Consciousness and energy. How do they differ? If consciousness impacts energy and neither energy nor consciousness can be destroyed....?
2015-06-02 17:56:55 UTC
....they both simply change form.

Is energy just another word for consciousness then?
23 answers:
2015-06-04 23:21:03 UTC
When Dr. William Levengood, biophysicist and scientist extraordinaire, began to study plants and soils from crop formations in 1989, he had no idea that this research would eventually reveal astounding secrets about energy and the nature of consciousness. Although he began with materials from crop circles, he soon began to examine materials from cattle mutilation sites, UFO sites, people who had been in contact with ETs, and people who could demonstrate unusual energies. Along the way, he met Penny Kelly, long-time researcher of consciousness, and the two began to work together, forming a team that would lead to amazing conclusions.

Part mystery, part science, and part consciousness, the book tells the story of Levengood’s discovery of a new form of energy in plants, animals, and humans. This energy was all the more remarkable because it responded directly to consciousness. As the research and collaboration continued, it yielded an entirely new array of insights.

Some of the results include the first scientific explanation of crop circles, a new theory postulating that humans, plants, and animals are a collection of plasmas, an explanation of subtle energies, new technology for measuring subtle energies, technology that can track and measure the action of both individual consciousness and global consciousness, validation of intuition, a scientific understanding of what happens in a kundalini experience, and deep insights into the nature of spiritual transformation. This is the second book in a 3-volume set focused on extraordinary research into consciousness and energy, and in this volume, science and spirituality come together in ways that present us with an entirely new worldview. Go to to purchase the book. It is also available on Kindle!
2015-06-02 23:47:50 UTC
Energy in it's most basic form (before it comes into existence in the physical world) is quite interesting even though we know almost nothing about it. I've a similar hypothesis, that energy and consciousness are similar, and that consciousness is just concentrated energy. There is a being we call God. Okay everyone agrees on that even though not everyone agrees on Gods' existence. So, how do you create a soul then? How do you create something which can be considered "sentient"? Well, there's still a lot we and especially I don't know, but it appears logical to me that you can't. The only way to do that is to split an already existing soul into two or more meaning that everyone and everything is God to an extent, a tiny God if you will. Okay, so what is God? No one really knows. I hypothesize that God is some kind of sentient energy, which "gave birth" to all other forms of energy. Basically one that split into many, and eventually will return to being "one".
neil s
2015-06-02 23:24:18 UTC
Consciousness allows for intelligence. Energy is just the ability to do work, and does not imply intelligence.

Now, a lot of the answers here suggest people are convinced that consciousness has a physical basis. This may be true, but is looking less and less likely. That doesn't mean it can't be destroyed. It also doesn't seem to change form, instead merely having different content. The bare awareness seems to be identical.
Q The First Timelord
2015-06-07 13:09:12 UTC
Some people believe everything is energy. Others may believe all is consciousness. Some identify this consciousness by name - God, Allah, Buddha, and so on. And there's still others that believe it's all thought.

Me? I believe it's all the above and so much more that even i can't comprehend.

On that note. When city workers place a road sign that says "35mph" on the street, for whatever reason, and a car passes by at 55mph, if there's a police officer around, they will issue a warning or a ticket to the offender.

But there's a question about what prompted the city worker to put up that sign to begin with. If you dig, you'll find there's a myriad of reasons it could have been put up - all equally valid.

Maybe someone did a case study and found out that road had a high incidence of high speed fatalities, so they posted the speed limit sign as a reminder to 'slow down'.

Maybe a group of police officers learned their staff was going to be cut, so they paid a city worker to place a few more road signs up which boosted revenue for the police force and saved them from staff reduction.

Maybe a child was hurt on the road and a group of parents got together and paid the city extra money to reduce the speed limit with children around and as an extra reminder to the drivers to ay attention to their speed.

In any case. The laws of a community almost never have lawyers involved, and almost always involve spontaneous reaction to a problem the system has identified as a problem. Is this good? Not always, without checks and balances, without the police actually asking questions of the laws they enforce, and without lawyers occasionally reviewing the status of things, this can end up in mob rule and end up terrorizing those who don't abide.

Where am i going with this?

The laws of physics are human made laws that constrain nature.

Let me say that again.

The laws of physics are human made laws which constrain nature (I changed that to which for emphasis)

What does that mean?

Let's say you have a law of physics that's reinforced by belief that energy cannot be created nor destroyed.

Then a man like Einstein comes along, and theories that energy is convertible to mass.

In a 'closed' system where there's energy involved, let's say - a battery for instance, the energy rule might be valuable, right, because it would prevent explosion of that battery.

But as we're finding more and more galaxies, and finding direct evidence that space itself is expanding in all directions, scientists have YET to review their own laws and theories based on new information.

How can everything be energy and support the law of conservation of nature and yet be expanding unless there's something else at work scientists aren't connecting the dots on?

