to think about. But is it a myth? If you google "2012", you will see nothing but doomsday, apocolypse, end of the world, yada yada ya. It's ridiculously crazy people.
2008-09-07 01:45:26 UTC
i personally think all the events you mentioned are hyped up by the different forms of media just to frighten people.

the storms raging across the planet are nothing,adverse weather conditions have always occurred through the eons of time and will continue to do so,it only looks bad because the media are there blowing it up out of all proportions.

as for obama,he will just be like all his predecessors,money mad and war hungry who will try to win a second term through terrorising other countries with unjust wars and invasions.the bible is bunk

the large hadron collider is just another mad cap experiment which i believe wont reveal any significant new discoveries and will ultimately be abandoned wasting millions of dollars

all i can say to you is the world will end for you on the day you die,but for others left behind it will continue until they come to pass
2008-09-07 02:08:27 UTC
Since I live in Switzerland, if everything goes pear-shaped on Wednesday, I'll be one of the first to go. Until then, it's business as usual.

To the Creationists out there; God doesn't need an anti-Christ. He might just get the idea that his project has failed, shake his head and scrap it.

By the way, even if you believe that Jesus existed, the Christ idea came from St. Paul, who never met Jesus. So without a Christ, how can you have an anti-Christ?
2008-09-07 14:50:26 UTC
oh yeah, like the masses of people are all gonna believe in and trust Obama. What about the people of china who make up a large percentage of the worlds population? Its not likely. He's not even all that popular. You just worrying for the sake of worry, get a drink down ya neck man
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2008-09-07 05:07:24 UTC
I hear there is a 1 in 50,000,000 chance that the Cern thing could have a negative effect on the life of the universe, but then again there are so many possible ways that the earth could end why should it be like this.
Harry K
2008-09-07 13:51:28 UTC
If you consider a long-predicted strong hurricane season to be a sign of the end of the world and the Democratic nominee for President to be the anti-Christ, then I strongly suggest talking to a professional counselor about your concerns. I think such counseling could be very helpful to you in easing those concerns.
2008-09-07 02:01:05 UTC
The end of the world comes for everyone on our individual death, and for humanity when we become extinct.

Our planet has not died a winter yet and continues to replenish itself by volcanic eruption, earthquake, ice ages, and yes! wait for it, Global warming.

With regards to the Hadron Collider; When did we ever consider the consequenses of our actions ?
2008-09-07 01:26:46 UTC
If you look at what has happened over the last 500 years 1940's looked much more like the end of the world especially if you were German.
meditation and mango juice
2008-09-07 01:50:47 UTC
if robert mugabe stood for president he would raise lots of votes.

obama is arrogant and has assumed a vocabulary that has grabbed his american fans by the bollox.

what can he honestly change. he is totally powerless over people places and things.

A humble man wouldnt sell the crap he is selling about change.

change what .. IRAQ.. i dont think so

change what The violence in america...after all more americans are killed by americans.. i dont think so.

chnge what.. peace instead of war.. i dont think so.

change what the drug addicts alcoholics, sex addicts,.,. gamblers.. poverty... i dont think so.

obama is no different, He is mixed race, and i am so pleased he is being a positive role model in terms of power.

I like obama, and hope he gets a go .

its the end of your world as you see it if you lçike

My world is constantly ending as it goes through changes.

I have two worlds. one is in side, and the other is yours the outside, and i am powerless over itand so is obama and george hilary tony blair mugabe the horrible peice of **** who has been allowed by black people to slaughter thousands of innocent black paople.

mi inside world changes but yours stays the same stagnant, smelly, and going downhill more violent. more polluted.....sad
2008-09-07 01:18:33 UTC

I was a product of the 60's Make love NOT war

and I still think Obama is a hope and a dream of the politically correct.

We humans change, nature changes and all at the same time it stays basically the same.
Mogollon Dude
2008-09-07 03:08:43 UTC
The norm in the universe is change . When we become accustom to a calm period then the feelings of fear come when faced with change and we are not prepared mentally or physically for it .
2008-09-07 02:25:25 UTC
I hope so, I'm sick of watching americans vote idiots in as their president. Mr Obama doesn't stand a chance, he's too intelligent and that scares people.
2008-09-07 01:17:36 UTC
But know this, in the last days men will be lovers of themselves, self assuming, haughty, blasphemers, unthankful, disloyal, lovers of pleasures rather than lovers of God, having a form of Goldly devotion, but proving false to its power...
2008-09-07 01:21:48 UTC
Who's been watching too many movie's. Terminator??? The day after tomorrow??? Next you will be saying that Robot's will come from another planet and disguise themselves as vehicles.
devils advo
2008-09-07 01:21:51 UTC
sounds like business as usual to me ,dont get paranoid it really is the same as it ever was!,infact in the past it has been much worse!
2008-09-07 06:12:28 UTC
2008-09-07 01:16:42 UTC
thats the advantage of been an athiest...we dont believa all that armageddon bullshit in the bible.

so to me no,its not the end of the world
william k
2008-09-07 01:15:47 UTC
Religous people need to get a grip! they live in a world of fantasy and dellusion...........go and watch then WAKE up and be real.
2008-09-07 01:17:11 UTC
I very much doubt it this is nearly as bad as the conspiracy theorists
2008-09-07 01:15:38 UTC
its funny to think that way

world well end without alarm

Nick K
2008-09-07 01:28:08 UTC
Its the end of the world as we know it....


(Aliens then procede to kill us all)
2008-09-07 01:36:27 UTC
I doubt it
2008-09-07 01:23:11 UTC
I think it's time too shoot myself, bye.
2008-09-07 01:15:16 UTC
Diamond V
2008-09-07 01:12:43 UTC
im scared
2008-09-07 01:18:05 UTC
i really do not care.
Cutie Pie!
2008-09-07 01:13:52 UTC
:( Im scared!x
2008-09-07 01:38:40 UTC
thanks for that, would of been better if you never said anything.

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