I'll simplify this for you:

I'm God. I'd prefer being called Q now, as I am tired of the bipolar schizophrenic fight of playing both the devil and god at the same time. Too much work.

In any case, Einstein did me a favor and decoupled energy from my consciousness, and also explained something about this universe - that everything is NOT energy, energy is merely one state of being of thought and consciousness, but there are infinite potential states of beings of thought and consciousness.

The law of conservation of energy - energy cannot be created nor destroyed. Remains intact. no expansionism of energy has to occur. But expansionism of space outside of energy can - and has - thanks to one simple equation - e=c^2 - in amounts Einstein probably never imagined possible.

I know that's a horribly roundabout way of answering the question. So to be succinct:

Energy is but one possible 'projection' of a conscious entity. And that entity can apparently transform itself to mass at will. But that one conscious entity is not the only conscious entity in 'reality', of which many do not necessary have equations which tie them together :-)

Put in lawyer talk:

Just because all grotts are gobs and some gobs are motts does not mean ANY grotts are motts.
2015-06-02 18:00:09 UTC
Consciousness is the state of being awake and aware of one's surroundings. Energy is the strength and vitality required for sustained physical or mental activity. You could say energy powers one mind to have consciousness. Only energy cannot be destroyed. Consciousness is destroyed once the mind dies.
2015-06-02 20:48:56 UTC
Energy is consciousness in its animated form. Consciousness builds up the reservoir of energy within you. Once this energy reaches its saturation point, the lock gates open and the entire energy is released. If the consciousness is evil then it releases negative energy that cuts and scorches. But if it is good then the world is swept by the power of love. So build up a pool of positive energy inside you by accumulating good thoughts through your consciousness. The world is parched and is waiting for that powerful force of good that only you can unleash.
2015-06-03 00:36:43 UTC
Very good question. First you have to understand that the limits of our Consciousness is not the extent of all which that pertains to Consciousness. Because we are in Earth Plane, which is essentially a School. A lot about our truest form, states, levels, purposes and previous lives are purposely veiled up, simply because it serves no purpose to our Life Missions in this plane.

Everything that you Experience in ALL unfolding moments, happens with a purpose of both directly and indirectly related with you. Everything that you experience including the pebble you stumble upon on the street, are all conscious of you, because you are conscious of them as well. And even if you are not conscious of them, by existing in a plane where we are conscious about them, same consciousness empowers them to existence not just in substance but also in meaning.

So your assumption is right, that Consciousness is Energy. It is the Living Force. Materialization is the denseness of Consciousness. That is why temporal living is also called Third Dimension. Senses (Seeing, Hearing, Feeling, Tasting, Smelling) are the densest of Sensation (Gross Sensation). Knowing is one of the Subtle Sensation.

Everything that we witness are all moving, even if we stand still, the world moves, and the Earth moves with the Solar System She is part of also move around the center of the Galaxy are all Conscious and equally conscious of YOU. The Sun, the Moon, the Stars and all things Great and Small, Seen and Unseen, Comprehensible and Incomprehensible are all Consciousness of the Living Force that is Infinite.

A part of the Whole even he only knows in part, retains to be part of the Wholeness he belongs to. But what the Part knows is not the extent of all Wholeness. Consciousness cannot be destroyed in the sense we understand destruction. But Consciousness can Die, Death in Consciousness is like being reformatted. The Hard Drive exist but the contents are wiped out, the destructive force is transmuted so that it cannot be destructive any more.

A destructive individual who pass on, is not full in consciousness of his workings while incarnated. Only when he pass on, where he can fully reflect and assess his own workings to be acceptable of not. It simply cannot be lied upon like a black sheep in a flock of white. He will stand out and will naturally feel unclean. At such he will revert back to incarnation after some healing.

Life do not end simply because we end, it goes on. Work do not stop but it goes on. Serving a purpose above our own measure. Aiding evolutionary growth for all Sentient Beings. We do not die and just Harp Around the clouds for all eternity, we do work and a lot will get to meet the True Universe not just the outer space we mislabel to be the Universe.

The Force is Eternal and It is Infinite. You can call It any name you like, but it will always refer to the same thing. You can understand partly or fully, but it will not diminish Its own truest worth. Because it is Everything and Everyone.
2015-06-03 16:24:12 UTC
No, energy is a measure of the ability of a system to perform work. A brain, which is not synonymous with consciousness, RUNS on energy (glucose basically), but it's not the same thing.
Gopala Krishna
2015-06-08 22:50:28 UTC
Think in simple terms. You will get the answer.

Your body is like a car and your consciousness is like the driver driving it.

A car needs fuel and a driving force in the form of driver to ignite and move the car.

Fuel and driver both are forms of energy. But they are not the same.

Driver is not made of fuel. Fuel is provided by nature. Consciousness is provided by Universal Consciousness or God.
2015-06-03 00:13:41 UTC
Everything is energy. But not everything is conscious. As far as having an impact on energy, now is our time to do that if we must. May as well become conscious of that and start doing something about it before we die and are no longer able to have any affect or effect on it.
2015-06-02 18:09:54 UTC
Consciousness is like a filter or lens, and energy is like the light. What we focus on , we direct energy towards. Unfortunately English language is very limiting, as these concepts are widely studied and documented in ancient Sanskrit texts.

COnsciousness allows for a concentration of energy and a specificity to an otherwise unorganised vague energy state. We are more like focal points of the whole, making different aspects of the whole conscious and aware. As we become aware , so does the source, whose extension is the witness in each of us, the awareness and existence itself.

We are like reality decoders and processors, as we decode information, filter it, we recognise and therefore direct energy to the next 'stage' leading to an ever-evolving perfection.

So energy is not interchangeable with consciousness, energy is the constant flow, which is directed through consciousness.
2015-06-02 18:02:34 UTC
No, energy is not another word for consciousness. You're making a mistake thinking that your mind is a separate entity and not simply a function of your physical body. And what exactly is energy? Even if it can't be destroyed that doesn't mean it retains its form forever. Matter can't be destroyed but when I die my body doesn't retain its form, does it? Since matter and energy are two sides of the same coin I would expect the same. There is no ghost in the machine. Sorry.
2015-06-04 05:39:30 UTC
I think that depends on how abstract you wish to be. My concept of "energy" is the capacity to do "physical" work (that is, based on physics, work=force X distance)). As for "consciousness", I'm afraid no opinion is possible since we have yet to understand what "consciousness" is (after all to understand this we would have to be able to understand, personally, what lack of consciousness is and this is clearly not possible, any more than a fish could understand what "dry" is). I suppose one could simply insist on defining "consciousness" as that state in which action is possible - of course this simply begs the question since it reflects only an aspect of the manifestation of consciousness.

Take a look at Thomas Nagel's book "Mind and Cosmos" where he discusses the notion that "consciousness", unless it can be viewed "from outside", must remain an enigma. He also wrote a book titled, I believe, "What's it like to be a bat" in which he deals with the same conceptual problem. BTW he was given a Nobel prize for his work in "Mind and Cosmos".
2015-06-02 22:34:49 UTC
I think, May be, Consciousness is the Perceiving Waves of the Energy, May be, Which are the "SHOW OFF" of the Actions of the Energy, Which May be Limited to the Humans or Which May Evolved Into Its Acknowledgment of Its "SHOWING OFF" Through the Humans Perceiveness.
2015-06-02 22:13:56 UTC
You are made up of energy, but the conciousness directs much of that energy. The truth is we are afraid to be of one conciousness... or else there would be no conciousness at all! We fear death, there is no conciousness after death; How can you fear something that has never happened to you? You will be of one conciousness (although not concious by definition). You will feel and experience commfort but it is constant and without memory. It is not easy to describe, you will be a part of many things that just are.
2015-06-02 20:59:30 UTC
"Is energy just another word for consciousness then?"

no, energy and consciousness already have definitions.



1.the strength and vitality required for sustained physical or mental activity.

"changes in the levels of vitamins can affect energy and well-being"

synonyms. vitality, vigor, life, liveliness, animation, vivacity, spirit, spiritedness, verve, enthusiasm, zest, vibrancy, spark, sparkle, effervescence, ebullience, exuberance, buoyancy, sprightliness

2. power derived from the utilization of physical or chemical resources, especially to provide light and heat or to work machines.


the property of matter and radiation that is manifest as a capacity to perform work (such as causing motion or the interaction of molecules).

"a collision in which no energy is transferred"

a degree or level of energy possessed by something or required by a process."



1. the state of being awake and aware of one's surroundings.

2. the awareness or perception of something by a person.

3. the fact of awareness by the mind of itself and the world."

if you want to know about consciousness talk to an anesthesiologist; very interesting stuff. there are levels consciousness and they are typically correlated to electrical activity in the brain.

consciousness requires energy; energy is everywhere(this is fact)...consciousness has been theorized to be everywhere but at this point that is just a theory.

How does consciousness impact energy?
2015-06-09 10:54:44 UTC
in this case Consciousness gets a capital letter and and energy does not.
2015-06-03 01:56:39 UTC
Soul and Human Consciousness in a Single Theory

Energy cannot affect soul because it is immortal.
2015-06-03 01:53:54 UTC
Soul provides Human Consciousness

Energy can get destroyed because it is not immortal. Soul is immortal.
2015-06-05 08:53:06 UTC
Consciousness is a brainy thing & energy is worky thing.
2015-06-02 23:59:41 UTC
2015-06-04 10:06:35 UTC
2015-06-04 21:11:28 UTC
Perhaps they do not.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.